The Mikoyan-Gurevich project 1.44

Excuse me?

What mental asylum do you come from?

На фотографии вертолёта Ка-50 закрашены участки… | ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯ ВОЕННОЙ АВИАЦИИ | ВКонтакте (

So essentially a spaced anti-fragmentation armor?

Yeah they share a lot in common. Both are CAS aircraft that were designed to increase crew survival rates. With up armoring the cockpit, triple redundant measures, and spacing the engines high and apart.

I’m fairly certain it’s baron-carbide/kevlar. They are 2 separate elements put together. I believe Boron-carbide/Kevlar was delivered with the 64 in 81. So if you want to claim the the 50 is the reason for it will be just an argument of who thought of it first. Unless you have documents to back up the 50 getting first.

Yes!..The spaced armor is steel and aluminum.Bullets cracked and high-explosive shells (OFS) exploded against the first layer, and the second delayed the fragments formed. During the tests, the opaque armor withstood hits from armor-piercing DShK bullets from a distance of 100 m, as well as 20 mm OFS.

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I think the engines have a TWR of 11:1 not the aircraft.

Where did i mention the aircraft being 11:1

Yes, and I’ve also found out about the concept of time. You see, the way time works is that it only goes one way and something which happened in the 1980s can’t have effected something which happened in the 1970s.

Boron-carbide is its own material, with a Kevlar back, yes, I know this.

I never said that the Ka-50 got boron-carbide armor.

Don’t be a rude ass, even if you don’t mean too you come across as one. I’ll reply with the quote


Ahh gotcha. When you mentioned the armor I thought you were saying the both had that.

No, as in the Ka-50 and Su-25 both having engines able to tank a few stingers. Good armor. And amazing survivability.

all of what you said applies to mig too - carrying external load surely hampers stealth, but it can be still stealthy if far enough and at a right angle.

The F-35 is only intended to use external stores in uncontested airspace. When there is concerns about it being detected on radar they will only use internal.
Now are you saying when the Mig 1.44 is in contested air space the intent is for it to only use guns?


-my bad, you’ve already been told-

if whatever enemy it faces doesnt have line of sight to underside of aircraft it wont be able to detect whatever is under - thus flying low would make it stealthy, unless enemy is doing the same thing or there is a ground radar - but even in that case it should be still stealthy, just a lot less than otherwise (meaning it would need to be much farther away from the enemy than F-35 would need to to remain undetected)

SU-25’s also missing a lot of armour covering the engines in game.

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So instead you are relying on it being lower and away from ground radar. Sounds like it won’t be stealthy at all in contested airspace. Also while talking about stealth characteristics if it can’t use it’s underside to hide you are going to have it’s cockpit giving away it’s signature instead.

If you are building an stealth aircraft interal stores are key. I don’t understand why you are trying to say it’s not.