The Mikoyan-Gurevich project 1.44

The F-117, five years before the MiG-1.44:

Which had the very known issue of icing over and proceeding to stall, unbeknownst by the pilot, and they would crash 7-80% of the time.

Though this was fixed on later models.

It means that it’s actually stealthy, though

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I don’t understand how anti icing grids over the F-117 is even remotely relevant to the conversation.

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That’s, not what those are; they are actually the cause of stalls and icing because they are supposed to deflect radar waves that are larger than 1.5 cm. During high altitude and night flying, they would often ice and cause a full stall, or complete shutdown, and usually the subsequent death of the pilot, and crash of the plane, which is why the aircraft got a “ice wiper” upgrade, which can pop out during flight, and de-ice the radar grids.

See here:

The wipers is what I was referring to?

Oh i get it now.

You’re not the hero the forum wants.
You’re not the hero the forum needs.
But you are the hero the forum gets.


Honestly the more i try to find information on this aircraft. The more it seems like it was made as a Russian Psy Op to trick the West into fearing Russia.


“Riddle me this, Batman” ass post 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Edit: By the way, your not him either XDDD


I’m a hard no, you’re a hard yes

The compromise is it gets added but only with the REAL flight data and armaments, which I’m nearly 100% you don’t want.


riddle me this BUTTMAN if quizzes are quizzical what are test

“Genuinely better than the f-22 “

Where’s my laughing emoji


I’m glad I’m not.

Yeah the way that reads off he sounds like he thinks he’s some super hero. So I modified a quote from the Spooderman trailer.


One day (probably not) they’ll learn that not all planes are for war thunder, this being one of them. I wish they would STOP BEING A PAIN ABOUT IT though because it’s really annoying to read through word salad cope every time.


I agree there are so many better options they could have chosen but will die on the hill for this.

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Fr, at least start with ones with missiles lol

Oh no I accidentally fell and threw my cool prototypes on the floor



Yet you ignore that this was a circumstantial “what if” post…

You’ve been defending it like we’re trying to remove the Su-27, if it’s an if maybe you shouldn’t act like you would literally die without it and try to justify its addiction by any means necessary.