The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Okay thanks.

I’m a bit confused as to why there are so minor adjustments for the speed. I guess some ratios got changed, but really, they are so insignificant that I would honestly begin to question: Why? Because this is honestly an irrelevant change. Unless an overall change happened which will be important in the future.

Otherwise, this took time away from other, more interesting features or fixes that could be worked on.

[Edit] So the reason comes from the Leclerc being fixed to a limit of 72 kph. That’s why. I guess you cannot argue with what is a documented fix.

im gonna say because you dont need to take balance into account you can just make the change and not have to think about it

Because they could even have been working on the report about the acceleration, one of the changes was in fact fixing the speeds.

Is anyone able to give a try to the Leclerc low-speed mobility/neutral steering?
How do they feel?

Spaded + full + expert Leclerc S.XXI (on road):

360º neutral steer: 10 seconds
0-50 km/h: 10 seconds
0-72 km/h: 21 seconds

I don’t know how it used to be, but I don’t think there’s been any change too noticeable so far.

I have been told by some people that the vehicle feels better/more nimbe at low speed, hence why i asked. I will do more tried myself later.

Yep, same numbers here. Slightly faster because my crew is ace, but practically unnoticeable.
I come from a week of playing the Challengers though, so even a tetraplejic slug feels fast.

Thats normal, they shouldn’t have got changed, my question was about low-speed mostly/hull traverse, but thanks for the infos.

Yeah but what I said is that I got the same numbes as Spanish_Avenger. I just reach the marks sliiightly faster than him because of the crew, but not because of any fix. Doesn’t feel any different at all.

Edit to add; 0-20km/h in less than 2 secs. 0-30km/h in less than 3,5 secs.
I don’t know if that’s different than before.

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All good.

this issue seems to have been corrected, I just tried with my S21 and it turned in 8-9 seconds

Keep in mind that the video doesn’t show neutral steering. I’m still turning at about the same speed of the video if I turn with only 1 tread. Neutral steering is indeed at about 9 seconds.

Yes, I made the bug report about it a long time ago : Rptd: [] - Unusually slow rotation speed of both the Leclercs' hull ("Neutral pivot gear turning speed"). - Documented Ground Reports - War Thunder - Official Forum

It was fixed a few months ago. But the patch we just received today made the Leclercs’ hull traverse a little bit faster (about 10% faster).

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French APFSDS should have 0% chance of ricochet at 80°


Oof… you guys, today I was penned by a BMP-2M through the front composite and my fuel tank exploded… Maybe the composite part was a just a rendering error, but nonetheless, exploding because of this makes the Leclerc honestly pretty much a glass cannon.

There was something about a 40mm armor plating around the fuel tank, no? Because I finally found some images ofthe hull of the Leclerc and it shows that the fuel tanks on the floor are made of plastic, but have another plate - the hull floor so to speak - on top of them.


first time?

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Yes… actually. Just as the French intended I guess…

Here’s 2 images of the Leclerc hull floor. I am sorry, I do not know how to create spoilers in this new forum.

Important 2nd floor perspective:

And then there’s this plan I’ve found:

Now in regards to the 40mm armor plating around the fuel tank, I’d already consider that an armored fuel tank. But if Gaijin does not, there’s probably a lot of hope: Because as you can see in the plan that I have here, the right fuel tanks are described as “Réservoirs structuraux”, just like the front fuel tank was described. In other words: If they classify as external fuel tanks ingame, they are of the same design and thus should be treated the same (Which most likely means a plastic container that actually holds the fuel, surrounded by the 40mm walls).

And we should get a floor with the appropriate cutouts as an armored layer over the fuel tanks on the floor. I do not have the time to create a bug report - but could someone take this task upon him?


I really wish Gaijin modelled the lower fuel tanks as external, with the proper bulkhead included…

Dying to fuel tank fires/explosions on Leclerc is possibly its biggest weakness!