The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Is there a report for the Titanium plates for the SXXI?


They do, they just dont want to do on NATO’s vehicles.

İts obvious they cant accept the fact that Russian vehicles sucks in real life against western vehicles so they compansates this by nerfing NATO vehicles in this game.


These guys make lining for the VBCI, so it’s a start. We can also give it to the British for vehicles like the Challenger 2.

I started searching through pictures as well instead of doing word searches.


Challenger 2 hella gimped. Speed, armor, all.

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same story, different moderator i guess


I see the issue on Leclecès spall liner got “acknowledged”, so what is the deal here?


I guess I’ll posting whatever I see might be relevant. I can’t tell if I’m looking at splinter lining for the engine compartment.


Both of the bug reports about the spall liners and armour eventually got acknowledged thanks to TrickZZter and Smin. All is good.


Afaik they never released any info on those, apart from the fact the Leopard 2A6EX won them.

Unless you mean the Hellenic Trials where S2 variant was sent, it was btw cited to be comparably protected to the Challanger 2, but worse than M1A2 SEP and Leopard 2A5 (in Strv 122 version).

As far as i know Turkish Army tested regular Leopard2A5 and A6 alongside with Leclerc S2 and M1A2 with diesel engine.

You sure they tested 2A6EX?


“In 1999 the Leopard 2A6EX became a political issue in Berlin. lt was then that the Turkish government declared interest in procuring the Leopard 2 and asked to be given a Leopard 2A6EX for comparative trials at short notice.”

“lt bad its last public appearance at the IDEF defence exhibition in Ankara, Turkey, in 2005.”

“The party disliked arms sales in general, and especially with regards to Turkey due to the Turkish Kurdish problem. In the end, permission for delivery of a Leopard 2A6EX for trial purposes was granted. Detailed information about the trials is not available, but the Leopard 2 was proclaimed the winner. However, a delivery contract was not signed.”

From Gesamtwerk.

And here’s a picture of it:

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AFAIK On tests in Greece There was an M1A2 1993, which can be recognized by the EAPU on the rear of the turret and it was Leclerc UAE, not S2

İ know that Leopard2 won that competetion far easily, it met all standarts determined by Turkish Army, if those arrogants wouldnt be so insisted about demanding Leopard2’s technology they could’ve get those tanks without issue, Well 1999 earthquake also didnt helped that issue either.

Considering what happened regarding the recent M735 nerf (which still hasn’t been corrected in the Dev server), I’ve just lost all faith in any of you to get things done regarding vehicles that are blatently underperforming in this game.

Leclerc’s armor can stay so poorly modeled that post-nerf M735 can still pen it’s UFP, yet anytime we get multiple sources that all come to a consensus regarding a common armor effectiveness for Leclerc’s armor, it’s completely thrown out the window because it allegedly “contradicts” each other.

5 sources that all list the same range of armor protection?
That’s so “contradicting”!!!

I’m aware that the spall liners and armor for Leclerc have been acknowledged recently, but I still have 0 faith that any of them will be implemented into the game; at least if this complete BS regarding standards for implementation continues.


They are litteraly mocking us


Yeah, the whole thing about needing to know the spall liner’s placement and shape is equally as laughable.

Completely guessing and making entirely fictional ammunition stowage placements on the new incoming Challenger 3 (P)?

Yeah, that’s completely fine!

Implementing spall liners for Leclerc, even if it takes a little bit of guess work in it’s exact placement and coverage?

Nah, we can’t do that chief!

We need EXACT photos and proof of it’s placement. If we don’t get exact proof of where it goes, then you will never get it.


We need classified photos basically lol


Just to reiterate, we already know the rough shape and placement of the spall liner. It’s integrated into the modular armor.
A low ball guesstimate will be better then nothing. But no it’s


Russian propaganda and bold claims are only valid when it favors Russia but unreliable otherwise and cannot be used for NATO vehicles, in what world does that even make sense?
You guys are literally denying anything that isn’t outright classified information whilst pretending NATO vehicles have not evolved in decades, I’m out of words to describe the circus this game has become.


“We already know russian sources lie, so give us some classified info pls.”

“BTW we just found this napkin that read T-series don’t spall, so we aren’t going to fix that either!”

These double standards are starting to get a bit old…