I’m a player from the Russian nation and I come here to complain about how nerfed the is3 - 7.3 and is4 - 7.7 tanks are in this game, (mainly the is4) you have two tanks that reload in more than 25 seconds and that their ammunition has less penetration than a vast majority of tanks of their respective tiers, piercing 230mm and on top of that with a 122mm cannon, doesn’t make sense. Yes, their armor is good, but it’s completely sad to wait 25s to shoot and deal less damage than a Tiger 2 that pierces more than that and reloads infinitely faster. The is4 in 7.7 only falls against tanks with much higher penetrations and its armor is no longer useful. Solutions for the things mentioned: 1. Reduce their respective tiers and maintain cooldown and penetration - 2. Reduce their cooldown and maintain the same penetration - 3. Increase penetration and maintain cooldown.
But it deals over pressure
IS-4 is one of the best 7.7s, and IS-3 is fine.
IS-4’s ammo also still pens 92% of a 88mm PzGr39 round fired from longer gun.
The 122 does deal a lot more damage than the 88, but they’re both very very lethal. 7.7-9.7 in general just really suffers from br compression. They’re both still really ducking good tanks in the right circumstance though
I’ve seen like 10 topics on this already. The issue is that with all these HEATFS rounds, the armor of the IS series is non-existent because a M-51 at 6.0 can pen your turret and kill 3 of your crew members.
Without decompression this issues not going to get fixed anytime soon.
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The IS-3/4 are signifigantly harder for lower tier tanks to destroy due to their thicc angled sides and now major weakspots.
Contrary to popular belief a heavy tank in war thunder isn’t the front line breakthrough vehicle people think they are, you have to play them cover to cover in a supporting role for your team, you got a one hit delete cannon on you so firepower shouldn’t be an issue, playing overly aggressively will catch you in a situation where you are out reloaded by everything around you… Hence why you want to be near your teammates whenever possible, secondly if you are struggling with the tiger 2 know that you can normally punch straight through the front on the turret with the IS series provided you hit closer to the gun and volumetric doesn’t count the side turret armour too.
This is the biggest issue the IS tanks have. The pen and damage would be fine if it reloaded faster.
Even better when volumetric armor catches your round and it deals 0 damage.
The IS-3 should keep its reload and go back to 7.0 but the IS-4M could be problem if downtiered.
Again I think the IS-3 should move down and maybe get a 1-2s buff. The IS-4 already reloads slower than the IS-3 despite much more space in the turret and should be lowered by 5-7s.
Ahistorical ammo isn’t needed when there are other options.
Doesn’t change the awful reload.
Have you considered the IS-4M not being able to shoot back because they’re still reloading or not being able to get the gun on target due to terrible gun depression?
Yes they’re very op because reserve tanks can’t pen their side armor.
Almost every cannon with APHE is a one hit delete if you hit weakspots.
Playing passively will still leave you outreloaded by everything around you.
If you rely on teammates the tank is bad.
It’s the complete opposite. The gun mantlet will suck up the 122mm every time you hit near it.
Positioning is a valuable skill to have. I recommend you learn it.
Good positioning is the only reason why I can even play the IS-4M without dying every game.
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BR-471B is not superior to BR-471D. It’s a sidegrade for angled armor but doesn’t allow penning tanks like the T29/T34 through the turret face.
How are you this delusional to unironically believe this.
No. The 279 does everything good while the IS-4M only has armor.
This is the bare minimum for a heavy tank.
It’s more vulnerable to bombs than similar tanks.
Average mobility at best.
This and the IS-2 have the worst reload rate for any ~120mm gun.
Liar this was your best match in the IS-4M by far and you’re trying to use a lucky match as an example for an average game.
The T-44-122 actually has the longest 122 reload time by about +2s more than the IS-2. The 122mm guns start to become more obsolete once you gain access to the 100mm guns that perform similarly, but with 1/2 the reload time.
I can get way higher kill streaks with a SU-100 or T-34-100 then I can with any 122mm armed tank because I’m not having to hide around a corner for 20s between shots.
In 7.7 the tanks already use heatfs ammunition where the is4’s armor is no longer of any use, and if it falls against 8.7 I only have to regret it.
It would be ideal in 7.3 and the IS3 in 6.7.
I don’t think either of them are overperforming, but rather that they are adequate for their BR.
You do realize Russian tanks can be overtiered too, right, because you seem really biased against Russia.
Ok fine it has the second longest reload for any ~120mm gun. Still doesn’t make it a “good reloading rate for the caliber”.
Biased? Absolutely, and for good reason.
When IS-2s stop surviving 2000lb bombs dropped right on top of it and stops absorbing shots into the mantlet that should by all metrics penetrate it - Then I’ll start considering that it isn’t overperforming.
Same goes for the entire IS series.
T26E5, Maus, IS-2, insert other heavy tanks here.
Why do you think all heavy tanks are over-performing?