Yea it’s gone, there was a BW video on youtube that was showing off graphs for this, it’s deleted now. They also had a speedometer showing a 2A4 accelerate to 72kph in 11 seconds ¯_(ツ)_/¯
What is it you’re doubtful about? The fact that a helicopter turbine performs better than a turbocharger? Or that the person in charge of the Leclerc program from the French army side of things is not ‘reliable’?
The figures themselves rather than the person. Apart from the BW video, it was the only time I’ve ever seen numbers on how quickly an engine develops its power.
But this isn’t the point. KNDS make the specific distinction between off-road and on-road . For the Leclerc, the off-road speed is 72 km/h which aligns with independent crew testimony and an official French army document.
It kinda is, hear me out. Trails usually allow AFVs to move at the same speeds as they would on a road (hence why I’m working on calculating the speed a 2A5 is moving at in a video [it’s on a trail]), so I suggest to wait a sec - this will either prove me completely wrong & you right, or vice-versa.
The reason why you came here is because of a statement saying the Leclerc is faster than the Leopard, which is not a dumb statement and every signs shows that it is true.
But somehow you show a speedometer and take it as a ultimate evidence of our ignorance.
What im asking is why Germans kept using bolts to attach Arrowhead to turret armor instead of making integrated into turret armor with new builds Leopards.
Which imply the tank can go up to 100kph because the speedometer said so when the engine limiter is removed.
This is literally what you said, not me. Otherwise why would you even mention reliability and such before this statement?
How does this contradict what I said initially even? You’re really just pulling at straws, seeing as you ignored the part below that photo for no reason:
So why are they “only” capable of going ~70kph per most sources? Both vehicles are mechanically limited to preserve their powerpacks, which normally begin to experience higher failure rates when pushed above their nominal rating. If they had more powerful cooling & more modern transmissions, both vehicles could reach 100kph
What im asking is why Germans kept using bolts to attach Arrowhead to turret armor instead of making integrated into turret armor with new builds Leopards.
Because if its hit enough times, you can just take it off and put on a new one. You can’t do that if it’s integrated into the structure (well you can, but you will need a welding team at the site). @Panther2995
AMX 10RC (cross-country speed is incorrect as there's footage of the AMX 10RC going faster
AMX 32
Early 2000s Leclerc Brochure
French always differentiate between off-road and on-road speed. For MBTs there is about a 20 km/h difference between the two.
French manufacturer statements aren’t the best. For example, GIAT vaguely states the Leclerc acceleration is “under 5.5 seconds” when its actually a lot faster than that. Which is why you have to refer to the most recent statements as eventually GIAT decides to be a bit more forthcoming.
By all means you can show the footage you want to. But based on the previous trend of how GIAT/ Nexter make their brochures and how it aligns with various independent crew testimony, footage of the Leclerc travelling at 80 km/h (sure you can argue that it’s not - but I doubt it) and a primary source from the French army as well as secondary sources, I’d say it all indicates a top speed of 90 km/h.
On the other hand, even as much as some of you like to paint the 2A7V as not up to the real standards, the truth is that many tanks right now at top tier share that same fate. But at least the 2A7V players can enjoy playing a tank that is otherwise stomping at top tier, with one of the highest winrates and one of the best performances overall, paired with the Swedish tanks who, coincidentally, tend to share the same team with the Germans.
When we talk about mobility it’s not only about “top seed” lol, we don’t care about it. The Leclerc accelarates way faster + turns way faster without losing energy, reminder that the Leo is almost 10 tons heavier so it just makes sense…
Yea… almost as if regenerative steering is missing from the game, so heavier MBTs suffer more, whilst the lighter ones suffer less. Just look at the Chally 2s & Type 10, it’s a day & night of difference.
Last I checked, both perform a 360 pivot in ~9 seconds. Other than that, I don’t really see them (Leopard 2s) perform better in terms of mobility, especially when we start looking at the heaviest variants, 2A4 maybe sure. In tigher turns, my aced 2A6 basically comes to a halt, whilst my experted S1 stays around ~20 - 25kph.
Isn’t that before the neutral fixes? Might be misremembering, but my S1 is doing pretty good, then again my experience could change when i get to the S21.