No you should select your round and check where you actually do pen and do not pen.
Even then that does not necessarily represents what happens in a match.
Leclerc certainly survives more than Type10 and what am I to tell you regarding the survivabillity I experienced? Leclerc is quite decent at destroying enemies after it has been more or less severely damaged.
Tel me you don’t have the Leclerc without telling me lol
You can check that if you want. The issue is that totolescargo just like you practically has nothing but Leclerc.
The main issue isn’t that France is suffering or whatever, the main problem is that the Leclerc is wrongly implemented into the game.
Like any other modern mbt currently in service somewhere that was implemented?
Yeah but no other mbt has that many bug reports that touch on most parts of the vehicle.
That sadly is a possible.
…Which gives us a good idea of how easy it is to get killed while playing it. We don’ t need to have multiple top tier tanks to realize that:
- A lot of death are from a single hit pretty much anywhere on the hull since the entire thing is a weak spot and the bottom fuel tank is very likely to detonate from the spalling of the hull
- That making similar shots on tanks on the enemy team doesn’t produce the same results
Sorry, but the Leclerc’s survivability is genuinely awful.
It looks like that $800 billion dollar defense budget is doing its job…
Oh and ask the french why they are copying baguettes angles for their Upper front plate.
The Leopard 2s and Abrams have very few actual issues in-game regarding their implementation, far less relative to how much whining’s involved (especially from amerimutt players).
The LeClerc, Ariete, VT-4A1, ZTZ-99A, ZTL-11, ZTZ-96A and WZ1001 are all missing their spall liners they actually had (unlike the Abrams which didn’t, and the Leopard 2 that did and got them).
The LeClerc is missing ungodly amounts of frontal armor (unlike the Abrams which is not, and the Leopard 2A7/Strv122 which currently only have pixel weakspots).
The Ariete’s WAR kit weighing 5 entire tons localized entirely on its turret cheeks is currently only 20mm RHA and is missing hundreds of mm.
Compared to other tanks I played it is surprisingly decent.
The only issue is that with 3 crew members survivability is affected while the reload speed has been nerfed.
You are chosing easy arguments. It is just as easy to be destroyed by a single shot in other tanks.
I’m sure some poeple would argue that the armour coverage regarfdign certain weak or vulnerable spots is just as ungodly as the wrong weaker base armour kit that Leopard 2 variants in game are using.
Which one is missing more I do not know. It is not a contest anyway.
With the current reload on Abrams a 5 second reload for Leclerc would be reasonable though.
So 2000 replies and 6 months later, whats the status of an update?
According to “Gaijin” both the Ariete and Leclerc performs way above average.
Leclerc SXXI / statistics for the last 1 month
Ariete AMV / statistics for the last 1 month
Т-80БВМ / statistics for the last 1 month
The BVM clearly suffers and need a huge buff.
Lower glacis or lower front hull is a weakspot for all tanks just like upper glacis or upper front hull.
Sure Soviet tanks and the later Leopard 2 versions we have in game have a somewhat small lower plate but here Leclerc is.not different to the other MBTs.
The upper plate also is somewhat of a weakspot for all tanks in game. More for some less for others.
All depends on gun, ammunition and angle.
Here the Leclerc is again not the best.
The breach simply is a little huge.
Between upper and lower glacis Leclerc is decently armoured.
Again that green coloured hue above the armour does not necessarily say all that much beside that other tanks which have orange or red coloured parts have more armour at the same spot.
That’s because the only players that have enough brain cells to play them are better players. You probably won’t find any noob driving in a ariete because he would have already quit the game due to how painful it is. On the contrary: the t80bvm is easy to play so dumb w key players can play it. In an ariete, one mistake is death, in a t80bvm one mistake is a round stopped by armor, ERA or bounced.
About to have a good point…
Proceed to say the total opposite of all you said before…
I am a french main, I was only top tier for France until a week, I do now have the T-80UK (squadron). I bounced more shot in a week with tha T-80 than in a fc*k year with the Leclerc. I do not say the T-80 should be nerfed because according to me it is logical that a tank is somehow survivable and even more from the front. However the problem in this game is that many tanks (Ariete, Leclerc, Challengers, Merkavas) have a shitty survavibility. Moreover, I feel like a 60t tanks might be a bit more protected than a 48t one.
Doesn’t mean anything, just look at the size of the sample used to make those stats.
Edit: didn’t realized it was sarcasm (or is it not?)