With current state of HESH I would not buy it for 82GE or even 8.2GE.
Even the biggest HESH are useless for both M728 and Centurion AVRE
(not to mention FV4005 that distribute equivalent of small bomb…).
I made the mistake of buying the Cent AVRE. Do not. The 165mm is utter garbage.
It will be good once we can get HESH fixed properly, OR at least have it do over pressure “as if” it were HE. I will continue to advocate for HESH, not only for these HESH flingers, but also for the other tanks that can use HESH too 🙂 I LOVE big and slow shells, so fun lobbing over hills. And ~300m/s is SO good for hill lobbing.
Thank you, brother, for giving visibility to my post. I appreciate the consideration.
I just bumped the thread too, as well as spreading a bunch of likes on the posts there 🍻
Link again again: We need a rework for HESH rounds
I try to do something for the game where I spend a good part of my time, but sometimes it’s difficult even to reach the community itself. The topic often gets closed and reopened multiple times, which makes it harder for those who want to comment at the moment when it’s temporarily closed.
I appreciate the feedback and the return of activity to the post. Any opinion, whether positive or negative, about this type of ammunition is welcome in the discussion!
We need to fix HESH rounds, especially considering they were designed to destroy meters of reinforced concrete and steel in bunkers…
Yet, when they hit medium, heavy, or even light vehicles, they only cause a temporary mobility disablement.
Thanks :)
I would LOVE if HESH could also be useful for destroying buildings/bunkers/walls in game someday 😄 ! Giving the AVRE type vehicles a purpose for obstacle destruction would be awesome. The Churchill AVRE Petard should also be able to use its ridiculous “Demolition Bomb” for the same purposes. Can also throw the RBT-5 into the same boat lul. And and the Matilda Hedgehog 😂
Screenshots for giggles for anyone who hasn’t seen the ammo the Churchill AVRE Petard, RBT-5 and Matilda Hedgehog have:
Lowkey would buy if HESH was fixed
I want it, but forty dollars…
And just to be a contrarian;
The modelling of HESH is pretty accurate of the way it works and its limitations. There is a reason why IRL its used far less than shaped charge or darts.
HESH was used extensively, and to great effect, before the introduction of modern composite armors and spall liners. The BRs where the M728 CEV and Centurion Mk.5 AVRE sit HESH should be quite effective:
The problem is that players expect to be able to pen when they hit fenders, boxes, or skirt/wheels/tracks when that is not how it works. HESH is “all or nothing” even on tanks with solid armor. If anything the game is more generous than it should be because I’m pretty sure it just uses the HEAT physics mechanic (and why “overpressure” blast effect is weak).
Oh yeah, I def agree that HESH of all things should probably not work with glancing blows like that. But the issue currently is that even with direct hits, even to weak armor spots, very very often it does literally 0 damage. But when an HE and/or HEAT shell of 50%-25% of the TNT equivalent fill would at least do some sort of damage. I re test the HESH rounds in a test drive every so often, and it has just been the same randomly doing 0 damage on stationary targets with direct/perfect hits. Even with the FV4005 's HESH rounds, sometimes they just do absolutely nothing on perfect shots. To be fair, the FV4005’s rounds do tend to work a bit better than the M728 CEV’s and Centurion Mk.5 AVRE’s shells, HOWEVER, those 2 have almost the same TNT eq as the FV4005’s rounds, but seem to work well less than half the time.
Shell Comparisons:
M728 CEV:
Centurion Mk.5 AVRE
Yeah, I’m not saying its wrong. Only that the “nothing” part is right. Against RHA, the pen should be pretty much ∞. Its designed to “penetrate” meters of concrete.
The FV’s HESH should really only be better because it has much faster n flatter trajectory.
Ahhhh, speed is WAY faster, didn’t notice that, thx for pointing that out. Thanks for the chat, cheers!
I feeded Da Snail. /shame
Feed the snail!!! 🐌🥫
AB BR for it is just… bad. The actual literal worst AB K/D currently (statshark stats):
In RB, where it’s a full 1.0 BR lower, it does a little better.
Pls fix hesh