The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Leclerc (All Variants) Incorrect Side Armour


Nothing for the Leclerc… I think it’s time for us to understand that Gaijin don’t give a sh*t about France!


Yeah, I figured. I’ve said that it’s a possibility that a universal Leclerc buff could happen to have the Leclerc competitive, but as more time goes by its increasingly unlikely…
So France is pretty much dead as a ground tree, not like it was very competitive to begin with. But now it will likely just be unplayable.


I play France solely to take the attackers and the choppers out at top tier. Leclerc just works, there is nothing outstanding about it.


I don’t have a single shred of hope. I’ve just checked. Bossman, wareta and the few others on the discord we’ve been working on for the Leclerc has about 14 acknowledged reports over the course of 3 months. Of all of those, the only one that has actually been implemented is just changing the weight of the 120 F1 penetrator in the start card, with no actual change in the way it performs.
I don’t think devs have any interests in the French ground tree. That is further proved with the lack of a real high tier light tank in the tech tree, which could be an easy imp,ementation as both chassis and turrets for a few vehicles are actually already present in game…


T-90A is from 2004, sure it got thermals standartised in 2006 but turret existed in its form serialy since 2004.
Now if you go back to the USSR before the collapse:


Object 187

One is version with gasturbine from T-80s, other two are probably versions with 1000hp engine, other one could be version with 1200hp x-engine.
Theres even better version with new style UFP that gets rids of driver hatch weakspot and improves armour but my point is turret is design from late 1980s), used on 2004 tank, later upgraded to be T-90M/MS turret in 2011/2012 (we have trials video from 2012)
Object 187 is development from (1986-1988)

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they didn’t touch the Leclerc at all, time for me to continue coping im not sure i will ever play leclerc anytime soon with an already shattering dart now against everything with spall liners


Well…I guess that we could ask for DM53 (like the italians) if they aren’t going to fix anything about the Leclercs.


did the vbci 2 fire rate get nerfed or am i crazy the sound seems so delayed

so first two Leclercs (S1 & S2) stay on rank7, SXXI & AZUR get moved to rank8 … all have the exactly same BR of 11.7, all fight against exactly the same opponents, but first two won’t have default APFSDS rounds and will have to grind better shells using HEATFS

We’ve decided to introduce this rule due to the fact that Rank VIII MBTs have well developed, all-round HEAT defense, and HEAT shells can be ineffective even against the side protection of tanks.

even Gaijin now officially admits that HEATFS is useless …


Hello @Smin1080p,

Sorry to bother you. But after seeing the new update and reading the recent devblogs, I was just wondering how all the recent bug reports (which have been acknowledged) for the Leclerc are going? There is expected to be a response for the M1A2’s hull armour; however, there is complete silence about the Leclerc even though bug reports for the Leclerc were much more extensive and provided much more evidence.



Hey. At the moment the developers are currently focused on the release of the patch and urgent bug fixes and changes required. For the next week or so, this will be the biggest priority. We then plan to work through many of the responses we have already mentioned and during this process, we will naturally continually be collecting feedback from the whole community.

At this spesific moment, I don’t have any individual details of particular reports. However we will be passing all feedback onto the developers for their consideration.


Thanks a lot for the response

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I hope they will then take the time to start going through all the reports, as there are way too many of them, even if more than a dozen are about the Leclercs alone.


So basically “We don’t have any plans for it currently, we might get around to it eventually.”


That’s just a bid joke how can we be happy with that ? We basically still have the same tank that was already not particularly outstanding and it will now face tanks even better?


Obviously there are a lot of bug reports to go through right now, so I’m prepared to give the devs the benefit of the doubt. But I would be very concerned if we made it to the next major update and saw no progress with the bug reports. I can’t imagine a lot of them would be hard to implement. Even the armour should just be a simple matter of changing the KE and CE modifiers of the composite.


Honestly I would give them some weeks. They dropped the update (arguably sooner than expected) and rushed a few changes here and there after the complaints. I say we grant them some time, so they can work thoroughly all the reports, read the provided information and all that. If we keep on not having any news about any fix then we might as well voice again our complaints.


My opinion can’t really change.
The benefit of the doubt can only go so far, Escargot has yet to prove that they’re committed to actually fixing French ground and Warthunder gameplay in general. So far short term profits seem to keep taking their eyes off of the “commitment”.
Then with a long history, me and the majority of the French player base are all collectively traumatized and don’t really expect much to begin with. They had a good run with La Royale to Kings of Battle but their sins still aren’t forgiven.
So just with the historical precedent, I’m not going to put my hopes to high. There’s no reason to if it will only lead to more disappointment. When I see it I’ll believe it, but there’s no reason to even give them the courtesy of believing anything they say, or I can believe it, because what they say so far either are empty words that mean nothing or just confirming that they don’t give a shit. Because I didn’t even put my hopes up high for this update but I still managed to get disappointment with how bad it is.

France top tier ground is dead so why would I continue to finish French air? So I’ll probably continue my grind for the other nations I play at least until late cold war 10.0 br, but anything more doesn’t feel worth my time. That’s probably only because of the monetary commitment alone, without it I’d probably just stop playing altogether.


great, yet another canned “ctrl+c & ctrl+v” response that means absolutely nothing

This isn’t new situation. There are Leclerc bug reports going back to first version introduced in 2019 … and general balance of France compared to other nations is even worse mess. If you couldn’t be bothered to do anything in past four years, when exactly do you think you’ll find time for this? Waiting for next five year plan?