The maus

It has 180-260mm of side armor on the hull and turret.
The entire turret of the Maus is better armored than the Jagdtiger.

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Much better. On top of that, it has a turret, the coax (the big deal everyone always forgets, that’s a massive firepower increase), the APHEDS round, and better reverse gear, even if it’s much less mobile overall.

It also has much more empty room inside and a fairly complex internal compartment layout.


Sure but not for a 7.7 tank 😄

There’s also not really that much difference between the front of Maus and Jagdtiger.

The Jagdtiger has 250mm cast (235mm RHA), the Maus 232mm rolled, that quickly goes up from the small area that has no sloping in the middle to the edges.

If you can’t pen a Jagtigers superstructure, you not going to pen a Maus turret from the front either.

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The one thing the Maus truly does worse than the Jagdtiger in game, other than mobility, is reload.

In every other respect it has significant advantages.

My friend got a nuke with it the other day, so I beg to differ, he even j’ed out to use the nuke.

angle your maus and you will never have problems in a downtier. I would avoid spawning it in an uptier but it’s godly in a downtier.

Hope it stays at 7.7 because even if it’s strong now many nations have heat slingers still as counters.

Even in uptiers you have plenty of survivability because of how roomy the tank us. I’ve spawned it in uptiers for the lolz in the past and while challenging, it can be fun, too.

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fun but the chance that you drove 5 minutes to the frontline and then die to apfsds or something else is higher. Getting killed wouldn’t be that bad but wasting 5 minutes is much more painful


Sure, but sometimes it’s also just fun to fool around a little bit :D

MAUS in Full downtier, city map, single cap.
Win and a nuke.


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Only if every nation gets a super heavy.

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Multiple russian tanks 7.0 can pen it, also alot of tanks lower br have heatfs that pen that easy. Maus is absolutely useless… i never play it anymore. Everyone just pens it and if u get to 7.7-8.0+ u get eaten for breakfast

-Edit I think 7.3BR would be perfect/better for Maus and keep it else as it is. Long reload is kidna good penalty for it. Only thing this would change is it would get abit less uptiered against tanks that look to it and its dead.

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Best WT Youtuber :3

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Could you give examples?

The japanese Type 99 can oneshot it with overpressure.

The BR in this interval needs to be decompressed

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SU-122-54 (6.7), ASU-85 (6.3), any 152mm HE launcher (so KV-2, SU-152, ISU-152, Object 268, 2S3M), and the 2S1.

None of them have a turret (1°/s doesn’t count) and most of them are meme tanks or artillery that can kill every tank in the game. You can kill almost all tanks with the 15cm sIG (HE, 1.0) or the Ikv103 (HEAT-FS, 4.0).

Can easily be killed by the Maus without aiming for weakspots while loading the ammo required.

Takes an even longer time to switch ammo + giant muzzle break that can be disabled by a single 75mm HEAT.

I’m pretty sure this can even be front penned by the 75mm.


HEATFS lacks the damage needed to effectively 1-shot kill the Maus (just look at how many crew it has and how spaced out they are). If you can’t kill them or reverse back / wait for teammates to help then it’s on you.
HE launchers like the KV-2 is just a meme. If you die to it, it’s on you again.
Nobody is going to be bringing these vehicles to 6.7 / 7.7 unless they’re just trying to troll you.

2S1 and 2S3M is understandable, but again, they sacrifice almost everything for their guns and mobility (no turret traverse or gun depression though), and I think these are necessary to keep Mauses in check and not curb-stomp 6.7 matches, just like how the KV-1B / KV-1E has to worry about Achilles / M10 Wolverine in a full downtier.

The Object 268 is much more scary, and it sits at 7.0. In my opinion, it probably should be 7.3, but the fact that it’s a casemate with a fairly long reload makes it questionable. This one is probably the most scary thing out of all the things you listed, and the most fair. It can one-shot you if he shoots HE almost anywhere on the turret cheeks, whereas the MAUS has to aim for the small cheeks on each side of the main gun to one-shot kill it. On the other hand, the Maus has a 75mm that can disable its tracks and barrel fairly reliably.

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And since when is a Maus fast enough that it could be hard to aim even that slow turret traverse against?

And this is the intended tradeoff for any LOLpen SPG with average mobility. If the Sturer Emil vs Churchill VII situation is seen as “balanced,” why isn’t the closest high-BR equivalent with similarly glassy SPGs with at best average mobility killing a slow armor brick Maus?

Barrel damage is indeed cancer, and the sky is f***ing blue…