The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Not only spall liners ! Leo2A6 (and Swedish versions) as well as T80BVM were already the most armored tanks and now they are even more! I think T90M also got a new gen thermal (not sure about that) which makes those 3 tanks basically the best in the games while Leclerc, Ariete, Merkavas, TKX are crying in the corner

It got worse thermals (2 Gen) than the BVM despite being the strongest russian MBT in service IRL XDDDD

the composite covers much less hull than the one on the leclerc and its easier to kill a type 10 with an autocannon to the front than a leclerc its not more armored its just that the little armor it has its thicker meanwhile the leclerc turret its stronger in terms of thickness but only covers a certain ammount meanwhile the type 10 turret composite covers more but has less thickness, as for the breach thickness of the leclerc they better fix that asap that’s straight up a model bug not a feature

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the composite covers much less hull than the one on the leclerc

… which tank has the greener UFP against APFSDS?

everyone knows how unreliable its protection map upper front plate i never go at the upper front plate of the leclerc cuz most of the cases it bounce and the same goes for the type 10, using armor mapping its completely unreliable in fact most people will do their own mapping due to how bad it is at doing its job lol

You don’t need to use the protection map if you don’t like it.
Top tier darts ricochet at 81 degrees, Leclerc UFP is 74 degrees, TKX is 84 degrees.
Simple as. On level ground the TKX has enough angle to ricochet every dart. Sure some of them might go into the turret but that’s better than a pen.

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i grinded using arcade assault recently, got the french map a few times. Went for the upper plate of bots leclerc S21 and S1, rarely got a bounce or non pen.

and i was using OFL 120 G1 with 425mm pen mind you.

fair to say the pen map is quite accurate in that particular case.

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AHAH sure buddy. I would love to play the Leclerc you’re speaking of. Too bad it’s just a fantasy.

If you never go for the UFP on the Leclercs, you’re missing out big time. It’s a no brainer, safe bet to obliterate the tank in 1 shot. I have gotten killed by rounds penetrating that plate at a totally flat angle. It isn’t like the Abrams, which aftentimes diverts the ropunds upwards and they bounce on the cheeks. The plate on the Leclerc won’t do that.

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Alright. On another topic, some people « leaked » the Leclerc XLR, a Leclerc prototype and the SHARD APFSDS for the next update. Any thoughts ?


Another copy paste Leclerc incoming.

Either premium or another TXK(P) syndrome.

This is actıally nice if its true.

XLR? Maybe, since they gotta give some kind of incentive for people to buy the new packs, but Shard is just a bit of stretch, we have many rounds that haven’t been implemented and I don’t think they will give us the strongest one. The only one possibility is that they actually want to separate rank 7 and 8 Leclerc and make them different.

My issue with a Leclerc prototype is that the current S1 in game basically is the prototype. It does not have its improved armor found on EMAT Leclercs (same for all Leclercs in game basically)


LWS, HE M3M (HE-VT non proxy) and shitty side NERA+ERA; basically a french Leopard 2PSO.

DM63 equivalent, ~760mm RHA 60*.

Thats why said XLR will be basically another copy paste cause aside from improved turret armor on front section nothing will change.

İ highly doubt Gaijin will increase armor protection now.

Does a tone have good data/reliable sources for SHARD? Haven’t seen any

Leclerc prototype will most likely be the new pack premium

Tehre are a bit of informations considering its an APFSDS made for export, contrary to the other OFL120 that were only tested by and for the Leclerc, so informations are extremely hard to come by

Leclerc S1 and S2 are at top tier and they don’t get stock darts. Those 2 are even more of a pain to grind.

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Best secondary source we have is: Nexter 120 mm SHARD: towards tailored APFSDS solutions - EDR Magazine

Key points

+. Performance improvement of 20% compared to older ammunition (OFL F1 and F1+).

+.The APFSDS is made of D10 tungsten carbide alloy.

+.“propellant gases press the sabot around the penetrator, strengthening the design of the overall projectile, which allowed us to decrease the mass of the sabot, hence improving the energy delivered to the penetrator.”

+.“The new ammunition we announced, what I would call the SHARD Mk1, is just the first step, and it is the lower performance we can obtain with this kind of concept. […] As said initially, we started with a conventional double-base propellant, keeping the pressure low. This gives us a considerable margin, so if we go for a more energetic propellant and increase pressure up to the maximum allowed, we will have a much higher muzzle velocity hence a higher kinetic energy at muzzle and on the target, but this will be the SHARD Mk2”

So…DM63-DM73 equivalent at best.