The problem with new minor nation trees

Not to mention the Galeb and Super Galeb jets
Or Croatian Patria with 30mm turret which would be similar to French premium VBCI or Vilkas (except no Spikes).

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It still looks like a T-72 or BMP or whatever.
wow, new engine… exciting

BVP M-80 has no components taken from the BMP family, so I’m afraid your ignorance has just been confirmed with a single sentence of your own.


How actually does it make sense in Japan?

Beside that since you claim it to be full if Copy n Paste then you highlight and elaborate why it’s all CnP vehicles.


BMP is literally IFV in Russian. Yes some of them look like IFV’s I’ll agree with you on that. : )

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Obviously the ZTZ-99 is copy paste T-72 because they look relatively similar /s

you mean this thing?

Yeah, clearly not inspired by BMP at all. Superoriginal.

Yeah, it clearly looks nothing like, no?

It is a completely different vehicle from anything Russian, I don’t know what you aren’t understanding.
The vehicle has more in common with the French AMX-10P than it does any BMP xd.

Name me one Russian IFV with a 20mm autocannon 🤷‍♂️
So much for calling my arguments dumb, you seemingly base your opinions on glances…


It does look similiar but the structural differences can be noticed rather easily. It looks a lot more spacious compared to the BMP-1


Nevermind the completely different turrets and suspensions


I mean do I have to list those? They are rather obvious.

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Somehow not ig

This is just a more convoluted version of the subtrees we already have.


I won’t even bother responding to a person who doesn’t even research the topics he is talking about.
The G.4 Galeb is a trainer that carries advanced missiles for both air and ground strike.
The ground tree, especially in later ranks, is stuffed with unique platforms. In fact, the later tiers are more unique than the early ones…

I recommend you look at the suggestions and at the vehicles in detail before you continue to talk, because you really aren’t making a convincing case for anyone but your delusioned self.


It seems you do bother responding and grasping at straws doing that.
J-22 shouldn’t be higher than the T-2 or the Jaguar and that’s your absolute ceiling in planes. Galeb is at most an worse Su-25 counterpart. You have nothing else to fill those ranks. Another trainer like the Albatros or the polish one? And you call me delusional, lol.
You ABSOLUTELY have no chance in hell to fill the air tree without copy-pastes anywhere past rank 2 until the mentioned trainers.

Stuffed with unique vehicles? Like what? Le Vihor? A T-72 variant.
“ackshually is more like a M-84 hull” So a T-72 variant.
“b–b-but le engine, think of le engineeee” Someone think of the poor engine.

Rosomak? Straight-out Patria AMV with an italian turret.
The bmp lookalike thingy BVP whatever?
And the 2 freakin polish prototypes?

You have 2 unique max tier ground vehicles, I give you that. Let’s say the BVP goes in at rank 4. What else the Garda Panteri car lol? The Skot? Tatra DANA arty and the BOV car?
Again past rank 2, everything else aside from some cars will be copy-paste russian/german/american tanks (some will have slightly modified turrets), but even here, in ground forces, will have the distinct flavour of a copy-paste tree. Maybe less than China, still…

The gameplay will be even worse than it is now with T-34s everywhere, even more shermans (if that is humanely possible), even more T-55s, T-72s and Lepards.

The only reason you don’t like the vehicles of these nations inside the russian tree instead is because you hate Russia or something. BOV looks russian, BVP thingy looks russian, the OT-62 looks russian, the SKOT looks russian, all inspired by soviet vehicles. And the real tanks look even more russian since they freaking are merely variants.

Nonetheless, don’t worry you’ll have your wish since Gaijin wants players to grind that SKOT, that BOV and such. If they were just be added to russian or whatever existing tree, that would mean less grind.

Sweden at 3.7 is a fine example of what the OP is about as is Israel at 60.
Sweden has and M4,T34 AND Panzer IV on the same side. Pretty sad when you think about what Finland did have that was a little more original.

It isn’t what Gaijin implement that is the issue it how they implement it that is the problem.

You have to be a troll. There is no way someone could be this dense. Where are you from? Russian hate? No shit Sherlock. You would also be angry if you were a French guy and had your vehicles in Germany


Imagine being so pressed about letting people have the nations/vehicles they want, regardless if they are C&P with a new skin.


You really are showing your intelligence. What kind of a argument is this?


Looks Soviet= is Russian
This is the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a long while.