The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

The Leclerc S1 is 11.7, good morning. Smin said they won’t add it, because production Leclercs are 11.7.


I mean, didn’t the first Leclerc variant have worse armor than even Leclerc S1, and was also fitted with OFL G1 only (425mm pen max) because F1 wasn’t ready yet?

Wouldn’t this be a perfect 10.0 Premium? Could use AMX-40, both AMX-32s, VBCI-2 and Roland 1 for a lineup.



Oh you think?

This is the reason why it got nerfed in the first place.

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It doesn’t fit Alvis narrative, so he would ignore you man. Its useless.

As far as the sources shows, it should have the same armor as T1’s, which were tested in Sweden and we have informations about it, so it should have the same armor as the current Leclerc minus 20-30mm of RHA, however it could still sit at 11.3. This is exactly what Gaijin did with the TKX(P). Why is France getting a different treatment?

I don’t see why they should settle for this when the tank is obviously much better IRL.

Simply adapting the real life speed of the tank in the game would make it worthy of top tier.

Fixing the reloading speed AND the armor would make it S tier.

We are focusing on filling the gaps in the tree first to provide better lineup viability before considering a premium

Ah yes. In 3 years they filled those gaps by … checks notes adding 3 copies of the exact same MBT and a single SPAA 🤡

I guess we should also forget about the fact that the only ground high tier premium France received in the last 4 years is the VBCI-2 … which has only ONE vehicle at its BR of 9.7


These Devs are such a joke istg. They could at least try to find a credible excuse


Maybe have a similar armor as the T1, it is not mentioned anywhere the tank had armor upgrade after this except on the tank sides indeed ( we can even see on the swedish tests that one of them is missing armor). It is also said the turret got redrawed for T3 ( whatever it means I don’t really know).

So on theory it could be the same but from other sources notably the greek, polish and russian ones the armor is much more than what it had in Sweden.

If anything we should use the post prototype sources.

( Also the armor was pretty much the same on the S2 but on the SXXI the composite layer got completely redone and should have totally different values and not a stupid copy and paste with a 50mm increase)

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The reason it was moved to 6 seconds is because people provided primary source documents.
As you can see from that post you linked to, it’s already 6 seconds, so no that didn’t cause it to be 6 seconds.

And no there is no “Alvis narrative” @WaretaGarasu
Not sure why your post has misinformation when your “narrative” is a copy of mine, just not including the 6 second data as well.
There are sources for both 5 and 6 seconds, this is common knowledge among us at this point.

reload rates are one of the main things Gaijin use for balance as well. so not only documents would be a reason for changes to reload rates.

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This does not matter into the equation however, since they decided to reduce M1’s reload time to 5s, do you think the M1A2’s are worse tanks than the Leclercs?

As you can see here: Leclerc MBT ( All Variants ) incorrect rate of fire // // Issues
One of the source is a primary source from GIAT, which means that its is more important than every other source presented; who if not GIAT itself would give a proper answer about their vehicles?

You never asked me for sources to begin with, if you would, i’d be providing them.

Except i do not. Here, i told you that they won’t add premium Leclercs because they are top BR’s, however after one message you’re saying the Leclerc S1 could be 10.7 without OFL F1, do you think they haven’t considered it?


This is you, trying to make your point with ancient magic at that point, it just shows that you’re either sleeping or not listening properly, what of the two you are?


oh i have no clue about either, i just wanted to add that there are more reasons to change reload rates than documentation. and if there is documentation about both 5 and 6 second they could easily choose either based on balance. if that’s needed i have no clue.

Yes, and i fully support your statement generally, however the balance argument ended up pretty much the second they decided to buff the M1’s reload if you ask me.

Not to be game breaker here but isnt Leclerc suppose to reload way slower when its on the move? İf i remember correctly it should reload the main gun between 7-8 seconds while tank is on the move.

The reason why gaijin hasnt implemented that factor its because every tank would’ve effected by that.

No. Directly from an Official Testing by GIAT.

Char leclerc 6 coups en 1mn (



You can see that the barrel goes in resting position ( -1.8 Degrees ), and stays there for roughly 5 seconds, which is exactly how much the reload take. You may ask me why i had to specify this detail, and the answer is quite simple. The gun needs to be in resting position before even starting the reload, which is why we can confidently say the reload is 5 seconds, as can be seen on this video.

The reason why only 6 shots have been made in one minute of course is quite simple to explain as well, since the Leclerc FCS had to calculate and hit every target at that speed (50km/h), this has nothing to do with the reload.
Also, following your logic, every manually loaded tank should reload slower while moving as well, as i pointed out.

I hope i cleared any of your doubts.

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Exactly,thats why said Gaijin hasnt implemented that mechanic.

Yep you did, thanks for the information.


Understandable, have a good day.

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Reload is more than just the time from open door to closed door though.
It includes the gun laying to the position.
And just cause that’s not animated in War Thunder currently doesn’t mean it’s not simulated [very simplistically mind you] by having the longer reload.
Yes, Abrams and Leopard loaders can do a 7 round sprint at 3.6 seconds per round.
Yes, Leclerc can load in 5 seconds gun level.
Type 10 3.5 gun level.
T-72 less than 7.1 seconds gun level and round in next slot.

So yeah. In the game’s current system loading is slower, but it’s simple and thanks to that less intensive as well as faster in all other situations where reload would slow.

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False, reload is just reload, what you mean is reload process, and its not currently implemented in War Thunder correctly.

You’re wrong, its even less that that, however at the cost of damaging the tank, moreover that reload time couldn’t be implemented because of balance in fact, since having a reload time of 3 if not less second could cause unbalancing.

Actualy proof you don’t readed, gun doesn’t have to be leveled, it does have to be in resting position.

T Series generally don’t need to have the gun on level, though i’d give you that, because im not 100% sure on that.

Cool, can they do that while closing blast doors in the process, you have to remember this fact, having the blast doors opened during the whole process doesn’t matter, because in War Thunder this is not the case, also its probably prohibited during an actual conflict since it would affect the survability of the tank.
Also, following your logic, shouldn’t those tank be affected as well if the barrel is not leveled out? Of course it would be harder to reload if the gun is fully elevated, or if the tank is moving, yet the Abrams for example reload at 5 seconds constantly, for 5 seconds, doesn’t matter the situation its in.