The IS-3 and IS-4 need changes

I bring like 4 D shells and 11 B shells. I use the D shell mainly for long range or a flat plate the B shell wouldn’t go through.

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I recommend you try 15 D and 5 B shells for a few matches. For 90% of my IS-3/IS-4M kills I’ve used the D shell and I can tell you it’s much more versatile than the B one. You can still angle pen around the same but you can also kill T34/T29 (+ Tiger 2s/Ho-Ri Prod at long range) through the turret and LFP one shot Jagdtigers.

D shell:

B shell:

The B shell has MUCH better angled pen (also has more TNT equiv for overpressure chance). Of course there are still scenarios where the D shell is better, namely at flat targets and long range ballistics.


Really the only time I would want the D shell is for going through a T29/T34s turret front but the B shell can pen them through the front with the added tracks and then there’s also this:




Maybe in rare cases against the front of a Tiger II H. But the B shell easily goes through the turret when it’s angled and having some sniper duel with 20s reload isn’t really worth it.

No this wrong. The D shell performs a lot better ingame than it does in protection analysis.

Both have >170g and overpressure once they entered the vehicle. No difference ingame.

It’s overall the better shell.

Thia does not work when they are hull down. The turret shot works when are angled or hiding their hull.


In most cases this shot will get absorbed by the tracks.


Leopards don’t angle amd even if they do why would you shoot the only spot where the armor has a chanct to block the shot?


Same as with the T34.

It should easily go through but it doesn’t.


The D shell does aswell.

It’s better in close combat too.

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B shell:

D shell:

D shell is actually a lot closer to the B shell than I expected but the B shell still wins in angled performance and that’s arguably more important for the IS tanks. I still bring D shells if I need better flat pen.

Of course the B shell has better angled performance I even said that in my reply.

The D shell can do almost everything the B shell can and much more.

I admit this sentence sounds a bit deceptive and makes it seem like the B shell can’t. It can pen the Jagdtiger too but so can the D shell + other targets the B shell can’t pen.

Because the game is not a shooting gallery. Sometimes you don’t have a clear shot, can’t identfy the target or he just moves.

Not really:


Doesn’t matter for most engagement the extra angle pen won’t change anything.

Also the PA doesn’t highlight the whole are. The ufp can be penned by the D shell at this angle.



Why are you aiming at the edge? BR-471B doesn’t pen the overlap either.

BR-471B isn’t nearly as reliable as you make it seem.

It does.

Posting a video where a round should have penetrated but didn’t, is not a proof for anything.
I can go to the test-map right now and pen the Tiger IIs side armor at a much greater angle at that range.

The difference is small but it gets bigger, the thinner the armor becomes. Hence why the round can penetrate the Centurions 50mm side armor much earlier then the APC round.
The B round is also less affected by spaced armor, because whenever it overmatches something, the armor resistance decreases considerably.
So the track armor on the Tiger II Hs turret has much lower resistance at an angle compared to the D shell.



If they don’t hit the overlap both pen. If they do they don’t pen.



What are you trying to prove here?

That the B round will penetrate tanks in more cicumstances than the D shell.

The B round will penetrate a Panther IIs front when it’s not angled at close range, and will penetrate the turret or hull sides at angles where the D round can’t.

Unless it’s thick vertical armor, the B round is always superior and the difference is so small that it hardly ever is required to use.

No it doesn’t. In most cases the D shell can simply pen the tank somewhere else whereas the weakspot that can be penned by the D shell can’t be shot at by the B shell.

The D shell can always shoot the side of the turret that’s pointed at you.

The D shell can kill hulldown T29/T34, oneshot Ferdinands through the turret up close (the B shell can’t oneshot them) and can kill Ho-Ris/Tiger 2s at longer range.

IS3 vs Jumbo


The T26E5 is in fact one of the best 6.7 heavies.


Yeah it’s better against 3 tanks in particular circumstances but worse against all others because the B shell will always have superior slope armor performance.

Ferdinant at close range, is just never going to happen and it’s easier to pen the 60mm lower sides with the B shell.

Bruh the T26E5 is very good and it’s a direct upgrade of the M26 which is the same BR. How can this be your pick for the worst 6.7 lmao.

The BR-471D can pen tanks when BR-471B would fail to do anything. For most B weakspots the D shell can simply be shot at another weakspot and kill the tank too. The slope mod isn’t needed most of the time.

The edges are a 2 shot kill. 40+s for a single kill is terrible.

Goes through pretty easy.
