The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

I do think yea
question is if it’s enough for that gaijin employee
For a French vehicle


The issue with Gaijin is whatever change you want you need a valid source while they apparently don’t or at least don’t have to provide us with it so they can go with whatever they want to be true. It’s a system I don’t support but sadly there isn’t much we can do about it. Meaning if they find just a very small mention of something or even a wrongly translated document they can use it and never have to show it to us.

There isn’t much to do cause legally they can’t share a lot of sources they pay for.
All copywritten works would be by name only.
All export restricted works they got permission to use would just not be shareable.
And so forth.
They’re legally required to keep most if not nearly all sources to themselves.

They should at least name them. We’ve seen how often they had very wrong data for a lot of their things. I’m worried about them using russian sources prefered over original or nation of origin ones. AFAIK that’s what happened to Mistral which why almost all stats of Mistral are wrong (example 12G instead of 30)

I think the sources provided are enough, beside that its kind od obvious Galix has been used on Leclerc and the AZUR is not a new tank but a kit mounted in a S2

Take a look at this report:

See the difference?

This is… no words for this. Instead of asking for more source they just need to see where it is on the tank for reference…

@Mobius_Einherjar was kindly enough to spot it on the azur specifically and the response was basically that photo can’t be used like why would a lws sensor would be there then?

Thats the LWS on the azur,

I made both report on the leclerc and strv because even strv122 use galix but im disappointed how they are handling the report on the leclercs while i think on the strv122 is being handled correctly in my opinion. Considering one of the first adopter of galix was in fact leclercs and and lacroix itself is french.

It’s weird to see. For whatever reason they handle them so different

Save the Leclercs!


Can this help with the shielding of the Azur kit?

I made a report about nera and era
In that book he talk about what was the composition of the armor blocks?

Does it mention the use of galix on leclerc or the use of lws on the azur?

no it’s just that

Absolutely nothing prevents them from naming their sources so that people can check if said sources are correct or not.
They just don’t want to, because as Spookston once said: “they’ll only enact the bug report that gives them an outcome that they want”, and giving us the name of their sources might lead us to disproving them, which would go against what gaijin wants.

That double standard, jeez. And gaijin wonders why French mains/players are so aggy towards them…

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Yea ask the cv9040c which got its ammo load decreased from 230 ish to just 120


I see Spook is still addicted to being wrong.

Also @WaretaGarasu and Mobius, we don’t know the difference between the Leclerc & Strv 122 report because Gaijin allows people to hide documents from the general public.

He said that after providing official declassified documents from the US army proving that a change that gaijin was about to implement was wrong. Gaijin went ahead and implemented the change anyway.

He’s not the one addicted to being wrong.

Wareta is the one responsible for both reports, so he most definitely knows the difference… 🙄

How is that hard?

On one hand: Community Bug Reporting System

Showed that GALIX has been used on the STRV122, showed GALIX does have an LWS Receiver and you know what was asked? Where the sensor was, completly fair and understandable.

On the other hand: Community Bug Reporting System

Showed that the Leclerc does have an LWS ( GALIX is made by Lacroix which is a French company which also work with NEXTER, another company that helps with the production of Leclerc and modifications ). Asked for more source on GALIX, a French System that i think everyone knows is used on Leclercs, i provided a XLR brochure and im sure that won’t be enough anyway.

@Mobius_Einherjar and me showed where the LWS sensor is on the AZUR and the response was “we cannot accept only images for the functionality of a vehicle in the game.”.
So what an LWS sensor has been doing on a Leclerc if its not being used???


“We at least need documentation on the use of GALIX on the Leclerc series, additionally for AZUR.”

Keep in mind that AZUR is just an uparmored S2 for the most part.

That was my response.


“Lacroix , in collaboration with Nexter, developed Galix” that implies it has been made with Nexter, company that AZUR, XLR and Clara and many other parte used by Leclercs.

A link that shows the functionalities of GALIX, on one of the photos you can clearly see a Leclerc XLR has been used, RE: “GALIX Passive Self-Defence System used, e.g. in case of the Leclerc tank” which next to also explains the system is used on other vehicle that are also stated on Lacroix Website, the producer of GALIX.

Remember that thing link is shared by Lacroix itself and it can be seen on this link if you scroll enough: Lacroix Defense - Land Solutions - Soft-Kill Self Protection

“After studying these various operations the French have moficated the Leclerc for its urban warfare, and was born on Leclerc Azur”

That states and implies AZUR is just a modified Leclerc ( an S2 for being clear, this can clearly be seen for the lack of the new CITV or armor array that are the Leclerc S3 or the presence of the AC unit which was lacking on the S1. So this is definitivaly a modified Leclerc S2.

In addition to this, i will also attach a brochure for the Leclerc XLR that can be found here: OUR PRODUCTS | Knds

This states GALIX has been used, XLR is a heavy upgrade package, not a minor one like AZUR. ( AZUR has been made by Nexter as well ).

Also from nexter website in 2007: NEXTER - L'Arme blindée – génie

" La première concrétisation de cette réflexion a été la réalisation en 2006 d’un démonstrateur appelé kit AZUR®, composé d’un ensemble de modules amovibles rapportés sur un char Leclerc de série. Ce démonstrateur a été présenté avec succès lors du salon Eurosatory. Il est en évaluation à Sissonne du 27 novembre au 8 décembre 2006."

As being stated previously, Nexter is the producer of AZUR and it states AZUR was used on a base Leclerc.

A video that also show the use of GALIX and the vehicle used is a Leclerc:

Hope that would be enough.

XLR Brochure for you
xlr brochure.rar (3.0 MB)

I think that states pretty clearly GALIX has been used, multiple article from the producer website (LACROIX) even states that.

I can bet on the fact its gonna be refused anyway, tell me why.


Can you explain me this sentence?

The documents you could’ve provided that we cannot see may share different information.
On top of that, David Bowie is among the most veteran reports moderators.
& both are still at info-requested.