The lack of a top tier aircraft for germany

XD? F-4F ICE’s rwr is much much better than that in J-11A

J-11A has only 1DL and has worse radar than F-4F.

Cuz u can’t stand that other nations has worst jets and your “propositions” for germany are fantasy, swiss gripen which was only tested by them and lost 2 time to other aircrafts. It simply sound like “ohh no i want gripen but i don’t want to grind another top tier give me one”. Seriously just make good proposal and understand that your situation is not that bad as it seems.

Where did I say J-11s RWR is better? Do point out so that you can prove to me that you can actually comprehend written English.

J-11A has only 1DL and has worse radar than F-4F.

What does the radars of each aircraft have to do with the R-77 vs AMRAAM discussion? Nothing, exactly. Be a lad and quit with trying to change the goalpost, thanks.

Cuz u can’t stand that other nations has worst jets and your “propositions” for germany are fantasy, swiss gripen which was only tested by them and lost 2 time to other aircrafts.

Ogey? Weird gripe but whatever, the “Gripen proposition” is nothing out of the oridnary;

  • Was trialed & throughly tested against the Eurofigher and the Rafale
  • Was originally planned to become Switzerland’s new multi-role aircraft

(No, it didn’t “lose”, for your information, seeing as you have next to zero knowledge on the topic of 2009 - 2013 Swiss Trials, it had actually won but got vetoed by the population).

There have been far more egregious additions than this, see for example; F-16AJ (which was added due to Japan being in the exact same conundrum Germany is currently in), there’s also the ItO-90M that has never seen service with the French Armed Forces, but without it they’d be left with a hand in the toilet in WT. Switzerland has at least flown the Gripen in comparion to the two examples I just provided.

It simply sound like “ohh no i want gripen but i don’t want to grind another top tier give me one”.

I have nearly the entire Swedish air tree grinded out lmao. If you wanna talk nonsense then look for the OTP Brits or the 'muricans, they will do a far better job at entertaining you.

most sophisticated american main response

4 missiles 2 ir amd 2 sarh, if the XS is anything to go buy it would be 12.0 unfortunately the relistic case is that its 11.3 in which case it doesnt fill any holes on germany.

I literally have the entire german air tree. Try again bozo

Which is why you keep coming to German-themed threads and going “lol no US jet cope xdidid” like a child? Okeyyy.

No. Because unlike smoothbrains like you, I actually enjoy unique tech trees and dont need to be spoonfed everything. The MiG-29G was more than adequate to reach the F-4F KWS even against amraam spam, and the Tornado IDS was carrying games for me last night in GSB. They have both good enough CAP and CAP in the tree.

They don’t need to start claimkng the world. And i think its hilarious that you believe gaijin is going to give the tree a fantasy Swiss Gripen when if they were going to add vehicles that were actually trialed, Germany has basically the entire US tree as an option well before any Swiss fiction.

Opening up with an ad hominem coolio. Which is quite interesting considering every time I have seen US jets proposed for Germany (via sub-trees), you would arrive like a knight in shining armor and promptly “shoot the idea down”. I also don’t understand what’s so unique about “tech trees” when majority of them already share many vehicles lmao. Appeal to purity, huh?

The MiG-29G was more than adequate to reach the F-4F KWS even against amraam spam, and the Tornado IDS was carrying games for me last night in GSB. They have both good enough CAP and CAP in the tree.

0.7 K/D in the IDS against ground targets; 42% WR
1.36 K/D in the 29G against air targets, 22% WR

“good enough”

I could go on how my IDS has actually performed than yours but then I’d be beating a dead horse. I also was not aware having “barely adequate” capability is considered “good enough”, must be why you have so many more games in your F-16C with far better stats, right? It’s not like ASSTA 1 & 29G are barely half a jet compared to it.

They don’t need to start claimkng the world.

Switzerland = “the world”? That’s a very misplaced comparison.

