The kind of Major Update the game has been NEEDING for a long time

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Instead of elaborating an explaination, I’ll just show an example showcasing my point;

Why can’t we get something like this? And the examples on this picture aren’t even a fraction of all of the issues I have collected from across the Bug Reporting Platform and Forums.

These kinds of corrections and changes should have been coming in “It’s fixed” episodes, Minor and Major updates over time; but, instead, they remain unadressed for months and even years because “it’s impossible to fix all of this while focusing on the content of Major Updates”.

If that really is the case, why not dedicate some time to actually address all of these matters? I understand that the game’s monetisation cycle relies on a constant influx of content- but the HEALTH of the game depends on fixes like these, which are more often than not set aside.


We can only hope and dream that it’ll eventually happen (at least partially and over multiple updates) 🥲


Every Major update, Server update, Minor update, “It’s Fixed” episode and even Datamine, I rush enthusiastically to the notes hoping to see at least ONE of these fixes or changes… and, for years, it has only led to frustration upon seeing that it’s apparently an unrealistic expectation on my end.

And when I ask why they won’t fix things, the response is the same; “oh, we DO fix things, you see, look at this incredibly specific interface bug that not even 1% of the community ever managed to trigger or was even aware of, these smoke grenades having the wrong name in the statcard, or this coaxial machine gun, which had the wrong ammo count!”


Dont forget the The Lvkv 42 and VEAK 40 in War Thunder are using incorrect ammunition based on the Lvakan m/36 (L/60) instead of the correct Lvakan m/48 (L/70) shells. This mistake results in lower muzzle velocity (850–880 m/s instead of 986–1000 m/s) and reduced performance.

In reality, these vehicles should have HE-T shells (slsgr m/483) instead of the current HEFI and SAPHEI rounds, which were never used with the Lvakan m/48. The issue likely comes from a misinterpretation of Swedish ammo catalogues, which list L/60 shells for training with a shorter barrel—a barrel that was never mounted on these vehicles.

Additionally, the VEAK 40 lacks APDS rounds, despite historical documents proving they had access to 120mm-penetrating APDS with 1200 m/s velocity.

These fixes are simple—replacing the current HE rounds with the historical slsgr m/483 HE-T, like the AMX-13 DCA-40, which uses the same gun. But despite approved bug reports, nothing has been done for months.

This isn’t about being OP, just historical accuracy. Right now, these vehicles are significantly weaker than they should be, especially compared to similar 40mm platforms like the M247.


I have been fighting this battle foooor more than two years now

10 more years maybe

I agree that such long standing problems should be fixed, but this isn’t going to and shouldn’t happen.

Part of the reason Gaijin can keep the game running and keep pushing out fixes is the regular flow of new content and vehicles that keeps players coming back. An update without vehicles is absolutely not going to bring in the continued income Gaijin needs.

Plus, as multiple representatives of Gaijin have said before, it’s different teams that work on bug fixes versus new vehicle implementation. Every major update features both and will continue to.

Not necessarily without vehicles- for that matter, rather, with vehicles that the game actually needs; such as actually capable SAMs, 122/2A7 MBT counterparts for everyone, without unneccessary copy-pastes, without more and more OP C*S, which is what they have been mostly implementing in the last couple of years, etc.

Vehicles are meaningless when they keep coming broken and with the same bugs as the previous ones already ingame.

For example, people ended up FED UP with the Challenger MBTs because each and every single one of them came with the same issues as the already ingame ones. So adding more and more Challengers is meaningless without fixing them on the first place.

You talk about new content, yet we have only seen ONE (1) actually new Rank VIII MBT over 2024…


Some bug report that was accepted has been their for years but still not fixed
and i dont think the arguement they have limited man power made by someone is justified either
if they actually care a bit about it then it would have been done in a while


We’ll all be dead before they fix the Namer/Merkava…


Nose turret added to Tiger 2 UHT
Missing PARS launchers added to outer pylons Tiger 2 UHT
Replaced useless stingers with actual AA missiles on Tiger 2 UHT

Fixed tracks blowing when hit in Ammo/Spikes Puma VJTF / Namer
Fixed FNF missiles flight pattern, Spikes/PARS now correctly top attack
Fixed AHEAD shrapnel pattern, added the correct amount of it Puma VJTF/Puma/etc
Fixed MELLS not activating fast enough when not looking directly at the incoming missile Puma VJTF
Overall fixed the armor on the Puma, making it accurate

(we almost had DM53 on the Leo 2PL, but we can’t have that!)

