The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

I just realised this topic is the 1st most viewed one after the major update and Gaijin or whoever is needed to improve the leclerc won’t see a piece of what was talked here


Gaijin knows whats goin on and they certainly how badly they bucthered French Top tier.

They simply just dont care and making countless excuses.


Here’s the official CCE paint pattern, straight from the Direction General de l’Armement:

Also a good comparison of the difference in color between the German 3 tone and the French 3 tone in terms of color:

They’re clearly different, but not to gaijin apparently.

Thanks for trying. It again goes to show that gaijin doesn’t care about what sources you provide, if said sources don’t match what gaijin wants they’ll just ignore it.

And then they wonder why people took to review bombing to express their discontent. Doing anything else is like shouting into a void.


Thanks for the official CCE paint pattern, I’ll add it to the suggestion if it somehow pass through the

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Thank you very much Mobius for this highly interesting addition ! From what I see the “CARC” in game looks more like the German theme in the shape of the patterns.

However, despite these irrefutable proof, if Gaijin refuses all logical action, I do not think that continuing to defend Leclerc is of any use.

What is also strange is that despite the “number of views” not a single Technical moderator dared to intervene, yet I have already seen them intervene in other threads, it must be believed that the Leclerc is not a good cause in their eyes…


loading is 3 sec btw
Doubt they will buff it


I’d clearly like to see the leclerc buffed but I don’t think this is reliable and even less for Gaijin XD

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In case they give you trouble for the sourcing of the document, here’s proof that it was declassified:

Source of this picture: Catalogue NORMES Défense 2011 DIRECTION GÉNÉRALE DE L’ARMEMENT


Thanks, I hope this would be helpful but honestly, I think their major problem will be that they won’t be able to sell the CARC cammo on the leclerc anymore

They could still sell it. Just rename it to CCE with the proper color and pattern, that’s it.

Made a bug report about the missing LWS
I know its not much but its a starting point, idk how it will go


Actually I think it was only supposed to be intregrated on the Leclerc XLR at the same time with all the vehicles of the SCORPION programme such as the Jaguar that It would be nice to see in game.
However I think it will not be integrated on the Leclerc XLR (probably due to budget problem).

(It’s the ANTARES pod)

Not completly sure, but lets see how it goes!

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Screw this, I’m reopening my bug report on the spalling. And seriously, WTF was that bounce?


That giving the impression to bounce INSIDE the armor plate … Oo

And I can’t reopen the issue. Fantastic. Guess I’ll have to make another bug report.

As one person told me “the best top MBT in game”)))
(literally 2-3 months ago)


That’s an AMX/APX video and the figure is given by the voice over

But yeah not good enough for Gaijin

  • Germany, tho it’s in reality everyone with an F-16 or Mig-29.
  • Sweden with Strv 122.
  • Tiger UHT for Germany.
    CAS OP benefits everyone other than USSR & Sweden.


Yet Gaijin will continue to care about France, and do things. AMX 30 Super is not a France-only vehicle. It’s a German upgrade program, and happened years prior to the SK-105 addition.

It’s clear Magazines weren’t as enough as primary source documents would be.
Gotta prove with docs that the armor is what we think it is.


That bounce was an 85 degree angle after penning, which shatters the round normally into dozens of pieces. It checks out, I see no bug present, just an unfortunate angle allowing someone to shoot in that manner.

Yeah no sorry, I’m not having any of that. The shell hit almost horizontally to the armor and somehow still managed to pen, but once it’s inside that’s when it decides to bounce instead of exiting? Nah, screw that. That shouldn’t be happening on an MBT, it’s completely unreasonable.
And that’s not even mentioning the spall being once again a problem.

The Leclerc is pretty much the only top tier tank that would’ve died to such a shot and that needs to change.