The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Way thicker and no gaps between blocks, yet only 4 times effective? Its just funky

I mean, it is “4 times more effective” but the difference between 5mm and 20mm is nothing. Even though the AZUR ERA is clearly dozens of times thicker and heavier.

Not to mention that Kontakt-1 ERA is one of the first mass produced ERAs and is decades older than the AZUR ERA.

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This is a issue with all Western ERA NERA armour
They heavily underperform
I don’t know for what is on the Leclerc but the Challenger 2 TES add on armour is miss named as ERA when its a NERA ERA sandwich that should provide protection from 30mm apfds and Tandem charge warheads of 1200ce


Yep, so many instances of poor implementation

Your thought, not reality. F-35 is more of an industrial aircraft rather than a fighter. The F-35 is a hangar queen, is not yet fully operational and still has many critical flaws remaining. Just look at DoD and GAO reports, not LM’s advertising (the so-called “revolutionary” simulator which reduce the flight hours made me laugh).

Pz2000 (17 M) is 3 times more expensive than Caesar (5 M) for the same effect (both guns are 52 caliber long). It has reliability issues and mediocre off-road performance since it uses a Leopard 1 chassis. Also, ukrainian forces are already expressing their preference for Caesar but this is understandable since 2S22 Bohdana is inspired by it.

Arms sales is more about political reasons rather than performance or value for money, 75 000 US soldier on your soil will be a good reason to buy US. In europe they mostly compete against each over and they favor their own national manufacturers first. in fact, south korean equipements are becoming more popular recently.

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Maybe off topic but I’d still say that (for Ukraine) AHS Krab is a much better choice than PzH2k

Should I throw in the Swedish Archer in the mix

Seams the me the Ceaser is a towed gun fixed to a truck so still needs time to set up meanwhile the pzh 2000 more fits the classic self-propelled gun
Stop aim fire and move away

I just realized there is no classification differences between a dedicated vehicle
Pzh m10 su152 stuh 42

And just mounting guns to flatbeds with minimal effort

Flakbus chiha-longgun milk trucks VFW and it’s British equivalent Ceaser the Russian 206 gun Carrier and the Mortar equivalent

Due to scale of availability (the fact Poland basically gave them away due to K9), yes. Capability wise it is, apart from the Battlefield Management System, not that good. One of the strengths that 2K brings over all other tracked artillery systems is the fact that charges are completely separated from the crew by blast doors… a pretty foreign concept to most designers (apart from the US).

Granted, it uses all the same ammunition that 2K does, so as I’ve already stated; more artillery = good, less artillery = bad.

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Hey guys I don’t want to interfer but what tf it has to do with the Leclerc? Maybe create a new topic to debate about it…


True, sorry for that.

to be fair your french guy started the fight lol

I couldn’t care less about who started or not, if you guys want to discuss about other vehicles to that an appropriate spaces, this is not the proper space for it.


An ex-military aviator, reactor in chief for Air & Cosmos ( ), is in contact with french volunteers and is often called in national news for his expertise. True, wipipédia and The Buzz arefar more reliable…

seeing how you dont consider the words of active war personal yeah, definitly not reliable

Anyway, steering the thread back to the topic…

A few people were asking how the bug reports are going… Currently there has been no change to the ones which have been acknowledged.

All the bug reporting is done except for armour. In this case, as a rough idea at what we’ll be looking at:

  • The S1 is missing up to 100mm of composite across the frontal arc
  • The SXXI is missing up to 200mm of composite across the frontal arc
  • The S2 is somewhere in between
  • Overall increases in protection

There’s a few things that need to be resolved, hearing back from people as well as making sure everything is accounted for before moving ahead with a report. This could take a while.

In the mean time, we are looking for people who know how to create user missions. We need to do some testing of the Leclerc with a few tweaked parameters, such as:

  • Changing the top speeds for each gear
  • Changing the rpm at which max horsepower is available

Basically copying and pasting the Leclerc in-game into a user mission with a few lines of code changed. If anyone is able to help us with this or put us in touch with someone it would be deeply appreciated.

Hopefully, we see some improvements soon with the current bug reports!


bruh 45k answers to this topic is so wild

I hope Gaijin is COOKING in secret something for Leclercs they’ll release with the premium Leclerc


At this rate I’m certain Gaijin is cooking up a Swede Leclerc variant that will recieve 5s reload, actual hyperbar engine performance and vastly improved armor through appliqué composite. Gaijin will jump through as many hoops as possible to prevent a french tech buff, as historical precedent has shown.


Yea considering the BR changes the french just need to play like american premium tank buyers for a buff

Please chill with the derail.


I just had a scary thought: The Mirage 4000 was passed to devs for consideration in october 2023 and was added last update. The Vextra POLE was passed for consideration in november 2023, and they just removed the AMX-30 Super as the premium pack…

I really, really hope that doesn’t mean that the Vextra POLE will be the new premium. That thing needs to go in the tech tree.

You wanna see something even more stupid?

The skirts of the Strv 122B+ offers a slightly better CE protection and significantly better KE protection for only half the weight increase of the Leclerc AZUR (400kg increase from the Strv 122A to Strv 122B+, 800kg from Leclerc S2 to Leclerc AZUR).
And keep in mind that the additional weight of the Strv 122B+ isn’t limited to just the skirts, the turrets sides also were uparmored, spreading those 400kg all over the tank while the AZUR’s 800kg is mostly limited to the skirts and remote turret.

The blatant discrepancies in terms of weight/protection between the two is insane.

And before anyone says “that’s because one is composite and the other ERA”, it has already been pointed out that the AZUR’s skirts aren’t ERA but NERA/Composite, just like the issues on the Challengers that @Mytho-GR1 mentionned above.


High tier premium packs, usually, aren’t unique to their TT; the only exception i can think of is Obj.120. Could be a GE premium tho (2S38, T114, VBCI, …)

Plot twist: Next update Gaijin decompress top tier (11.7->12.3) and France gets a UAE Leclerc as premium pack.