The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Leclerc AZUR should go on the AMX-40 line or in the Leclerc S2 Folder,
Change my mind.


Or they can change the base model to S21 so it can actually be a worthy vehicle at the end of the line(dont think they will do it tho).


They can add another AZUR based on the XXI and folder it with the first. That could actually be viable

Well if thats whats gonna happen then current AZUR shouldnt be sitting at the end of the line.

No SXXI have used AZUR as far as i remember, the current iteration of AZUR is the 2006 P1, which is based off an S2.T9

are there any other Leclerc’s you think should come now that we are starting to get closer to the xlr

Personally the next better tank is the XLR, but it will play very similar to the SXXI,

They could add EMBT(2017) i guess, and XLR
Off to mind, it comes also the UAE Leclercs, they’re basically better S2, they would be good squadron vehicles or even premium.

If we don’t talk about straight up better vehicles, they could always add the prototypes


Could help fill the GAP,

Also, i’d like to see the Leclerc MSC as well, which is the most “original” prototype we will probably see.




if we can get a lower br leclerc we could hopefully have something to pair french light tanks with




or you know just receive another spaa because clearly gaijin loves doing that


I dunno why people are so upset by this. The French tech tree has lacked SPAA for the longest time. I think the fact that they’re finally adressing this issue is not a bad thing (though it would be nice if the low-mid tier SPAA were a bit more WW2 friendly.)

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I think the problem is that was a multi year wish and well the amx 10p could have had a Milan, which is even more upsetting because the addition of the tpk it invalidates the amx 10p making it in my opinion a useless addition with how its implemented currently.

Its not a complete negative they just over delivered on a request which isn’t bad but with how long it takes changes to come to vehicles or the tech tree in the past it feels like a wasted ticket


it should be a modification for the leclerc S2

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pretty sure on the old forum thats what it was suggested as

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  • Leclerc s. 1, Leclerc s. 2, Leclerc s. 2 (AZUR), Leclerc s. 21:
    • Roof MG changed to a copy-paste one without name
    • Max speed: 71.08 / -37.43 → 71.79 / -37.8 km/h
      new data mines

Seems like they are working on my acceleration report, since one of the change was correct the forward speed/reverse speed.
Also FYI its not Roof MG but the Coaxial, seem they’re changing the name of some other stuff, but we will see tomorrow hopefully.


did they ever say anything about the roof mg report in the past

Leclerc MBTs have no pressure chamber to allow to evacuate the fumes


That allows more velocity (thanks to higher calibre) with a shorter package (Leclerc’s main gun caliber is L52 while the Leopard 2A5 is L44)



The counterpart to this advantage is that the Leclerc needs to be NRBC sealed to fire its main gun so it’s impossible to use the roof-mounted MG.

That could be the reason, of course in game we do now have tankers getting out to fire the roof MG’s, but thats a fair reason i guess.
I personally didn’t bothered much to look at it, but if i gather more informations i will eventually report it.


İs there any news for upcoming armor report?

You mentioned couple weeks ago that new report will be here soon.

Not yet.