And i think its hilarious that you believe gaijin is going to give the tree a fantasy Swiss Gripen when if they were going to add vehicles that were actually trialed

Prove that the Gripen wasn’t trialed, should be a simple ordeal ;)

Germany has basically the entire US tree as an option well before any Swiss fiction.

Okay, I now know you’re a lost cause. That aside, the Swiss are pretty much guaranteed to become Germany’s sub-TT so :)))

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F-4F Phantom had its AIM-9Ls replaced with AIM-9J just for the sake of balancing, if Gaijin removes ordinance from an aircraft why not give them ordinance to balance? Further more Germany had planned to buy F/A-18 to replace their fleet of Tornado planes prior to the Ukraine war but when the war broke out, Federal government decided to increase the military budget and directly buy F-35s, so a mix of both scenarios can give it ordinance on par with the rest of F/A-18 planes once they’re added

none of what you said is fully true

Chapter I Phantom

in game the F4Fs got 9E and 9J first because it would’ve been blatantly obvious that this aircraft came waaaay too late with only AiM-9B F.GW2 and the rails can in theory carry them

it was then later justified with the use of AiM-9E and J by the Luftwaffe training Command in the USA which uses US supplied ordenance

the use of AiM-9L after the Peace rhine update was much later passed as suggestion, however it was denied for 2 reason, No1 is that the TT version in game isnt a speccific F4F update pattern but rather a compiled plane with attributes chosen by gaijin, and due to balance as at the time AiM-9L and all aspect missiles in general were not on any fighter in game

Chapter II F/A-18

the Luftwaffe tested F/A-18As in the USA in the late 70s and decided not to buy them
then it kept being suggested as a cheap replacement for the Tornado, as soon as it was ready for production the Luftwaffe’s staff always preferred and repeatedly asked for funding for the F-35 but due to budget cuts it was always denied
in 2018 then defence minister AKK recived one of the many suggestions to replace the Tornados with cheap F/A-18s but again the Luftwaffe didnt want to order them and the Bundestag denied the order request, they were not trialed at this point either

now after getting a defacto 100 Billion Blanco check in 2022 the Luftwaffe imediatly ordered 35 F-35As without any trials because it was from the beginning the Preferred aircraft to eplace the Tornado in its Nuclear deterrent role

Wrap up

I don’t see enough ground to Justify adding a “german” F/A-18 to warthunder, much more Likely would I find an Early Tranche 1 Typhoon or even typhoon prototype as its mobility and speed would be similar to a Gripen which is already added to the game, depending on the block number it could be even less efficent than the Gripen is in game

Chapter III Typhoon

a Block 1 Typhoon would have a radar with ~30% more power than the Foxhunter Stage 3G on the Turnado F3 (late), it would however lack HMD, MAWS, IRIS-T and METEOR capability
it would be armed with only 4 AiM-120B on the semi internal fuselage hardpoints and 2 or 4 AiM-9Li/1 on the Wingtip and underwing hardpoints, it would not be capable of using Guided bombs and it would still lack its Sensor suite and IRST integration

it would be balanced as while it would be faster and more agile than a Gripen it would lack critical technologies the Gripen has and it wouldnt have more missiles than any of the current top tier Jets

Yours sincerely


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Congrats dipshit, you can look at stats and have 0 clue what they mean. Lots of GSB matches vs very few ASB matches.

And no. Germany doesn’t need a subtree. Frankly I assumed they would get the Netherlands and their F-16 and have said that many times. After that ship sailed, no, they arent getting one and frankly don’t need it. Same with a fictional Gripen.

*Mains nation that had vastly less jet airframes than US, suprise suprise less jet airframes ingame

*Shocked pikachu face

Show me a single picture of a gripen with swiss roundels, ill wait.

And last i checked i havent said shit against a swiss subtree. I think an F-18 is likely from there. All ive said is i dont think german mains deserve it because they will get an F-18 and then immediately start bitching that it has no A2G capability, which im willing to bet you would be one, which is why you are moaning for a fantasy Gripen.

