The Python 3 on the F15I is missing

The israeli airforce site clearly state here it has python 3


python 3 is useless at that br
what it really needs and deserves is python 4


Yeah we know that but python 4 has been in the files for who knows how much time

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It’s also missing the derby


Python 3 is the R3S of top tier lmao


I mean, there arw a lot of stuff that are useless but are there for options, they should add python 3

I didnt heard about derby on the F15I i heard its only the F16

But the Derby Er is possible not derby tho

All derby variants were made usable/compatible with all IAF aircraft, this includes the F-15A Baz “Meshupar” upgraded to F-15C standards, F-15C Akef, F-15B Baz “Meshupar”, F-15D Akef, all F-15I aircraft, and eventually the F-15IA (F-15EX standards). Rafael stated this I believe.


If an aircraft can use the Derby ER, it can use the I-Derby and Derby as well.


Personally, F-15I Ra’am armed Python 4 only like F-16C/D Block 30/40 Barak I & Barak II and F-16I Sufa

Python 3 for F-4E Kurnass 2000, F-15A/B Baz, F-15C/D Baz & Baz Meshupar, Kfir C.7 and Kfir C.10

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True, however if we’re talking about compatibility, it should still exist at the very least. Who knows, maybe there’s a player or two who want Python 3s for customs, video making, or to just goof off.

Besides, I’d much rather have the Python 3 replace all the instances of the Aim-9L on the top tier aircraft’s armaments. They did stop using the 9L after obtaining the Python 3 and 9M right? I mean I’m sure they still used any Aim-9Ls that might have been a part of their stockpiles to get rid of them, but they likely prioritized the Python 3 over the 9L in the same way they prioritized the Python 4 over the 9M.

please no, i do not want to have to research a useless modification when i get this thing

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Getting the python 3s stock on it, and removing the 9L entirely, would be the best outcome imo. Shitty missile, get it stock, only 4 max, profit.

Even if not removing 9L (Because i know snail likes to make useless modifications to inflate grind), even just replacing 9L with P3 as a mod would be fine. You are never going to use either again once you get 9M’s, so may as well make it a domestic thing than an export thing.

In the future, yes. But i do not think it needs Python 4 right now.

It’d be the best IR missile ingame, and given F-15I is arguably the best ASF ingame already, it really doesn’t need that buff at this moment in time, and it’d be sad to see P4 get nerfed just to shoehorn it in now. I don’t have faith in the snail to De-nerf it when the meta allows, like they did with Magics.

We 100% need to see it get domestic A2G munitions sooner rather than later though.

Is it really that bad? I absolutely love them on the F-5E and the Kfir C.2. They ignore flares often enough, and one even got me today (not afterburning).

It seems like a trade off of range, speed, max Gs, vs IRCCM when compared to the 9M. Of course, 9M has the best IRCCM in the game, so maybe a bad trade off haha.

It really is just the lack of IRCCM i think.

I had a really good time using Netz w/ P3 in it’s heyday, but even then, they always felt very flare hungry to me. It’s an amazing missile for taking out oblivious / distracted people, but far too easy to counter for people who see it coming. Everyone has CM in abundance at top tier now too.

I found it was very common for people to accidentally / unintenionally ‘flare’ it, simply by firing off their own missile at someone lol. P3 loves to go after freshly launched missiles.


Something I have noticed, many missiles that are strong against flares on paper (Python, R-73, 9L) will LOVE to go for random “accidental” flares, or even other missiles, but strangely can be very hard to flare off on purpose… WT is truly mysterious sometimes.

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Thunderwar do be whacky like that lol.

Kinematically, i much prefer P3 to 9L/9M, and i think it it’s flatly superior to 9L. But 9M is just in a different league in terms of situations where its basically unavoidable. I’d always choose 9M over P3 if given the choice.

P4 on the other hand… That will be nuts. I’m genuinely scared for the overall gameplay health when missiles like P4/P5 come. People are really going to struggle to adapt to a meta where IR missiles basically evolve into an ‘i win’ button lol.

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9M is kinda mind blowing. Even the smokeless motor makes a way bigger difference than I thought it would. Many just don’t react at all. The ONLY time it has ever struggled was against an Su-39 IRCM. Genuinely made 4 missiles fail, I couldn’t believe it. In all other scenarios, it has been a basically guaranteed kill.

I really really do not think we can have the next gen of IR missiles, unless we get br 16.0 lol. Even now they are only kept in check due to having some relative downside. Usually only 2, maybe 4 Magic 2s, 9M having relatively shorter range and less pull. Python 4, IRIS-T, etc. are gonna be wild.

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