The IS-3 and IS-4 need changes

Can you guess my opinion on the reload?


Good tanks need to be able to react to situations. The IS-4M is a stationary gun emplacement. Waiting 22s until you can have a chance at killing your opponent is terrible.


Good tanks need to move at an appreciable fraction of the speed of light and shoot lightning bolts at their enemies too.

I feel that in War Thunder, the BR of most heavy tanks is very crowded. You will encounter ATGM, HEAT, and even APFDS. When you arrive at the battlefield in a few minutes and are instantly killed by ATGM or large caliber howitzers, your gaming experience will experience a cliff like decline, long ammunition loading time, slow movement speed, and other shortcomings, which are magnified in the game

Yeah, Yeah, just like how the new auto-loader modules are Russian bias and only eat shells on Russian tanks…
Here’s my TKX eating a Russian APFSDS with its auto loader…

News flash, 2000lb bombs have 122mm of armour pen, IS-2 has 180+mm every where but straight on the side, so unless you use a contact fuze the bomb will bounce off the top of the tank and if it lands on either of the forward quarters of the tank only track and barrel it.
Mean while I have had a Kugleblitz drive OVER my 2000lb bomb and eat the blast with its 10mm floor plate! REEE GERMAN BIAS!!!.. no it was a bug


because of the intended coding replete with dubious armor thicknesses that deliberately results in said garbage being stronk:


Of course intended coding is the reason you’re a mid player.

The IS-2 is the worst 6.7 in the game.


That’s the point of proper positioning.


And his team doesn’t exist? Do you think it’s that easy?

Use the “B” shell. Trust me its much better than the “D” shell because the B shell has insane angled pen that makes the Russian 122 feel so much better than the KT’s long 88.

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Germany 6.7

Pick one, lmao.

But seriously, if we assume he has support from his teammates, then it’s only fair to assume the same for me. Obviously I’m not gonna engage in a 1 vs 3 fight, I will wait for backup.

And you think you’re going to run into a jagdtiger and he’s just going to let you walk away? What War Thunder world do you live in?

Don’t believe this nonsense the D shell is much better. Yes the angle pen is nice to have but the extra pen on the D shell more than makes up for it.

I bring like 4 D shells and 11 B shells. I use the D shell mainly for long range or a flat plate the B shell wouldn’t go through.

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I recommend you try 15 D and 5 B shells for a few matches. For 90% of my IS-3/IS-4M kills I’ve used the D shell and I can tell you it’s much more versatile than the B one. You can still angle pen around the same but you can also kill T34/T29 (+ Tiger 2s/Ho-Ri Prod at long range) through the turret and LFP one shot Jagdtigers.

D shell:

B shell:

The B shell has MUCH better angled pen (also has more TNT equiv for overpressure chance). Of course there are still scenarios where the D shell is better, namely at flat targets and long range ballistics.


Really the only time I would want the D shell is for going through a T29/T34s turret front but the B shell can pen them through the front with the added tracks and then there’s also this:




Maybe in rare cases against the front of a Tiger II H. But the B shell easily goes through the turret when it’s angled and having some sniper duel with 20s reload isn’t really worth it.

No this wrong. The D shell performs a lot better ingame than it does in protection analysis.

Both have >170g and overpressure once they entered the vehicle. No difference ingame.

It’s overall the better shell.

Thia does not work when they are hull down. The turret shot works when are angled or hiding their hull.


In most cases this shot will get absorbed by the tracks.


Leopards don’t angle amd even if they do why would you shoot the only spot where the armor has a chanct to block the shot?


Same as with the T34.

It should easily go through but it doesn’t.


The D shell does aswell.

It’s better in close combat too.

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B shell:

D shell:

D shell is actually a lot closer to the B shell than I expected but the B shell still wins in angled performance and that’s arguably more important for the IS tanks. I still bring D shells if I need better flat pen.