The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

I’d be surprised if any other top MBT had more open reports than the Leclerc.

But they won’t give a French TT consultant and they won’t address the Leclerc… Minor Nation Syndrome


Challenger 2 maybe

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Forget about it its the same boat as Japan,we dont havy big comunities which can cry enough that Gj will hearthem,lkke US and Brits.

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My guess is that they won’t do another copeblog on the Leclercs since they have basically NOTHING of value to argue about it. The Leclercs should have been fixed years ago, and yet, they’re basically the same as the Leclerc S1 was when it was added 4 years ago.


This is a reckless post.
There’s no knowing what’s coming based on 2 out of the ~42 average vehicles added each update.

I really hope France gets more then another mid-tier spaa. I want to be exited for new updates but every time there is nothing but shit additions (amx10m) or just boring additions (spaa’s) how can Gajin expect any new players to want to play the French tt when it is constantly left to rot every update.

Gajin really has no interest in the tt there isn’t even a pack premium with the removal of the amx30 super and if the leaks are real it will be another patch with no premium. When Gajin doesn’t even care enough to scam players with a 80 dollar pack you know they reallt don’t give a fuck.

off topic but,

How is this possible actually something good from a free crate???


France completely neglected in this game, I hope the devs are not surprised no one plays this nation, and everything suggests that they hate France.

Very often, when I play my Leclercs, I am the only Frenchman, sometimes by a miracle, we are 2.
And when I play another nation, France is never present.

As a French player, I am very disappointed and it discourages me from playing this game.


So a series of bug reports were made by @totolescargo and @WaretaGarasu about the Tiger helicopters. They were all buffs to the Tigers except for one which was to reduce the RoF from 750rds/min down to 720rds/min. We have received confirmation from a tech mod that the bug report for RoF has been resolved and will be ‘fixed’ in the new update meanwhile every other bug report (that would otherwise buff the Tigers) are still open.

One of the bug reports made by Wareta was to increase the explosive mass of the autocannon shells from 16g to 50g. Relatively simple, right? But it’s still open. I guess changing 2 digits in a line of code is too difficult for the devs but changing a 5 to a 2 is much, much easier.

Really is a case of…

Still no update on current bug reports for the Leclerc. All that have been submitted have been acknowledged. Maybe we see some fixes on the dev server but considering the devs can’t even be bothered humouring us with one of their copeblogs…


Having the French version of BTRZD/Bosvark with more ammo being called “useless” isn’t the bad take I expected to see today.
Also that’s like half of the vehicles.

This topic is also about Leclerc…

Leclerc being incorrect =/= France bad.
Mirage 4000 is the 2nd best air RB jet, it has one of if not the best 7.7 lineup, solid 8.7, 5.7, 6.0, 6.7 lineups for ground, neat aircraft at all ranks…
But this is about Leclerc, which is the tank that gets us our amazing CAS spawns in top BR ground RB.

And Leclerc should be made as accurate as possible.

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Didnt realized we can fire OFL F1 from Mirage 4000, our bad.


Business as usual



Gaijin hates France 101.

Worse is, there are contradictory sources regarding the M781’s fire rate, while there aren’t regarding the explosive mass. Yet, the bug report that gets fixed in a timely manner is the fire rate bug report (the one that would result in a nerf).

How convenient …

While I have minor disagreements within your post, I support the impatience.
Waiting for major updates to see major ground vehicle changes is certainly a test of our patience.

Well, the issue is that we are not waiting for one update to get major changes be done. We are waiting through multiple development cycles without any changes in sight. Some reports are remake of old reports on the old forum that are 2+ years old where the answer was basically « passed for suggestion » before being buried deeper than the average US main IQ


Looks like you just got here so let me explain this to you : some bug reports about the Leclerc have been pending for over 3 years. Some bug reports have been here since 10+ major updates. Another major update isn’t going to change anything

Also, it’s not like these issues are complicated to resolve : 90% of them are LITERALLY one digit away from being fixed

And yet, nothing happens. Worse : the only bug reports that pass are the ones that result in a nerf lol. So we aren’t waiting for the next major update, we are waiting for the day the Devs are actually going to treat France like what it really is : the world’s second arms exporter


RD-33 fuel consumption isn’t even acknowledged, so I’m well aware of priority in issues especially since I’ve studied developers for years at this point, as well as talked with a handful of game devs [not Gaijin sadly] about bug fixing.
The turret speed changes were rather fast…
Same with Mirage 3 takeoff fixes once they were reported.

Some reports regardless of country get pushed down in priority, which is a sad reality of how finite development time is.
After all, the Mirage 3 bug existing meant time needed to be set aside to fix it which means less time to fix issues that were deemed lower priority.

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Main reason not to bother with Leclerc: this is, in my opinion, worse than even the armor nerfs.


Thats one of the sole reasons I experted my crew on Leclerc, but even after surviving with red crew, I sometimes just rather die.

im convinced that these nerfs are to balance the game now