The M-SHORAD "Sgt. Stout"--> A New Generation of American SPAAG

imo there’s enough information here to make a suggestion

This would be a really good addition to top tier US. But before that, I think they need to first fix stingers before it gets added at a higher br. Stingers can be slaved to IRST and can lock on once it gets in range. This will be great against helis.

This will also give us a chance to test Hellfire L’s without having to test them on helicopters

Currently away from any source of good info and my tech (hiking in the Backcountry), but i believe I have already tried making one and that with this+more info it didn’t go through. Perhaps thefe was a suggestion for it on the old forums?

Should we add something for which we basically know nothing about (NGSRI)

Uh, no.

Should we add something which is still in development, never mind trialshit (like the 2S38)

Also no.

Without NGSRI, this thing is basically an LAV-AD with a radar, which, while nice, doesn’t really fix what’s wrong with America’s top tier.

They should add Longbows, but that’s a different topic.

There’s the (X)M1211 30mm prox rounds for the M230 it could get.

Prox rounds at top tier won’t change anything either. Everyone is slinging 12km+ lock range FnF AGMs like MavDs and Gs and 8km+ range like Hellfires or Vikhrs. The only people you would touch with proxy are the loudest of the mouthbreathers.

Worst case it could blow up an incoming missile. Its meant for taking out small UAV’s so an ATGM is well within its capabilities.

You’re not wrong though that something more is needed, but unless its Russian Gaijin just won’t add it.

I’d try making it again. There are suggestions on this forum with way less info than your Machinery post