The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Good job. My main concern is that I’m not sure you can dismiss the British evaluation based purely on the date. The report on the British evaluation states that Britain told GIAT that the armour was unacceptable and in response GIAT proposed an up armoured Leclerc turret, but that still only offered 430 mm KE protection (against the UK requirement for 500 mm).

A later report sates that GIAT had accepted their improved turret design still fell short of the UK requirement and that rather than proposing another new version themselves they instead proposed that the UK could produce it’s own composite armour arrays for the Leclerc turret. After evaluating this possibility Britain apparently concluded that meeting the UK’s protection requirement “would not be possible without a major redesign of the turret", which would take “some years”.

So Gaijin may take that as evidence that even improvements made after the UK evaluation are unlikely to bring turret protection to the 650 - 700 mm quoted in the report, at least not for the S1 version.


I really don’t care if the preproduction s1 doesn’t get changed because of the « Swedish trials » but the s2, XXI and azur should get 100% the better production armor it has in real life.


He did great work.
This post-knowledge era of bug reports is nice.

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Isn’t the XXI supposed get even better armor with the titanium inserts?


British testing occured between 1991-1992. Shortly after the first Leclercs were delivered to the army in December 1991 (although never put into service), work began on a new armour package. We can’t know specifically, but the French themselves weren’t happy with the Leclerc and it wasn’t until 1997 that it was deemed suitable for military activity and accepted into service after “industrial intervention”. This gives about 5-6 years for further development.


Discussion topic on Russian sources for OTAN vehicles. I think its urgent that we have a talk on what should primary sources should be acceptable : Should the Devs consider Russian sources for NATO vehicles and vice versa?


According to French documents, only T1 tanks were sent abroad for testing, this includes the UK trials I believe. A quick way to figure it out is that T1 tanks don’t have the rubber side skirts bellow the regular metallic side skirts. T2 tanks received some I,provements, but only T3 batches where usable (and only as recovery vehicles). In 96-97, France finally received their T4 and T5 with armor, better turret traverse, engine fixes… that where the first actual batches to be accepted in service by the DGA under the S1 series of Leclercs


Also, I just wanted to share with you guys all the bug reports that haver been made since mid Novembers by us (mainly wareta and bossman). Updated up to the 26th of December as of now.

Fixed :
Community Bug Reporting System turret rotation and elevtion speed - fixed
Community Bug Reporting System apfds weight - fixed (No gameplay modification, only Statcard AFAIK)

Rejected :
Community Bug Reporting System coax rounds - refused (game mechanic missing ?)
Community Bug Reporting System armor (because of Swedish and UK trials)
Community Bug Reporting System hull armour no. 2 (in addition to the previous one, Russian source not accepted)
Community Bug Reporting System ufp angle (They don’t accept photographs, understandable, missing one other source)
Community Bug Reporting System armor (Improved report disproving Swedish and UK trials as relevant sources) Rejected again, we are working on year another revision of the report
Community Bug Reporting System - Well, 13 sources including video evidence are not enough. Great…
Community Bug Reporting System azur naming (should be named AZUR 2006 as there exist another AZUR kit from 2011). Rejected for whatever reason, but very low priority report

In Limbo (acknowledged or not)
Community Bug Reporting System smoke duration and diameter (its currently standardised in game so not much hope on this for now)
Community Bug Reporting System smokes (give more smoke launches to the tank)
Community Bug Reporting System he round missing (would be highly appreciate to overpressure Russian roofs)
Community Bug Reporting System top speed (minor improvement of 1kph)
Community Bug Reporting System azur lws (already physically modelled lol)
Community Bug Reporting System side armor (against 30mm)
Community Bug Reporting System carc / cce (French standard camo)
Community Bug Reporting System missing hyperbar (should make the Leclerc as manoeuvrable as the ZTZ99)
Community Bug Reporting System spall liners
Community Bug Reporting System side armour (could resist 30mm auto cannons and RPG7 while keeping the crew intact)
Community Bug Reporting System S21 wrong thermals (Comparing the specs to other ig gen 3 thermals, S21 sights should be gen 3)
Community Bug Reporting System azur thermals (Same as SXXI but for gunner of the AZUR)
Community Bug Reporting System incorrect model (Leclerc should be shorter than even the T80U, and yet is almost the length of the Leo 2)

Make what you want to do from this list, but to me it really shows how France is treated for ground vehicles


I think their requirements in general for modern vehicles are too strict. We know some stuff is clearly false and can prove it but the hard data they want just isn’t available because the vehicles are classified.

7 Likes // Issues armor (Improved report disproving Swedish and UK trials as relevant sources) Rejected again, we are working on year another revision of the report

They rejected it? I haven’t seen any activity regarding it so far from the devs or techinal mods, unless it was discussed on some other topic rather than here.

Fuel explosions, fuel explosions. Fuel explosions with fuel inside the explosion causing an explosion of fuel. Fuel with explosions on fuel that is exploding causing a fuel explosion.


oh you wanna extinguish too bad your other tank just exploded


Didnt leak from before confirm that horizontal speed was correct?

Insane work dude, thanks for all the efforts you’re putting into this!

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Honestly, why did this one get rejected, the fix could be as simple as making the belt size be a multiple that fits into 950 nicely. Like 95 round belts. It’d change basically nothing in terms of burst length when using the coaxial.

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T-80 & T-72 players with PTSD.
Leclerc getting that trait is definitely one of the more unique things a NATO tank got.

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Yeah, im not sure about that too lol

We have received MP from Smin telling us what they did not want to accept. Basically to much speculation (which we are working on), and they absolutely don’t want a single Russian source, even if it’s to confirm information given by other sources.

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So for now it’s just back to trying to push for mobility and firepower.
We already have an idea of what it’s supposed to be, we just need to replace the Russian sources. Which is easier said than done.