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The Corps of Engineers first appeared in the Continental Army in 1775 during the American Revolution. In its modern form, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was officially established on March 16th, 1802, when President Thomas Jefferson signed the Military Peace Establishment Act into law. Engineers built bridges and fortifications during the Civil War and World War II, supported the Allied landings in Normandy, and also worked on large-scale civilian projects such as the Hoover Dam and Panama Canal.
The M728 CEV is temporarily available for Golden Eagles!
The premium M728 CEV is available for 8,200 Golden Eagles.
When: From March 14th (12:00 GMT) until March 17th (12:00 GMT).
Where: USA > Army > Premium vehicles.

About this tank
- The M728 CEV (where CEV stands for “Combat Engineer Vehicle”) is based on the M60 MBT and is equipped with a dozer blade, a 165 mm M135 cannon and two machine guns. Its HESH shell is destructive and contains a TNT equivalent exceeding 20 kg! Bear in mind that the muzzle velocity is low on this gun, so take time to range and aim to ensure a hit.`
And when will the HESH be reworked to work properly? Right now, HESH are by far the most useless rounds in the game, and only the 165mm and up ones work if you’re lucky.
Haha, it must be scary if one day they add the Scorpion with its 75mm cannon firing only HESH. It won’t even be able to kill an unarmored truck.
That’s cool but HESH not even triggering overpressure on the same spot a regular HE shell with less than half the explosive mass would…

Not really worth buying (That’s a shot from the CEV, almost 23kg of TNT to the IT-1’s turret)

Same shot with 2OF26 with only 5.24kg of TNT
That’s not really the problem, since HESH project the blast primarily in a forward cone. The problem is that if you hit the front of the hull with a 165mm or 120mm HESH, you only kill the driver, without the spalling extending further inward.
The overpressure in HESH should occur if you hit a light vehicle on the tracks or fenders, since the blast energy travels forward, and the armor behind the fender is very light.
I was just wondering when we will see it back. I guess we have the answer. 8,2k GE is a bit rough though for a meme vehicle without any decent combat value.
Until the HESH gets fixed i don’t think it’s worth buying
Improve HESH or wallet closed !!!
Hell yeah, finally it’s returning. I have a question if the AVRE will recieve similar threatment, some kind of event in favor or a discound around August of the first prototype of the Centurion AVRE recieved by the army.
I don’t know if the Centurion AVRE will receive the same treatment, but for now, aside from the HESH damage issue, the Centurion AVRE has an armor issue. I hope Gaijin will fix something someday.
I have wanted both the US and UK HESH flingers for years now, however I will not be spending anything on them until HESH is at least usable again. And I agree with what others said already, full price for a “unusable” vehicle is too much to ask. MAYBE if it was 50% off I would have gotten it and waited for a HESH fix, but I am not going to purchase it at full price (and not even in a store pack like it used to be), only to do no damage to enemies in matches.
Please Devs fix our HESH rounds, tyvm 🍻
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Yeah, i really want to complete my US 7.0 lineup, but 8,2k GE for a hardly usable meme vehicle is a bit too much to ask. With -30/-50% discount i would definitely take it, but i guess will wait a bit longer since that isn’t the case

didnt even trigger overpressure for the driver
Yeah, imo if they “can’t” fix HESH, at least giving it the same effect as HE shells currently do would be a huge improvement. But, as it stands, it’s pretty rare to do any worthwhile damage with HESH shells 😢
Changed version (in bold)
Jefferson signed the Military Peace Establishment Act into law. Engineers built bridges and fortifications during the Civil War. During World War II, they supported the Allied landings in Normandy and also worked on large-scale civilian projects such as the Hoover Dam and Panama Canal.
Hey @Stona_WT I think a typo might have been made here
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Hesh it’s just a shit shell
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Hit the tracks, guaranteed kill.
Nah, HESH was awesome a while back in game when it was fixed/improved, but then it was unfixed. HESH is/was great IRL. It only has problems IRL and in game when you start trying to use it against modern tanks with modern composite armor. But against the tanks that the M728 CEV and Centurion Mk.5 AVRE face, HESH was, and should be again, very effective in game.
HESH wiki page if anyone would like more info about how and why they work: High-explosive squash head - Wikipedia
The specific info about why HESH is not used as much against more modern tanks with composite armor and/or spall liners (but again, why HESH IS [should be] effective against the tanks in game that lack composites/liners.) :
Since the 1980s, HESH ammunition has increasingly lost favour as armour designs have trended towards layered composites of hard metal and heat-resistant materials. This type of armour conducts shock waves poorly. Anti-spalling devices (spall liners), made of materials such as Kevlar, are commonly fitted to the interior surface of modern armoured vehicles to minimise spalling effects.
TL;DR: HESH worked well in War Thunder in the past. Make HESH great again!
Please and thank you devs, cheers! 🍻
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Okay, but that’s no excuse for not fixing the damage model. Besides, it only works with the 165 and 183mm. The 90, 105, and 120mm can’t kill by hitting the wheels, not even light armor.
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