No. They planned to buy Superhornets which are not going to be coming soon. If Germany gets a Swiss F-18 it shouldnt have any A2G capability

It’s called a data sample, but you apparently have no idea what this means so i’ll just say, game is game. You aren’t even aware that you have far more ground kills in your 16C than the ASSTA 1 which is just hillarious, but quite frankly, this is all damn irrelevant when 16C is simply far superior and the fact that ASSTA/MiG-29G are barely adequate doesn’t change (which has been my point this entire time, want the medal for missing it?).

And no. Germany doesn’t need a subtree. Frankly I assumed they would get the Netherlands and their F-16 and have said that many times. After that ship sailed, no, they arent getting one and frankly don’t need it. Same with a fictional Gripen.

Hard to take you on face value considering you’ve claimed before that US subsidized Germany’s Luftwaffe ngl (that one already robbed you of any creditability you have ever had on this forum).

Show me a single picture of a gripen with swiss roundels, ill wait.

Burden of proof is on you, no point in switching it onto me, unless, of course, you can’t prove that Gripen wasn’t trialed.




Guess from which trials this is, you have just one chance and if you fail, then I’ll officially consider you to have an intelligence level of a pre-schooler, because everything you’ve shown me today & before is barely enough to distinguish you from one.

They planned to buy Superhornets which are not going to be coming soon. If Germany gets a Swiss F-18 it shouldnt have any A2G capability

By your logic we should remove A2G capability from the British Gripen since SA has never actually had Mavericks.

Though this is all just me playing around with that horrible logic of yours, cus as long as the host country has the ground ordinance in question, the sub-tree jet(s) will get 'em.

*Mains nation that had vastly less jet airframes than US, suprise suprise less jet airframes ingame

Pot calling kettle black be like, sit down USboo ;)

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It’s less that, but rather Sweden and Britain fought 12s and 12.3s with 11.3s for an entire year before getting equal. So Gaijin is more than happy to leave 2 nation without anything even close to top tier for 12 months, then they wont even begin to have second thoughts about leaving Germany without a true top tier for 3-6 months, Especially as the gap between the ICE and the 13.7s is tiny compared to what Britain and Sweden had to endure last year (Skyflash DF/STs vs R-27ERs for example)

I think it’s a “it’s ok as long as it isn’t happening to me” sorta deal.

Thats always how its been. People are making a big deal about it now cause its the first time its happened to them for what can and probably will be a few months.

If it happened to the US it would also be an outrage. Imo no nation should get that treatment but thats just not gonna happen unfortunately.

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Heh, whenever people say “it’s the first time” I can’t help but smirk. Before the 29s were added, Germany was stuck in the eternal hellhole just like the rest of the gang with ocassional breathers in-between, but because only ~2 or so nations actually had proper equivalents (can you guess who I am talking about? hint: both of their acronyms begin with the letter U), there was far less tribalism between nation communities since everyone could relate to another’s pain.

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Problem is not everyone gets equal aircraft with the current lineups and i can tell we are probably gonna have even worse vehicles than the KWS if gaijin continues on these awful decompression changes and selection of aircraft for nations.

I mean J11 and KWS are the worst aircraft rn.

The only people who have never had to experience the dry content pool at top tier has been America and the USSR, but then again both of these have the largest, greediest playerbases of all the nations who will pork out on all the new premiums and event vehicles, the big duo are, and always will be gaijin’s cash cow


We’ve had decompression? Jokes aside, yea, I get ya. We should’ve gotten F.3 CSP & KWS already last year if Gaijin had simply ditched the thin veil of “historical accuracy” they rely on for excuses (which lets be honest, is so thin it makes nano-materials jaelous) for the sake of game balance, but it is what it is.

I mean J11 and KWS are the worst aircraft rn.

Tornado CSP? :P

I have heard from a few UK frens that it’s quite horrible aside from its radar & ARHs.