The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Yes but my points stand:

  • Devs put no effort into ensuring the Vextra arrives in a historically accurate state
  • Devs have made no effort into filling the 9.7 - 11.7 void

It’s very disappointing to see…


Simple question but why add a tank, when a forum page with hundreds of players, thousands of comments has been asking for the improvement of the leclerc since 2023. In itself I would prefer an update of the leclercs than having new tanks. I don’t know if people share my opinion but hey

The addition of the Vextra has nothing to do with the Leclerc reports.


Plenty of people wanted to see the Vextra 105, myself included. I was probably the most excited to see it until I realised I now have to spend the next day making bug reports. France desperately needs light tanks, but the devs making half-assed additions just exacerbates the issue.


Add the OFL 105 F2 and put it at 10.0 ~ 10.3

8.7 already has the AMX-10RC as a fast wheeled tank

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TBH currently Vextra being in 8.7 is just wierd, you trade laser rangefinder, fatter chassis, thermal compare to amx 10rc and still 0.3 BR higher than it, and all you have is a stabilizer.

It Looks Sick tho

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That’s because the devs put zero effort into research. Hell, even the commander sight is the exact same as on the AMX 10 RC but it both has the wrong optical zoom and is not stabilised and the gunner sight is the exact same on the CR2E yet lacks thermals.

Actually, I lie. The devs did do some research… wanna guess where the 34 tonne combat weight figure comes from?


something something “Devs think Ukrainian sources are unreliable for French vehicles”


It is funny that the small drones on it has access to thermal, but Vextra itself doesn’t ;)

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I am very hyped with the Vextra personally. I have literally been waiting for it since the suggestion was passed to devs back on the old forums.
True, it has loads of pretty big inaccuracies, but the model is here, and the rest is just a bunch of lines of code that can be easily fixed during the dev server.
It might be true that it does not feel like the devs spent very much time actually researching the vehicle, but that model is chef kiss especially the non premium cameo net, so I’ll gladly accept that, that hard work is already done.
I just hope that the devs realize that the Vextra 105 is not Type 16 FPS material but rather more similar to the Centauro found at 9.7ish, with high quality thermals, great mobility, laser range finder, and even somewhat working armor…
All in all, there are some silly reports that will have to be made and shouldn’t have in the first place, but there are not to much of them actually (mainly gun, ammo, mobility, LRF, armor) and they are with primary source
All in all, the Vextra would fill both the 9.7-11.7 gap that @Bossman919 mentionned, while also making this amazing vehicle that, as @Smin1080p mentioned, was highly requested, a center piece of a potential new (non premium) lineup from 10.0 onwards

Anyway, might be worthwhile to make a separate dev Vextra thread to sort everything out for the update, instead of clogging this thread


Yeah all they have to do is give it it’s 3rd gen thermals and OFL F2 and it’ll be even superior to the 10.0 Type 16
Makes zero sense for it to be 8.7 since we already have the AMX-10RC to fill the gap of a wheeled TD


In lieu of any dedicated threads for the Vextra, here’s the current list of bug reports:

Tomorrow I will do the missing thermals, OFL 105 F2 and commander sight zoom. If that’s all implemented the Vextra 105 will probably be one of the most accurate modern vehicles in-game.


Do you have any detailed views on the fourth axle ? Gaijin modeled it as a steering axle, but that seems implausible.

@Bossman919 as always, lots of thanks for your work and timeless dedication.

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what is ofl-105-f2 penetrator length and diameter

Gaijin needs these parameters to make penetration

Bossman when making reports :

its for Leclercs, VEXTRA, chally 2E and Moderna thermals btw


This is why I felt a need for a new profile picture. I swear that making that bug report alone made me age a few months xD

Anyway, making OFL 105 F2 report for Vextra now. Penetrator dimensions and all @aaaa23456789


Ah it’s all good. The struggle itself toward a fixed French vehicle is enough to fill a man’s heart. One must imagine the French bug reporter happy.

-Camus probably


I haven’t really looked at the model to be honest. Only enough to sus everything out and grab some screenshots. Though the turning diameter seemed pretty accurate according to sources so I don’t really want to touch that lol.


Damn. Three posts in a row.

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This we need

Do you mean Vextra 105 only can fire 489mm pen (as you calculated) OFL-105-F2? Will it able to fire any darts less powerful (such as OFL-105-F1, OFL-105-G2)? Otherwise it will not have a Tier I dart for smoothly grinding purpose.