The problem of fighter jets bombing

The wide issue is you are almost always stealing bases from dedicated bombers.

F-4F is more akin to a dedicated bomber than a fighter lmao

And even then, the point of planes like the Phantom is that they can play both roles.

I can get being annoyed by a F-5 that damages 1/4th if a base instead of actually fighting, but I can’t see how anyone could get mad at a flareless flying brick for wanting to ensure some RP via base bombing before being obliterated by all-aspect 30+G missiles

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Nah. When they hit you even a bit with the gun/missile, just laugh and J-out. You lose nothing, get 135 score and they get penalized for TK.


Thats what I do, hahah.

Tkers lose more than their victims, specially since Gaijin started taking it more seriously.

generally, I don’t give TKers a thought beyond reporting them.

However, I still get mad when they make me lose a 500% RP booster because they thought that it was ok to TK a phantom for going to bomb a base.

The F-4F is a dedicated strike aircraft. Germany removed the Sparrow capability and used it in the Interdiction-Strike role. Same role the Tornado IDS fills.

no…in no world… it can bomb but it is certainly more fighter than bomber.

Sure, you still stealing bases from dedicated bombers. When the amount of dedicated bombers is close to or equal to the amount of bases, and planes like F-4s are rushing the caps, that creates a scenario where the F4 gets to have his cake and eat it too because he stole it from the bombers. He gets to bomb,then go play fighter. The bomber is left to then sit on his thumb.

Maybe IRL but absolutely not in game and shouldnt be used as such (as in, shouldnt be DEDICATED)

I think it should only be 1 bombtarget so we can watch them go apeshit trying to rush the bases at the same time

I sure love facing R-60M and AIM-9L spam without flares and armed only with 4x9Js on a flying brick, peak fighter gameplay.

What’s with the entitlement? If a “dedicated bomber” can’t get the job done before a Phantom can, then why should the Phantom handicap itself to hand the dedicated bomber free points it could get for itself?

It’s like raging about Light Tanks capturing the zones instead of going past them so that Heavy Tanks can cap instead after 3 business days of driving.

pointless troll comment

Last I checked many F-104 variants suffer similar issues but if I catch you trying to argue those are bombers I’d tell you the same thing? BR compression does not mean you are a bomber because you don’t have flares.

Oh it’s really simple, in fact I’ve already described it:

You don’t care if a guy gets 0 score in a plane that can LITERALLY ONLY bomb, while you play a plane that bombs THEN goes and has fun playing as a fighter too!

I am simply saying the current situation is not working and needs to be changed so that DEDICATED BOMBERS can do the ONLY thing they CAN do in air RB and not get their bases stolen by FIGHTERS.

Survival of the fittest, then, I guess.

The game is difficult enough to grind, sorry, but am not planning to handicap myself ony my weak plane so that others on even weaker planes can get points I could be getting myself instead.

I wasn’t aware heavy tanks could ONLY cap points.

If you don’t see the problem here you lack basic empathy/sympathy.

Now imagine heavy tanks could ONLY cap points, while every other tank could do that too, except faster and being able to do more too; what would be the point of heavy tanks? Why would the rest of the tanks need to handicap themselves so that the heavy tank could get the caps when they can do the same thing but also much more and better?

So instead of offer actual advice on how to make the plane better, man suggest going straight for the brainded option. Thank you spanish avenger , you never fail to make me disappointed

F4s having a hard time? At least its not THE worst since that place is being taken over by the Tornado. Slowest of the bunch and pretty useless airframe and even when you get infront of someone you get teamkilled if they cant catch you…Awesome experience :)

I don’t get it-

So a Phantom bombing a base before dogfighting is “braindead”, but someone seemingly being able to only ever bomb bases and contribute nothing else is… peak, or something?

Yes! like how bombers can ONLY bomb!

wow! it’s almost like there’s a massive problem here!

there wouldn’t be one! wow! you almost figured it out!

nobody **** said this!

If you want to play bombers, then do so- but don’t trash on people who isn’t willing to sacrifice their own gameplay and earnings to make the match more suitable to your extremely specific plane that can only do what they can also do.

And as I said: I get the annoyance of ACTUAL fighters like F-5 or MiG-23 just mildly damaging bases for nothing, and I agree in that regard, yes: but you can’t get mad at an F-4F Early for trying to ensure some RP gains before being obliterated by an R-60M it can’t even flare.