The maus

And do what? Take out 2 out of 6 crews? With the gunner faster replaced than the T34 can reload?


They should just permanently add it back to the tech tree again, who cares if it was hard to balance. Just let players have fun with it.

it takes several HEATFS shots to knock out a maus even if you aim well

3 max if You know what You are doing

yea 3 usually is how much (except with the m56 that takes 8 lol)

It seems to do well in down tiers still.

I played one match in it today. Basically “rushed” the point and sat near it. Was only penned and killed by a fv4005. Luckly, i got enough for a nuke and ended the match soon after.

It is sad tho that good vehicles need to rely on gambling/RNG to be able to perform well ;(

shoot ad his left side and you will hit 2 ammo racks

There’s no ammo in the turret, when you don’t take full ammo load.

then go for the side

That’s not really worth much, because that works for practically every tank.

But sure, the T34 has better chances of penetrating the Maus than other tanks.
Still not very effective.

I thought the Maus would come today again for grinding? Will it just appear or will there be an anouncement when it happens. Would be fun to be bale to drive it.

ps. This was the topic that came up when searching for it.

Last year, it was announced on the 31st and became available on the 1st. So i expect news soon.

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Somewhen tomorrow probably. Keep an eye on the news.

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I sure hope so, I’ve been working on getting to Germany Rank V for it. I have one more Panther, the Ostwind II, and maybe the Leo 1 to go, depending on whether or not you need a Rank V vehicle or just the ability to research Rank V vehicles.

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I think you need to have the ability to research Rank V.

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That would be preferable, but ever since they made the German T34 a rank III instead of a rank II it’s made the necessary grinding easier. I also have the Sturmmorser/Sturmtiger, the Spz whatever from the Ambush battlepass, and the Boxer sniper thing from the recent event too. Obviously I’m not a German main but I think its important to have the Maus as a War Thunder player.

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I’m not reading all that but I’d like to remind you that the t-34-85 can semi-reliably trap shot it and one shot it and that’s a 5.7. The maus would be more or less balanced at 6.3.

the M4A1 can pen a Panther A’s turret, and it’s a 3.3 tank, does that mean the Panthers are overtiered?


That’s like putting a jumbo 76 at 4.7/5.0, or an IS-3 at 5.7 just because lower BR guns can pen some areas of them.


It’s not all that much harder to kill from the front than a tiger 2h but way slower.