The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Even if nothing was added to rank VII, who cares if it’s empty ?
Ranks mean striclty nothing while playing with HEATFS at 11.7 does

You can’t efficiently research rank 8 without any rank 7 vehicles. And an empty rank 7 would look pretty bad and just further confirms what everyone knows to be true - that French ground is completely neglected by the devs.

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You can’t effeciently research those either with a tank that can only capture points at best.
In my case I researched every Leclerc while playing 7.7 or under. Sure it’s not efficient but at least you don’t have a breakdown every time you play.

Yes, I’m well aware of the issues plaguing the Leclerc and I agree.

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It wasn’t?

And it isn’t even structural steel, but actual RHA

Now the game counted thermal channel magnification. Many France tanks optics now is fixed 10x in game. Do you know the thermal magnification for

amx30b, amx30 brenus, amx32-120, amx40 and amx10rc?

reports need to be raised if necessary

Btw Super amx30 will change to 4-12 and amx32-105 will remove its thermal (reports acknowledged)

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It was the A that got nerfed, and all other t-72 too afaik, the plate wasn’t visible on x-ray

Also, this is a reminder that the X-Ray can have stuff that’s present but not part of the damage model [Leclerc UFP] as well.
Would have to test in a match, but it’s possible there was two by whoops.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any info on the optical zoom of the thermal imager. But, the COTAC system on the AMX 30 B2, AMX 32s and AMX 40 have a dedicated rangefinder sight with 4x - 8x optical zoom. Perhaps the devs would consider this. It was on my to-do list but I will get around to it in the coming days.

There’s also an upcoming bug report for how the CASTOR thermal imagers on the AMX 30 B2, AMX 32 (120) and AMX 40 are modelled in game. In reality these thermal imagers achieved the same performance as the 2nd generation FLIR on the Abrams; therefore, they should be modelled accordingly. The thermals on the Challenger 2 are already modelled as being of the 2nd generation despite in real life only being a 1st generation technology - the same policy should apply to France.

Performance of CASTOR according to French army documents:



Performance of the M1A2 SEP FLIR according to US army documents:



I will move both of these issues up the to-do list.

Yes, this is uses a German thermal imager and doesn’t apply to any other vehicles in France.


so 2 issues you will do:

1,COTAC MBT magnification changed to 4-8x or 4-10x?

2,upgrade these mbt thermal channel to 2nd gen?

Just verify if I understand correctly

It seems nothing can be done for amx10rc

Also do you have any turret travese rate for amx32 and 40

In game they are even slower than amx30b,if elevation rate could be buffed is awsome as well

  1. COTAC MBT optical zoom could be changed to 4x - 8x but it is ultimately at the devs’ discretion
  2. These MBTs will be modelled as having 2nd generation FLIR in-game

As for the AMX 10 RC… I will have to look into it more.

Not that I recall. I would have to go digging through what little source material I have for them but to be honest not much source material even exists for these tanks in the first place.

Thx ,looking forward to your reports

Is this a joke? I’ve been on this forum page for almost a year, some people have been fighting with NEXTER documents for a year, like for the SHARD shells, and Gajin just turns a deaf ear… We can give them a Nexter document signed by the Ministry of the Army and President Mr. MACRON and you’ll always get the same response “unreliable source”!

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Almost like they don’t want to buff the tank, welcome to small nation syndrome.


Sadly, upon reviewing the source material as I was about to make a bug report it appears that I have misread the info. The 4x - 8x optical zoom is for the M427 sight for the commander.

I will go ahead with the thermals report in a few days along with some other reports such as armour for the AMX 30. In the meantime, I’ll look into having a dedicated thread for the AMX 30, 32 and 40.


On the question of whether the Leclerc has spall liners: I have recently acquired the English of Stephane Ferrard’s “Le Systeme Leclerc”. The original French text written by Ferrard is quite poorly written but the English translation paints a clearer picture:


Therefore, spall liners were only ever proposed for the Leclerc and they were most likely not included due to weight considerations (much like the Abrams).

I’m pretty certain I’ve seen most of the still-available literature for the Leclerc and only 1 secondary source has stated that the Leclerc contains spall liners. And if I had to hazard a guess, this source got its information from Ferrard’s original French text which can be at times quite incoherent. Consequently, there are no plans at this time to report any sort of missing spall liners for the Leclerc.



For what it’s worth, we could still get the Leclerc ARV which I’m almost certain has spall liners (but not really any armament lol):

But I can’t say I’m surprised. The Leclerc was put on a massive diet. Fun fact: the crew compartment is so limited that neither the commander nor gunner can be over 182cm tall. This is surely the reason why the Swedish didn’t choose the Leclerc since the average Swedish male is 180cm tall.


You should see how the commander is supposed to use the escape hatch.
There are only 2 escape hatches. One under the gunner, the other below the drive. In order to leave, the commander needs to remove a panel between him and the driver, and go through that opening head-on (so upside down), to then leave through the driver’s exit.
These guys probably need special flexibility training just to be sure they can escape the tank


Guys i think we finally got it.