The Ki200 is horrible

This thing is horrible, it’s a worse me163 in every single aspect and yet it sits at a higher BR. The guns are awful, it’s slower, has less engine power, turns worse, compresses more, and yet it sits at 0.7 br higher. If the japanese 30mm’s were any good it would be kind of justified, but they are now some of the absolute worst cannons across the entire game.

The only way to balance this thing out (as well as most of late japan ww2) is to make japanese 30mm’s (especially ho155’s) actually functional. You cannot just pretend that two 30mm getting simple hits on jets (known for their fragility) while being basically a kite is anything close to balanced. You already have to cope with a weak rocket engine and a whole minute less of fuel that, given how slow the plane is to accelerate, it will last a lot less than the me163’s.


Wow imagine reporting this


lol, community masters being disrespectful is some powertrip ahh situation, but it’s very common in this community.

The worst part is that these basement men of culture say “cope” whenever someone is right. When that person is wrong or they think its wrong everyone is eager to (disrespectfully) prove them wrong.

(That one is edited)

i know it’s a picture, i didn’t know its edited, but still smin1080, rapitor, stona etc have always been very edgy towards the community. So this could be 100 percent be real.

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However, it is pretty joke that Ki200 and Me163B0 now have same BR with goddamn CL and MiG17.


i agree. These planes are too slow to even reach altitudes over 4000m on time. They weren’t made for “air combat sorties” like all of the other props; they were made to rocket up towards the allied bombers that were already on nazi airspace to shoot them down and glide back; and coupling this design with the fact that jet maps are now massive, they no longer work on the current meta. That’s why they were so OP back then when jets would have the same maps as props, you could kick 100 percent boost and reach 4km in two minutes and simply freefall on the jets that are still accelerating. Another plane that benefitted from this was the spitfire mk24.

Ki200 is a weaker me163, and i can feel it because both of the rat rockets i have are on the same grind; both have only the ammo and the first performance mod. ME163 feels better at 9.0 than ki200 at 8.0. The guns on ki200 are an utter disgrace.

IMO both things are equal but, after Japanese 30mm cannons were nerfed, there are no ways for staying at 8.7BR.

Ho 155 30mm cannons are not Emperor’s beam like back then anymore :(

as i said before, the ki200 has a weaker engine and compresses more. But yes, the performance margin would be negligible if the guns compensated for it.

Compressing in these aircraft can be sometimes some sort of advantage as you can keep your speed while resetting your position in a furball.

Ngl I was doing that because I wanted to use the image lol.

The only true and important donwgrade you said.

-Me 163:

  • 1692 kgf of thrust
  • 1900 kg of empty mass
  • It can hold speed worse



  • 1498 kgf of thrust (200kgf less)
  • 1610 kg of empty mass (300 kg lighter)
  • Holds the speed like a champ

(its says “j8n1” for some reason on the stats)

I agree that you would deal more damage if you ram the Ki directly in to the enemy plane tho, the diference in FM is minimum.

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Imagine reporting this

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yea but holding speed not equal to compress. When something holds speed it still has control authority over the way the plane moves. The Ki200s stiffen up when rolling a lot worse than the me163.

Thing is literally undefeatable in a dogfight but that’s about it. I like it til i get firework sized sparks instead of a good splash bandit.

Pibe, ahí tienes las tablas de las Gs y AoA que tira cada avión y la diferencia es de 0.2, es casi lo mismo

casi lo mismo no es igual que lo mismo.

Es mi argumento.