So I’ve been playing since around 2014/15 and keeping an eye on the game over the years watching it I’ve watched its slow ups and downs but lately, I have seen it slowly getting worse at least at high-tier bit by bit, A few Examples
Cost of air spawns especially with things such as the planes we have at top tier, I don’t normally say planes are too much as its combined arms they are meant to be there but the loadouts on things such as the SU-34 with its mach 2 missiles where someone can get maybe a kill and an assist and spawn one in to launch them in seconds of spawning their plane and kill what maybe 3-4 people right off the bat?? that really seem fair and balanced?? not just that plane but just an example.
Map’s getting pushed smaller and smaller(Low tier its not as bad but when you have modern day tanks fighting at what Id say is point blank for most of them)(Yes we have simulator mode but thats obviously dependent what vehicles are in the line-up) Also as someone stated with the sniping spots not all of the tanks are meant for brawling for example the archer yet maps seem to be getting smaller or at least high tier tanks seem to be getting smaller maps for lower tier’s that and certain spots such as hills where you can get to cover your team are getting cut off so you cant go there, go try brawl with that then come tell me thats fun :p. This also doesn’t help with spawn camping as the smaller the maps get the faster its gonna happen…
Also on top of this, I feel the maps are especially too small for top-tier planes in Ground RB as if you have someone chasing you down you can literally go to the edge of the map its that small for the planes at top end B.R brackets and do the “Return to Battlefield” to lose missile locks etc at the moment, that and not really having space to maneuver especially if you have a Pantsir with a 20KM!!! range on the enemy team
1-2 game modes since 2015… I say 2 because you could technically class the game modes we have now as Team Deathmatch or capture the point like in Call of Duty other than when we have the * Events * in other words tests lol
This post isn’t to rage or anything I am just curious about what other people think and the solutions to them maybe as don’t get me wrong it is a good game but definitely needs improving. If you have anything to add btw feel free as the tag says it is a discussion :)
I don’t know about air or naval, but in ground Gaijin is working very hard to dumb the game down trying to make it more accessible to new players.
In my opinion it doesn’t work. They are just slowly ruining the game.
Small CQC funnel maps might be fun in the lower tiers, but in higher tiers it’s a kiss of death. It’s just not fun to play.
Basically, everything they did map wise in 2023-2024 have been a catastrophe.
Kinda what I mean and the funny thing is each person I spoke to personally trying to get in to the game wasn’t even bothered with the size of maps etc it was more overwhelmed by either the amount of vehicles with nations that or it just simply wasn’t their type of game which is fair honestly but not 1 person I spoke to had a problem with the maps, Thats not everyone I know ofc but still there was quite a few since 2015 :p, As for naval honestly feels the same you spawn and shell each others spawn and if your lucky make it out.
Also something I noticed and I dont know about anyone else but I have premium right now and have a bit but even though I do the ban/dislike maps and like others its like it doesn’t even make a difference?? That and Air RB mode I play quite often(Taking a break till the bloody typhoon radar is fixed) I have the “Participate in battles with smaller team sizes” ticked and have since the past couple of weeks and not once have I had a game with less than 10 and no that’s not an exaggeration I quite literally haven’t. Its nice of them implementing things like that but pointless when it hardly works.
They need to overhaul a load of behind the scenes stuff. Like the fact aircraft damage models havent been updated in 10 years.
There is too much emphasis on new vehicles and not enough on actually having those vehicles be in a good shape when added or the game they operate in being in a good shape. Really frustating waiting for year old reports to be actioned
Game is mediocre at best, it was something that had good potential but it was too much effort to invest time and money into by Gaijin. Especially at how easy it was and still is, to rinse the player base of cash.
It has cornered a very niche market and it is making sure it milks it for every bent cent it is worth.