Radar overhauled on EF-2000
Smokeless engines correctly added EF-2000
Ability to add 120B on inner pylons EF-2000

Added SPAA to every other nation that’s actually comparable to the Pantsir
Increased spawn points for all top tier jets carrying AGMs

This would be my dream


NERA value increase for most NATO tanks(chally, leclerc)and abrams(ex m1a1/more thickness on the other that have DU-prolly have to find sources that they take for this as the non DU was rated ~600mm rha equivalent and with DU is ~800mm or so(also based on the calculation of CATTB which has turret armor of equivalent to ±1000mm)
SLERA for merks will resist against ~500-600mm ke protection atleast(mk.4)
Chally were design to mount composite block on the frontal lfp so give most of them the ability to do so
(citation from public sources needed)

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Smh no volumetric fixes for Leo 2s

2/10 no supp


(Make this update a reality)


Those would be included on the “ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC” part xD

I felt tempted to include all of the relevant Top Tier-related reports that I know, but the file size would have been too large lmao

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Well, Gaijin’s just started raising funds to triple the amount of devs working on bug fixes, so “soon™”…
Yeah, I know, I know, three ppl still isn’t enough, but hey, there’s always hope…

It’s all top tiers?
Nah, nobody cares. ( And here I was thinking it’s not just a person coping about top tier but also suggesting that existing non top vehicles get a bit of attention via additions of missing weaponry to reduce powercreep. That and more and more variety in the way of different models of existing vehicles.)
You can keep playing/riding in gaijin’s favorite hype train (that’s what top tier is), doesn’t change the fact that you’ve still no clue about the ACTUAL state of the game. ( Spoiler, it’s bad but not because of top tier)

Id argue that fixing old stuff that has been rendered unplayable would add more vehicles than they could ever add in a single update


Honestly, I am still surprised that the game still lacks regenerative steering. This should have been added when vehicles with said technology were added, but nope! I can’t think of any reason other than laziness at this point for why it hasn’t been added.

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Where is the hornet on this list?

I can’t agree with an update list lacking a pillar of US naval aviation, it’s been 2 months since it should’ve been added

I’m gonna try to make a list of the issues that the M1 alone has, as it’s the one I’m most familiar with. Note that I’m compiling all issues with all variants into this list, but I will specify some vehicles. Here we go:

Turret ring armor is not volumetric

Turret ring is notably missing a large amount of armor, which should be around 250-300 area

The turret is raised too far off the chassis, giving it a easier to hit weak spot than should

ARAT 1 (M19) is underperforming against both kinetic and chemical threats

The composite armor array on DU M1’s is less effective than RHA, even for chemical threats

The engine is both too loud and should have directional sound, I.E., very hard to hear from the front, louder from the rear

The exhaust should be smokeless

The M1A2 SEPv2 can not remove the TUSK package

The M1A2 SEPv2 can not mount the trophy active protection system.

The M1A2 SEPv2 is missing the M829A3 cartridge.

The M1 (Early) is missing M833

The M240C coaxes on all M1s should have access to all 10,000 rounds without reload

The M1A2 SEP should be able to remove the mine protection package from the TUSK package

The bulkheads on the fuel tanks do not cover the top of the fuel tank, so the upper front plate is missing an inch of armor on some places

The hydraulic drive is mounted next to the engine, not next to the loader

(This one is obvious) When a blowout panel is hit while carrying the M830A1 round, it should not cause the round in the gun to disappear and cause the loader to load a round of M830A1, even if sabot is already in

(Small one, but bugs me) The IPM1 should be renamed to M1IP

M1s carry extra smoke grenades in the boxes next to the launchers

The orientation of the loader’s weapon station should be moved so that it can realistically be fired from the hatch, as well as have better traverse

M1s should still be able to traverse the turret if the hydraulic pump is out, just at a slower rate using the manual drive

The engine deck should not be ricocheting APFSDS into the turret bustle and detonating ammo after the round penetrates the entire turret

This is just what I remember off the top of my head. There very much could be more.