The Nuke jet needs an update desperately

Why do we have to use a jet from the 70s that is slow and has no flares or chaff, also why does it set off a siren and alert the whole map that a nuke is coming like spaa can see the spawn so they know exactly where to aim and shoot. My suggestions are

  1. Make it more like other video games where you just press a button and its called in and boom you win cause you worked your ass off to get it you deserve it

  2. Change the jet to like a f111 or su27sm so its extremely fast and has flares and chaff to deal with missiles and spaa

  3. Make it something like a glide TV bomb where you can release it 5km away so you can still be shot down but you dont have to sniff the ground and hope and pray that an spaa isnt watching the sky like a hawk


1: no, Its not an immediate win button. Its a chance to win, the risk is part of the reward. The enemy team also deserves the chance the prevent it. Thats what the siren is for. You dont deserve it till you’ve dropped it.

2: Im pretty sure at top tiers its already on a supersonic jet that usually has some flares?

3: same story as #1. Frankly flying low and trimming treetops already make it incredibly hard to see you as it is, SPAAs almost always cannot see you until its too late either, and you usually only get intercepted if someone is already in the air and waiting when you spawn it.


They actually removed the flares from the su7 and Jaguar at some point, for some reason

Just listen to the sirens and watch when the enemy respawns with a nuke. Then you leave the tank, jump into the plane and you have such a large advantage over him because he still has to take off from the runway

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This wont work anymore because you can spawn without leaving your vehicle now. If you hear a siren and have enought SP for a plane, just go for it.

Should atleast give them flares/chaff


It’s shouldn’t be an instant win button, however they absolutely deserved flares so someone else can’t click a button to kill you and you you of your hard work.


F117 could carry a nuke, and it’s getting added soon

the F117 does not have flares. Its stealth also is very limited in the small map/modern radars era of top tier. It’s probably going to be mid at the BR it’s at, let alone as a top tier nuke carrier. The problem is that both the jaguar and su7 that carry nukes in game have flares/chaffs in their regular variants, that are removed on the nuke carrier variant, which is imo a bit unfair

No variant of the SU-7 in game has countermeasures and thats the reasson why they removed them from the nuke version of the Jaguar AFAIK. So the only viable option that I can see is just decide a BR and from it upwards change the nuke plane to a more modern one

I agree with the idea, but not your solution to it. Instant nuke button is stupid, dropping it is where the fun is at. changing the aircraft is good though, but instead of a fighter it should be a bomber, the f111 is perfect for it and the plane should have flares and chaff, whatever it is. TV guided nuke is stupid, what are you on

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They just need to update what it is at top tier. Tornado, F-111, Su-24, etc etc would be far better options, especially when maybe facing an ARH slinger with a great radar, you stand no chance. Probably also time for CMs to be added as well, even in a limited/fair capacity (just give all the same CM count like 30 flares and 30 chaff to keep it “fair-ish”)

I dont think they need missiles though.

As for the longer range release, maybe allow for a slight lofting attack, so you dont have to get quite as close to the battlefield?

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I was flying 8m above the ground through trees I was as low as possible, the siren should be removed or alternatively give it a random air spawn so they don’t know exactly where you are coming from, this would also eliminate the spawn kill issue as well as it would get rid of the issue that a saclos spaa just stares at your spawn and waits for you to appear and because you cannot reach supersonic speeds before you get to the drop point they will hear you coming. As one of the comment says his strategy is just wait till you hear a siren and spawn a jet and go spawn kill the nuke, they need to change it cause as it is right now delivering the nuke is almost impossible with a good enemy team, it also doesn’t help that some maps are flat and have a shit ton of trees so you cant sniff the ground you are forced to be a little ways up to not crash. Then to top it all off they still don’t have flares so basic ir missiles could shoot you down. Also by the time i reached near the drop point i was only going 800kph. Like i dont get it, its already a task to even get the ability to spawn in the nuke why do i now also have to struggle my life away to drop it.

My bad, I believed the latter su7 models could carry flares.
I understand why the jaguar lost them since, kinda sad

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My issue is that matches often end before you manage to drop the bomb. Sometimes you just have a good match with 12 kills or something. But ofc it takes time to farm that much RB kills. When you finally spawn the nuke bomber, the match is usually in its last seconds or minutes. Too often it ends before you drop the bomb.