While I did not have time for a lot of gaming lately,
It should absolutely be removed for sim game modes.
Ground sim:
Self-evident. You do NOT get to pick what BR you’re playing that day. If you don’t care for weird modern gizmos, you might end up rolling rank 1/rank 2 tanks as your only options for a few days and get locked out at no fault of your own.
Air sim:
While you CAN pick your BR there, you cannot with a straight face tell me it’s easier to earn score in a plane that:
- Has terrible sights, often telescopic but the very least no gyroscopic aid or a complex sight but just a circle or crosshair
- Flies at 350-400 km/h on a good day in level flight.
- Has a non-existent rear visibility
- Has no trim
- Has peashooters with bad ballistics for guns
- Canopy is full of support frames giving even more blindspots
over a plane that:
- Has trim
- Has 20mm cannons or tons of 50 cals
- Bubble canopy
- Gyroscopic gunsight or a complex design that aids deflection shooting
- Top speed around 500-600 km/h depending of turnfighter or BnZer.
- Simpler MEC if using it (e.g: auto prop pitch, auto gears)
Much less a plane with:
- Guided munition
- mach 1+ top speed
- Radar gunsight (if implemented right)
- Radar for spotting.
Even though your opponents deal with the same issues, the much slower travel time and longer time-to-kill means fewer kills per unit time even if you perform at the same relative skill to your enemy.
On top of this, Rank 1/rank 2 planes in air sim I feel are anything but seal clubbing. It’s seal-clubbing to take out a BR10+ plane as all the premiums are there and people flock to it due to lack of left-turning tendencies to flying and radar making.
And new players going into sim, barring past air sim experience, will get whacked for a good 24 hours or so until it clicks regardless of what BR they fly (and flying at rank I and II will be inherently harder due to lack of trim, proper gunsights and terrible canopy). So arguing we cannot get event participation for daring fly our hellcats and wildcats, early spitfires, messerschmidts and whatnot because it’d be seal-clubbing is irrelevant.
Even looking at the same rough plane model you can see how rank I/rank II variants are worse/harder to fly than later models.
F4U-4: Bubble canopy, perfect visibility all around and handles like a dream.
F4U-1: No rear visibility
F6F/5: Terrible visibility, no radar, peashooters (rank II)
F6F/-5N: Weird handling due to off-center weight (trimmable), has radar, terrible visibility, hammer of god guns. (rank III)
Another hilarious air sim thing:
P-51-C-10: 4.0 rank II
P-51 (cannonstang): 4.0 rank III.
The seal-clubbing argument works for air RB maybe but for the love of god please remove it from ground and air sims.
As a bonus point, I doubt all the zombers and abusers who ruin ju-288 and 10.0 lobbies for event farming will bother us at rank I/II levels because hoo boy, if you thought the fighters are sluggish at this bracket the bombers are a whole another deal!