The new option for high tier air RB is good, but not enough

Hi! I’m a newbie to the forums, so if this has to be edited or taken down, i understand.

To keep it brief, there is now a new setting for high tier (10.0+) Air RB called “Participate in battles with smaller team sizes”. That’s a great addition and when i did get into one of these matches, it was much more enjoyable. Thing is, there was just one match out of around 30+ total.

My suggestion is, give the players that want smaller matches to only matchmake with other players looking for the same experience, and keep the option to look for both the current format and the smaller one.

That is all, thank you.


They did that option the wrong way round and so its benefit is hugely mitigated.

It should have been the default to have 12v12 matches and to opt into 16v16 matches and not the other way round. Currently 16v16 matches make up the majority and thus that option is almost entirely wasted.

I would perhaps even go further and give a set of settings for 8v8, 12v12 and 16v16 and you would only queue for which ever you have selected. I reckon most would select 8v8 and 12v12 and almost none would pick 16v16


Be careful with that, as 8v8 would be heaven for base bombers because they’d only have half of the teammates to “worry” about.
So queueing 8v8 as a fighter might actually give you worse gameplay in plenty of BRs.

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To me that sounds like a positive change. If you want to play a strike aircraft you actually have a chance of making it to a base before a fighter on your team does or before you are shot down. Also many strike aircraft stand a better chance in smaller fights than they do in mass furballs. If you are in a fighter and most of the enemy team is in bombers, then they are just free kills.


It would be positive for bombers that’s for sure, but many people aren’t satisfied with the current fighter gameplay as it all comes back to a massive furball which many dislike.
Seems like making the lobbies smaller would mostly benefit base bombers, fighters would still either have to pick between a 16v16 furball or a 8v8 in which there’s a high chance of enemy team being like 80% bombers, which doesn’t sound fun either.

I can get behind that idea. It would maybe take longer to matchmake, but it would ensure quality for the matches made.


I mean, above 10.0 you rarely see any bombers anyways, the highest BR bomber sits at 9.3, so for this option it wouldn’t apply, really.

My question is why do you want more individual pressure on yourself?
Why a more hyper-competitive lower player count?

Matches are far too quick and apply way too much pressure for me.
I prefer the less stressful larger matches myself for those reasons.

I think its to each thier own, 16v16 will still be there for those less stressful day’s, and the other’s can enjoy there 8v8’s for more skill vs skill competitive style.
A win win for both sides.

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I find 16v16 more stressful since I need to work around my teammates in order to get kills, and theres just alot less things to overwhelm me when I’m playing lower player count matches.

I just think that 16v16 should be entirely removed and replaced with the old max of 12v12.


I also find that I have to spend so much time looking round to try and keep track everything going on around me that im barely spending any time actually flying the aircraft. I was doing some 5.0 matches the other day and could barely keep track of everything and everyone near by let alone when everyone has 20+ km weapons.

I really dont understand how anyone endures that level of focus for long in 16v16 matches


It really feels like arcade with how intense and fast-paced it is, and it sucks.

It’s also impossible to fight a singular prop plane in a 1v1 without having 3 other teammates or enemies dive on you, which is where my point about having to fight with my team to just do something comes in.

I shouldn’t have to forgo tactics and join the furball just to have a chance at doing something.


Yep, had that more than a few times. Nearly got rammed out of the sky by a teammate trying to get shots off at the target I had been fighting for a brief while. Actually made contact but didnt do any damage.


By bombers I meant strike aircraft that bomb bases.

8v8 runs a high risk of becoming base bombing mode, not the ultra competitive fighter duel mode.

I forgot this option even existed, even though I enabled it the day it came, because I haven’t had a single, a SINGLE non-16v16 match in months.


just have different matchmaking rules for each bracket, 2 bombers per team at 8v8 instead of 4

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Seeing how Gaijin is reluctant to implement any MM rules, I guess they won’t limit teams to have X base bombers per team.

This is why I said what I said, demanding 8v8 without also demanding much stricter MM can actually be counter productive for fighter jockeys.

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