The kind of Major Update the game has been NEEDING for a long time

It was supposedly “passed to the developers” back in 2017…

Yet here we are. 2025. 2020s tanks still turning like 1920s tractors.

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Im looking foward to newer AA at top tier bro cuz rn CAS are centuries ahead of AA.

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+1 i would love to see the namer and merkava get fixed
All tho merkava is 80t fully loaded so should be a bit less weight but sure i will take it

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If u have russia on ur team ur pretty much safe from cas
I must admit even when i play nato i dont die to cas very often as ppl claim
Ito and flarakrad can handle cas well

There are 5 major updates released by WT in a year, and I think it is necessary for gaijin to use one of them as a ‘fix’ version


we also need some kind of economy update the grind is utter hell even for someone who plays an unreasonable amount

There are higher chances that dinosaurs’ll come back than Ariete armor will be fixed in War Thunder.


Ariete turret is changed but no mention of hull composite??? Ouch…

Well, to be honest, it’s not like it would change much, hahah. KE effectiveness would increase by, like, 60mm at most.

Of course it should be fixed anyway, but I think the turret being able to withstand 3BM60 with WAR is far more interesting.

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It wouldn’t? Ariete hull armor would be around 200-400mm with composites.

All of these “fixes” will be premium only upgrades $ 39.99 …buy now whilst stocks last …

Just you wait

Being optimistic, 300mm KE… which would still not be enough to stop shells found even at 9.7, such as 3BM42, hahah.

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That’s what I was going to say, seeing as it slices the 200-400 in half, but honestly it could be anywhere given the tank has gone through 3 iterations of internal upgrades.

Not really; remember there’s just room for 80mm worth of composite… even if that composite was as strong as pure modern RHA, which is doubtful, it would still be 380mm KE at very maximum…

Which, again, is not even enough to stop things such as 120mm DM23 or 125mm 3BM22!

So… yeah, not much would really change.

That’s banking purely on the existence of the composite in the upper plate.

Might add one more: Give USSR (Russia) some competent Top Tier MBTs. Since the introduction of 2A7s (and Strv 122s + spall liners) USSR has become nearly unplayable. In part due to the premium spam of T-80Us.
USSR is missing out on it’s most modern tanks for far too long now. The winrate is atrocious.
Some things to add include: T-15 Barbaris (both Kinzhal and Bumerang), T-14 Armata Obr.2015 and Obr.2021 (armor layout change), Kornet-EM, T-72B3M, T-80BVM Obr.2023, BMPT Terminator 2, 2S7 Pion + TOS-3 just for fun, Buk-M3 to counter NATO CAS like Eurofighters and Rafales which ruin nearly every game.
It’s interesting to see how Gaijin adds the strongest stuff to nations that make them the most money (apart from USA), and yes, USSR was stupid strong for 2 years and i hated it too, players still have sour taste in their mouth from this.

I don’t think Russia is terrible, but I know it’s far from the best;

That’s why I think 3BM59 could help on T-90M and T-80BVM! As far as I know, it would be M829A1-level, sorta.

Additionally, I wouldn’t oppose some of those Object prototypes, maybe even Armata. But, so far, we know a 2022 T-80BVM with better ERA coverage and reverse speed is coming. Not ground-breaking, but a nice reinforcement to the lineup!

The Hornet is gonna be DoA unless they make it massively overperform.

It’ll be like 13.3 though
