700CM’s and an insanly cracked FM, it also has RB99 which is the same as the AIM-9B, theres no way your saying its the worst when the Harrier FA.2 exists
You are correct, however not the point.
He frames it like UK has only Tornado F3 late, while that is certainly not true due to presence of SA Gripen
Lmao, i meant AIM-120B,
Yeah that one likely won’t appear until the december 2024 or march 2025 update.
Cool. When are you gonna complain about Brirtish players demanding the Canadian Leopard 2A6M and Australian M1s?
UK has Tornado F.3 late plane with the same case, great fox-3, good radar but poor flight performance. You just have to understand that aircraft is different than for example F-15C.
UK has the Gripen C while Germany is stuck with the ICE? I expected you to at least know that much.
Tornado has 362x countermeasures if i remember that’s more than enough and great arh
Thats 272x more than KWS :')
Maybe tomorrow
You can still use MiG-29G lol
R-darter seem to work better now not on AMRAAM level but still
and it’s a Gripen most of situation can beat the sht any jet including F-16
Really? Long range it will shoot Fox3 to MiG-29 face and G don’t have fox-3 dogfight Gripen will eat MiG alive
MiG-29G with a shitass tier radar & SARH vs AMRAAM clad teen series fighters?
If you were a comedian, you’d be starving.
Don’t forget its ungodly RWR.
But u know that china has the same rwr higher? J-11A has the same rwr and 0.7 higher br
You are crying about F4F ICE meanwhile J11A with worse radar, rwr and missiles sits at 13.7.
Good enough for using ER
The best sarh in game and much faster than aim-120 still good missile
The only comedian here is you who wants gripen to german xd
Yeah like gripen can beat ever jet in game in df
Long range ER is still dangerous if use properly. And as i said gripen will eat every jet in df
Ya think F-4F has a good RWR? Good joke (it has the same goddamn RWR that F-4F Late has!)
After changes R-77 also isn’t as horrible as it used to be, but, all things considered… WHATABOUTISM. This isn’t a thread about “huh let me cry about X nation that isn’t Germany”, it’s for complaining about Germany’s situation, yet you come here, get annoyed that people are salty over Germany’s lack of equivalent aircraft and… complain about people’s complaining? It’s like you have nothing better to do with yourself than to get salty about people’s complaints lol.
Against other SARH jets? Yes. Against AMRAAMs? No.
The best sarh in game and much faster than aim-120 still good missile
It being faster means nothing when your missile needs continuous radar illumination. I’ve bullied MiG-29s with my F-4F simply due to AMRAAM being far superior…
The only comedian here is you who wants gripen to german xd
Oh, so trialed vehicles are a no-go now? Since when? Do you have a quote from Smin or any other mod? :)
Italy with F104 vs F14
Ogey, you’re just wasting my time with your whataboutisms.