The problem with new minor nation trees

Could you please remain on topic instead of trying to tear down the BeNeLux suggestion as an unneeded tech tree, because you yourself don’t see the point of such a tech tree? And who even would force you to grind such a tech tree, isn’t the point of having a choice between various nations that you don’t have to research several ones?


What’s even the point of that? How many unique vehicles did Thailand have? Guessing that not many.

Everything Asia (minus India which should be in the British tree) should be in Japan tree.
And since I see discussion about BeNeLux lol and the Swiss, well I have an opinion on those too:

  • Belgium into the French tree
  • Luxembourg (like what a copy-paste HMMWV and a copy-paste Dingo? top kek) into the French tree just for the flag to be in game (otherwise what’s the point even…)
  • Netherlands into the German tree
  • Switzerland into the German tree (cause even if they had a lot of french vehicles, their native vehicles were made by… Eidgenössische Konstruktionswerkstätte, so idk, but that sounds a bit germanic to me)
  • Poland (along with Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria) into the Russian tree
  • Romania into the Italian tree
  • Spain maybe into the French tree (or German one? who cares anyway since Verdeja is all they had)
  • Iran into the British tree too

There are more than 7-10 trees out there that could work. With at least half of that not needing a sub-tree to work.

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How many did Finland provide?
The main point is to fill out lineups.


I’m not going to deny that the BeNeLux techtree uses a lot of foreign vehicles to fill out the ranks. But I don’t like it when people go around saying it’s all copy paste while it really isn’t.

I have left out any slightly modified foreign vehicles for this calculation (Stuff like Dutch Leopard variants).
Heavily modified stuff will be considered as unique. Stuff like the M41 LCTS is a great example.

-The BeNeLux Air tree has 73 vehicles. 31 of them are unique. Giving it a 58% foreign vehicles percentage.

-The BeNeLux ground tree has 86 vehicles. 39 of them are unique. Giving it a 55% foreign vehicles percentage.

Now the naval trees are not live yet but allow me to give the numbers for those too

-The BeNeLux bluewater tree has 39 vehicles. 37 of them are unique. Giving it a 5% foreign vehicles percentage.

-The BeNeLux coastal tree has 65 vehicles. 32 of them are unique. Giving it a 48% foreign vehicles percentage.

If you don’t like the BeNeLux techtrees that is fine. And you have all the right to be vocal about that.
But please don’t spread false percentages, and please use the numbers I have given in the future.


These are some of the actively worst opinions I’ve ever read, Jesus Christ


that’s why South Korea and China and North Korea, Vietnam etc. were better off in the Japanese tree. Mainly China and SK would have filled japanese tree nicely enough.

Not that either


yeah because real world politics no?
How about you spell it out what, in your humble opinion, what is worst and why?

Many of these nations not just lack a proper military or industrial overlap, but would also lose out on a huge deal of their industry by being placed in nations that don’t even require them, such as what you imagine for Poland and Yugoslavia.
Hell, saying China should belong in Japan is actively stupid, as China completely outclasses Japan in vehicle production. Might as well remove Japan at that point and make them part of the Chinese tree, and no-one wants that.


Then why does China require Japanese tanks and planes in its tree?
Again, you talk stoopid politics. Look at the trees. The Japanese air and ground trees are more native than the Chinese ones.
“b-but now China does more tanks and shit”. Yeah, like what, rank 7-8?

As for Poland and Yugoslavia, yeah Russia doesn’t require them, but where would you put them? They fit better with Russia than with say… Israel lol (which btw should be into the American tree just like it started with those Merkavas).

Israel is mostly unique in ground.

Forgot to V all the side bar. 3 C&P in the first image. [Tiran 4 is the 3rd C&P but it’s foldered with the unique Tiran 4S.]

And 7 C&P in this image.
A total of 10 C&P in the ground tree for Israel.


Still doesn’t make it so much a Japanese tree when at all tiers China still has more vehicles, copy paste or not.
While politics themselves aren’t appreciated in the game, they are a deciding factor in how trees are made. Placement is not random.
Grouping so many nations into one another also causes a loss of character, have fun not having a real point in grinding any tree when everyone has everything…


War Thunder is type of game that requires new content to be added occasionally to keep players around

In a nutshell
No new content → No incentive to play → No incentive to spend money on premiums

EDIT: I read main OP few hours ago but skimmed through replies, so I apologize if I repeated what someone else said


Independent is what.

That is not at all what I said, it is your own words when you said “all of Asia except for India should go to Japan” 🤷‍♂️

I’d beg to differ with some Yugoslavian vehicles
I think they got Sweden levels of both “copy-paste” and unique designs
The reason I said copy-paste in that way is because Sweden has its own Vampire variant but has unique ammo belts compared to its British or Finnish counterpart.


still a copy-paste solution, cause you know what? They get those early and middle tree unique vehicles, while middle-late ranks will be all copy-paste or semi-copy-paste vehicles. Wow a T-72 with new turret and ERA, surely that is exciting enough for filling late tree ranks, no?
NO. Just no.

You’ve got to be kidding me.


How ignorant xd.
Let us ignore domestic production such as J-22 Orao, Vihor, BVP M-80 family to name the most famous for Yugoslavia.
Let’s ignore the BWP Borsuk, Rosomak and Anders variants for Poland.

Thise T-72s have completely new engines and armour layouts too you know? They even have different names to make this more obvious, yet you still ignore this.

How easy it is to make statements without doing research.