Also just thought Id add Its also shows a great game when you have IVF’s such as the HSTV/L and 2S38 outranging some SPAA in some cases lol… seen it plenty of times in top tier 1 shot and boom 2S38 kills a plane xD not saying anything here but premium…
Vaporware feature as far as I’m concerned. I’ve had that box checked since the day they implemented it however long ago it was now, and I’ve never once spawned in a small group high tier match. Not once. I keep checking to see if I still have it set. It does zippo.
Likes/Dislikes mean nothing. They just tell Gaijin if you like the map or not. It’s a rating system and doesn’t impact your matchmaking. Banning will though.
I’d like to throw in another couple of things Gaijin has done against players.
(1) When they came out with the “Sons of Attila” update, they modified the economy so many vehicles which were approaching completion were suddenly done… But you couldn’t have them because they shuffled tiers and now there were prerequisites which didn’t exist when we were funnelling research points in to those craft. Took me 150 days to get my F9F-8 Cougar that all that remained was the purchase… Which was prohibited. When I reported the glitch, customer service replied that it wasn’t an error.
(2) Came out with an update (don’t remember which one) that had a number of glitches. Okay, nobody’s perfect. Fix it, reimburse players and move on. One of the glitches was no squadron points for over 2 days. When they fixed it, there was no reimbursement for those lost squadron points. When I contacted customer service, they answered there was no way to reimburse those points and killed my bug report. How can it not be possible to reimburse points lost through no fault of our own (except being stupid enough to play a Gaijin game). It’s all 1’s and 0’s and they are the administrators with the power to change everything.
There have been many more incidents where Customer service response equates to, "It’s your own fault for playing this game. It’s like they are EAGER to drive away loyal customers. (I’ve played without missing a day for 6 years).
I also play “Raid: Shadow Legends.” They also have bugs and glitches but they are very forthcoming with rewards for sticking with them. “Our mistake. Here have some silver and boosters and other freebies while we fix it.” Gaijin’s response is always, “So sorry. Here, why don’t you buy this premium craft and pay to upgrade your vehicles. We’re still not going to fix the problem but you’ll feel better with more premiums.”
Dont forget how they Hype those premium’s up so people buy them then Nerf them into the ground like they did with the Harrier G.R.7 like a week later 😂(of-course they dont nerf them all in to the ground… Think you guys have an idea which ones I mean)
Slowly declining? No. It declined rapidly after about 2017, continued going downhill until around last year and has stagnated ever since. Some improvements have been done recently, but fundamental flaws have been ignored and they have doubled down on poor decisions.
More and more powercreep. More top tier premiums with increasingly ridiculous prices. Modes being neglected, like Assault and EC. I literally can’t play a round of air assault without my game crashing at least once, and even then, the fact Gaijin didn’t care to make more BR brackets so Me 262s don’t have to play against F-16s on a single match or so that 13.0 + can enter the mode. They opened the floodgates for copy-paste vehicles and pretend they’re “new”, like the Soviet line on the Italian tech tree. Oops, I mean, the “Hungarian” line. Or that new SPG they added last patch, I’m sure it was desperately needed to have it in 6 different nations. Imagine having to play the US tech tree to play vehicles from the US, that would be a crazy idea, wouldn’t it? Every nation needs an F-16. Every nation needs a Gripen, or an F-84, or a T-80, because all nations blending together into the same homogeneous blend of copy-paste nonsense doesn’t get repetitive and isn’t lazy.
Not just that but If they put any in Sim games good luck Identifying who is enemy and who is not 😭 Also tbf gaijin cant blame you for Tk’s in that either because as I said you literally wont be able to tell who is fighting for who, On a sidenote though I dont think they will put say an M4 against an M4 on sim but who knows I could be wrong, Also do they ever do top tier sim?? because every time I go do it It always seems to be low tier.
I do feel your pain concerning the copy-paste situation. However, in all fairness, a major part of that issue is actually the nations themselves. As weapon systems get more expensive, fewer nations are building their own indigenous systems and more are buying their best fit from the marketplace which is clearly dominated by US, Soviet/Russian, French and Chinese with a few notable exceptions like Sweden and Great Britain.