The J-11A Is The Worst 13.7 (Updated)

This will be trash too, because of how much drag R-77 has in game.

Thrust difference between 77/77-1 is only %10 in game files

It’s fine, we’ll have the PL-12s.

The pl12’s seeker kinda sucks. Very chaffable.

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Then you didn’t see the charts that show R-77-1 vs other missiles. They show current R-77-1 outperforming all the other missiles in every metric available except MICA EM in turn performance.

Can you show this “chart”. I highly doubt R-77 with 10% more thrust is that good.

15% more thrust and much more efficient loft. I created 4 metrics to review missiles by. These 4 metrics are…

Acceleration: R-77-1 was the clear winner
Time-to-target at medium ranges: R-77-1 was the clear winner
Maximum range: R-77-1 was the clear winner
Manueverability: #2 after MICA-EM, better than all the other missiles.

Here you can see how the R-77-1 dominates most other missiles.

Here, you can see that the R-77-1 is only beaten in maneuverability by MICA EM.


They could only give it to Russia cause like even though China only produced one digit PL5B and mostly PL5C the prior is still somehow the missile for the most Chinese vehicles.

You missed mine lol

[DEV] J-11A Radar Bug Report // // Issues

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Still same thing, closed as ‘not a bug’. I mean it’s like 99% chance it get closed as not a bug, if it is given to dev chance of addition is 1% and then even if it gets fixed, it 99% of the times come 3 years later. I tried to make a thread on bug reporting bug got closed…

Pretty easy to tell who hates China and who doesn’t

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Have we mentioned that J11 was proven inferior to JAS39 in a long range battle during the Thailand exercise? I am pretty certain in that there was no R77 used as the J11As are all pretty old.
Last time bro banned me for replying to the wrong post…

unrelated but i got the F4f ICE as well and it’s really hit or miss since you can’t BVR with the shitty airframe

Bro I play the J11A like the J7E, dodging everything and then try and get kills on a dogfight.

at least you can dogfight in it

True, I only had a couple of games on my friend’s account cause I’m not there yet and I was on J7E which in the last patch was like night mare.

J-11As never used 77-1 (RVV-SD) at any rate, best wait for J-11B and hope it’s added properly.

J-11A, Su-30MKK and Su-30MK2 use R-77 (RVV-AE) while imported Su-35s use R-77-1 (RVV-SD). MK2 can use PL-8B and PL-12 after computer was cracked, some suggest MKK can as well though no hard proof on that front afaik.

A few J11A were upgraded to J11B avionics but btw not a lot of them, most J11A are retired.

Can you show me images or credible sources on that?

I’ll try to find it, it won’t be sufficient but as far as we know PLAAF do not keep J11A and B mixed, the picture essentially shows a J11 with J11B avionics parked next to a J11A.
Here is what it is supposed to look like with the MLU upgrade, it received a new MFD.

Interesting but it looks to be a surface level upgrade and nothing suggesting it can/does use any other weapons.