The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Second rule is: you do not talk about roof.


Hey, idk if someone already talk about that on this topic but do someone know what this is ?

This is supposedly the first hints of FCS being implemented in War Thunder.
The Leclerc having the best FCS out of all the modern MBTs, it only makes sense they start experimenting on it first.

That’s one of those features France will never get before other nations cough cough Russia cough cough


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Will take another bit sadly.


Thats okay :) We appreciate your work!

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I asked some dataminers about this and was told its the same type of tracker you can see on some IFVs currently in game for tracking air targets.
Currently its not for ground targets
It’s also about 3 years old apparently

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wanna know something funny?. Russia FCS was just auto tracking up until the T90M wich recieved a proper FCS that can calcualte even the impact point, but the leclerc could do that much before the T90M of course

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Oh yeah. About 30 years before it lol.

if you want overall best FCS tho type 10 since it can track up to 4 targets at the same time and even aim at weakspots, depending on the target of course

Type 10 isn’t exactly from the same generation as the Leclerc’s …

oh well yeah i tought you meant over all MBT’s in game, then yeah leclerc its obvious winner

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Though I’m not sure (rather doubtful) about that on the Leclerc and wonder how it works… does it just vaguely aim for a LFP or something?


Not as hard as it sounds, Ai filters the tank and the direction it’s facing and compares database a Lot of Systems can do this to identify missiles, also regarding the 15 tracks i believe it refers to 15 different paths it can filter in a short period of time altough i’m not sure, since what it says its pretty vague, altough i do know leclercs can keep up to 6 targets in sight and follow them at the same time. Also regarding of the type 10 FCS i could find some info through an interview with a crewmember stating it could target 10 targets at the same time but priorizes 4 that the system detects as more of a threat and in fact something funny he says is " its not fun to be honest im just pulling the trigger and pressing some buttons" wich is funny


I’ll have to find the source later but tracking up to 6 targets refers to the Athos thermal imager. IRIS was originally designed for air defence systems and attack helicopters then the French decided to slap onto a tank. 15 tracks might seem pretty redundant but at the same time the Leclerc was supposed to fight 1 v 3 against Russian tanks. A squadron of Leclercs would hand out targets to each other to engage so that’s why such a high number of tracks.

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Might be something similar with the type 10 too since it has target sharing with other vehicles around it, Even planes or helis, but man the gunner face was killing me it’s like someone destroyed his hopes lmao 😭

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Yeah it has their own BMS or something.

You’re not going to just say that leave, are you?

Wait lemme send the video it’s hilarious his reaction, so basically the guys who interviewed him asked him outside the cut part “how does it feels to Gun?” And basically he said it wasnt that fun sadly not in the video but You can still see his face


And page of the interview resumed

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Damn, he really does look dead inside lol

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Told ya lmfao

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