The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

It’s a start, but as you say, there are a lot of things we need to improve


Updated report with Gear Ratios and some clarifications: Leclerc MBTs acceleration & turning rate are too low // // Issues


That’ll be a nice change.

i think this will be the best change we can see tbh since armor was denied and well i think mobility will play the biggest role for the Leclerc since almost all of the new mbts are relatively slow

Well hopefully a 5 second reload, better mobility and better gun handling will make it a flank and spank machine!

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Even if we don’t get armor improvements, at least it should be a tank that excels at hitting and running.

Similar to Type 10, except it gets a tad slower reload in exchange for better gun handling.


DM43 would have 1740 in-game as-is if it was fired from an L/55.
Are you certain that it should have 1740 from L/44?


At least it’ll have a play style, in its recent form it’s just been mediocre at everything.



Until now, it was literally just a Great Value Type 10 lmao. Now at least it isn’t worse at everything.

I still hope it gets more fixes, specially in regards to mobility (Type 10 too) and, if not armor, survivability (missing spall liners), as well as its historical 5 second reload (good enough to be better than most, but still not as good as Type 10’s).


Quick question I see 1500hp at 2500 rpm. As a result, the acceleration will decrease and you will lose maneuverability, right?

Leclerc (All) Incorrect Frontal Armour

Hello @TrickZZter,

Could you please take a look this. Warning: it’s pretty long.


Bro’s doing god’s work.

I commend your efforts to improve the Leclercs. Hopefully this goes somewhere and proves how stupid unreliable the swedish tests are.


This is huge. I can’t give enough praise for the work you put into the project to submit as a report! :D
Hopefully it’s presented in a way where they can’t just throw the Swedish trials at us again despite the sources saying they’re unreliable.

It’s not like we’re asking for crazy armor meta defining capabilities. Just something that can survive hits better.


Astounding work! I hope that make’s an impact.

The only issue I could see is them making you break up the post into a hull report and turret report which would be dumb.


Really good job mate. I hope your work will pay off


ImagesDéfense - Munitions flèches. interesting video here on how the French ammo is made, including a hollow tipped apfsds filled with ball bearings for additional spall on light targets :)


Good job. My main concern is that I’m not sure you can dismiss the British evaluation based purely on the date. The report on the British evaluation states that Britain told GIAT that the armour was unacceptable and in response GIAT proposed an up armoured Leclerc turret, but that still only offered 430 mm KE protection (against the UK requirement for 500 mm).

A later report sates that GIAT had accepted their improved turret design still fell short of the UK requirement and that rather than proposing another new version themselves they instead proposed that the UK could produce it’s own composite armour arrays for the Leclerc turret. After evaluating this possibility Britain apparently concluded that meeting the UK’s protection requirement “would not be possible without a major redesign of the turret", which would take “some years”.

So Gaijin may take that as evidence that even improvements made after the UK evaluation are unlikely to bring turret protection to the 650 - 700 mm quoted in the report, at least not for the S1 version.


I really don’t care if the preproduction s1 doesn’t get changed because of the « Swedish trials » but the s2, XXI and azur should get 100% the better production armor it has in real life.