The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Tanks in WT don’t even match the mandatory capability of obstacle climbing (usually 1m). They don’t get up said obstacle. So suspension and traction wise, it is quite… below the poweer of the real thing.


We will never see that power ingame …


I would say that while modelling that would likely be very complex for the game, we already have the entrenching tool.
Tanks just need to have better traction modelled rather than just being cars with treads.

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But the matter is that it is not about entrenching. It is about how this tank was fully able to free itself from the position it was in. In WT, this is simply not possible. In fact, you need the time the tank needed to push through that chunk of earth to reverse out of the ditch with not resistance at all.

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The entrenching mechanic means we already have something to build on for pushing dirt to be able to maneuver in and out of those kinds of holes.
Which is why I said we only really need traction to be modelled better.

Bear in mind, WT does not model tracks in their entirety. They have specific contact points that does not run the full length of the track, noticeably missing at the front/back face of the track. The can cause some… interesting situations where your physical track is touching the ground but it cannot move.

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Gaijins ground physics are awful in general, traction is poorly modeled… Tank track physics are non-existent.

For example, if one side of the track is broken and falls off… The tank would not pivot. It would then solely be able to drive forward or back with the opposite side track. There is no force that causes the road wheels to brake or would allow it to pivot without differential movement of both sides tracks.


Quick update on Leclerc armour bug report:

I know we’ve all been waiting on it to eventually come, but I’ve been quite busy as of late (as well as those I’ve been working with). That said, by now I’m pretty sure I’ve looked at every photo of the Leclerc that’s on the internet as well as most available literature; suffice to say, there is lots of info to sort through. Over the next two weeks I will have time to go over everything, and hopefully by the time of the next major update something comes out.

I was also hoping that we would see other buffs come to the Leclerc in lieu of armour, but it seems the devs would rather shoehorn a Leopard 2A6 into France - the idea of which I personally loathe. Anyway, over the next two weeks (or so), along with armour reports there will be other reports either being updated with new info or reporting new issues. There will also be reports on other French vehicles (yeah… I’ve been sitting on quite a bit lol).


That’s wonderful news



Will Leclers series get spall liner at least?

There are sources that state the presence of spall liners, though in truth after the recent nerfs to spall liners the report has taken a backseat. The biggest buff to survivability (outside of armour) will come from the front fuel tank being modelled as internal external. Dunno why it’s still not… not as if there are two walls separating the compartment…

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You mean external?

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My two cents on the dev stream:

Thankfully Benelux ground has been delayed. I was concerned the devs would rush the update and launch it within a week. This wouldn’t give sufficient time to have a Leclerc armour report done by then, at least if Leopard 2s are pushed on the French tree, the armour report will be hanging around to further show there is zero reason for them in the first place.

Also the Vextra is so egregiously mismodelled. Fortunately I anticipated this and have been collecting sources over the past few weeks. Some of the things that I will be reporting very soon:

  • The Vextra has the wrong cannon modelled and is currently using OFL 105 F3 (found on the AMX 10 RC) which can’t actually be fired from the Vextra
  • Missing OFL 105 F2
  • Wrong weight, it should be 6 tonnes lighter lol
  • Missing thermals, should be third generation
  • Can’t drive over 100kph with two wheels destroyed
  • Acceleration will most likely be massively underperforming
  • Turning diameter should be 15 meters
  • Armour is probably incorrect. Should be invulnerable to 14.5mm


Just a quick question @Smin1080p : You previously said the devs are working on filling the 9.7 - 11.7 void, so then how come the Vextra is slated for 8.7 where it wouldn’t fill any gaps; rather, it would just be adding to an already full line-up? Really, the addition of the Vextra proves two things:

  1. The devs (as per usual) put zero effort into ensuring French vehicles arrive in a historically accurate state
  2. The devs have zero intention of actually filling any tech tree gaps

Now I apologise that you’re the one who has to deal with this, but it’s not as if the devs want to engage with the French community. The French tree is in a miserable state but the devs only seem concerned with adding insult to injury.


Battle ratings on the dev server are not final.

The VEXTRA was a highly requested addition by many in the French community, which its why its being introduced.


We both know it’s not going higher than 8.7 without thermals, being gimped to OFL 105 F3 or even lacking a laser rangefinder though.

Of course it was, just no one requested for such a poor and laughable implementation.


If you believe its missing something, please make a report.

As with all things, nothing on the dev server is final.

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To be fair, Gaijin doesn’t do automotive components, as far as the game goes, as long as it’s moving, it’s working.
The turning radius is the only thing they can adress with the chassis.
Acceleration is tied to having working engines with torque and gearboxes, not incurring penalties for missing wheels would rely on having working suspensions and all adjacent systems.

As for the BR, once it gets it’s correct gun, and can fire NATO standards ammunition, if Gaijin is really allergic to adding more domestic french 105 rounds, they can just slap any DMwhatever to make it at least 9.3 worthy.
VEXTRA/SANTAL/Gazelle is looking good.

Yes but my points stand:

  • Devs put no effort into ensuring the Vextra arrives in a historically accurate state
  • Devs have made no effort into filling the 9.7 - 11.7 void

It’s very disappointing to see…


Simple question but why add a tank, when a forum page with hundreds of players, thousands of comments has been asking for the improvement of the leclerc since 2023. In itself I would prefer an update of the leclercs than having new tanks. I don’t know if people share my opinion but hey