The new battle gamemode UI is ALMOST good

It really isn’t. It has abysmal scale to the size of screen, is quite a poor way to depict important information, whilst simultaneously being annoying enough to draw attention to it at every single shift of number.


This is why I’m saying it’s almost good. The information is more useful but the depiction is executed poorly.

So in essence “It is great if everything about it changed”?

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No. I don’t think the layout is awful, but I do think it is not executed well. The actual information it is displaying is better than it used to be in terms of usefulness.

Haven’t experienced this in game yet but it seems overclean, reducing the readability and not fitting the style of WT.


It somehow looks like it would be more suited to Fortnite. Hard to find the right words for it … too childish?


maybe thats why i have mixed feelings for it lol like i like it, but i dont. Maybe they can make it lool identical to BATTLEFIEL’s version without copying it.

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It’s a bit too small. They should increase its size

Please give me back the option to use the old display, which was still possible yesterday via the settings.
The new colorful display is distracting with its size and very irritating with its animated numbers.
I want to play War Thunder and not Candy Crush!

Thanks in advance.


The only downside I see is the capturing progress, which is hard to see because the cap symbol is too small. They could simply add a countdown timer for how many seconds left to capture the zone. Or just adding a horizontal bar that shows the capture progress.

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Yes, its TOO MUCH for me too. Not only the animation with the ±signs floating around, but also the sheer size of the whole thing. Maybe it would be okay if it was not in the middle of the screen. But for me it takes too much space and attention away in very important spot on the screen.

60 kills is way too much anyways, by the time you get to 30 the game is pretty much over already anyways, but gotta sell these premiums right.


60 is the same as it was before. It’s just a new UI. The requirements didn’t change. Kills drain tickets and you need 60 kills to drain all the tickets.

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It was bad before then, single cap anything is bad and TDM is bad when you prioritize money over gameplay.

Battle is by far the best gamemode for Ground RB

It really isn’t, TDM is stupid in a game that promotes ODL and minor nations gets screwed regardless when it relies on respawning, as not only do they lack respawns, theyr’e also overtiered and half the vehicles have the worst BR possible.

I honestly didn’t know it was like that till the new UI made it more clear lol

Because it almost never ends that way.

This is the halfway point for kills.

And this is what my team looks like.

Capping the zone is too time consuming, getting 60 kills is too high when people are not respawning so you just have to wait out the timer the majority of games.

It’s almost good, but it’s way too big and distracting, specially the “+++” animation is just there to annoy you and draws your attention most of the time. Like Miragen said, the 60 kills thing is almost pointless, as most games will never end with 60 kills. The old one was minimal and it was obvious that the objective was never the caps, but a battle of attrition.

You die, your ticket bar goes down a few points or until the enemy team had no more players, it was that simple.

Both changes are utilitarian and I enjoy them for that reason.