The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Report about Leclerc incorrect FOV for it’s optics got acknowledged in less than 11 minutes of being posted.


That’s a nerf right?

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The speed at which it is recognized doesn’t mean anything. It may very well just be a case of a user working on a report, DM’ing a tech mod to review it prior to posting and then making the report / having it acknowledged when it is already reviewed and ready to push to the devs.

It’s just a good sign that it was well researched and sourced prior to being posted.


No, it is not

wasn’t the last fov report rejected they said something like zoom and fov cant be separate i dont quite remember the specifics of the report

I do not recall this report, however Gaijin for defining zoom in the game files they do use FoV values.

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Never heard of that one, hence why I made one

Doesn’t that mean that the field of view is going to be reduced?

Lower FOV = better zoom, so that’s actually a buff

Yeah that’s what happened

and it shouldn’t coast 10 euro too lol

if they implement it it would be like 13x or something like that right ?

its been a while not sure if it was specifically for the leclerc but that was the dev response

Better “felt” zoom would be correct since the zoom level would remain the same. The image displayed is simply slimmer

Is now « Not a bug ».

I think as it stands the Leclerc line is pretty weird (Ażur is in my opinion a total downgrade from the S.21) and instead of adding new ones gaijin should buff the S.21 and AZUR so they could be competitive in the modern top tier match-maker.

No I’m not saying they’re bad I do extremely well in them but they clearly lack the new and shiny features that most nations have


That’s exactly what happened here as well. The game adjusts maginification by adjusting FoV. So it takes a part of your FoV and scales it up to the entire screen. It is a shortcut to avoid creating real magnification which is understandable.

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They could have made the Azur a SXXI base but they chose not to(which was dumb)

If they add LWS to Azur it might be worth the grind


Leclerc AZUR should go on the AMX-40 line or in the Leclerc S2 Folder,
Change my mind.


Or they can change the base model to S21 so it can actually be a worthy vehicle at the end of the line(dont think they will do it tho).