The hell you did with K-52?

Why is it nose diving every time it’s damaged??? Why Apache or other heli’s doesn’t do that too then if it’s how you want to model it? It should not nose dive and this behavior is pure fiction, there’s NO reason for that. Didn’t you hear about autorotation??? K50 and 52 are the KINGS of that.

the cope is real


auto rotation is to set the helicopter down when the engine goes out. Nose diving happens when controls are damaged and not able to control the helicopter.

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And tell me how and why does it happen when turner set to horizontal flight? if you loose control it doesn’t change current angle of turner so your point is moot. There’s NO momentum to cause nose dive at all

the same reason you can’t fire multiple vikhr any more us main inaptitude and complaining

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yeah yeah sure. Just when this is ridiculous. Obviously you don’t know a thing about how heli’s operate to call it “copium”.

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You can fire multiple vikhrs. You just can’t fire it at different targets because it’s laser guided. Doesn’t compare.


Also it happens everyu time it’s damaged. Don’t tell me that every time it’s damaged it looses control, this is double ridiculous.

you have video?

Not at the moment.

nooo you can’t do both but you should be able

Top tier helicopters are pretty much worthless at this moment, and probably ever be. I’m just researching the Ka-52 just to say: “Hey, I have this cool looking helicopter.”


Yeah, probably.

LMAO, “correct function of a weapons system” is now US main ineptitude and complaining apparently.

Sorry your fantasy missile shield is only slightly more difficult to do now.

Cry more.


eurocopter is pretty good, ngl, with the nifty fire and forget

Obviously it’s pretty good when you don’t need to face the enemy constantly, lock and launch, get cover and done, the only good way to deal with helicopters that have fire-and-forget ATGMs is with another plane, a efficient IR AAM or with luck, another helicopter.

The Ka-52’s days are over, return to Eurocopeter.

Lmao bad reasoning.


Not really…

F&F helicopters are definitely more useable now that their ATGMs don’t detonate after they don’t see the intended target, but KA-52 is still strong.

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Allow me to explain dear soviet victimist number #54506, it’s called taking damage, something it didn’t had for a really long time when you compared it to its peers.

They tend to basically fall like a feather once they take the slightest of damage, that’s if they don’t basically desintegrate as the most common outcome.

I don’t really know how that would affect the outcome of a damaged helicopter.

There’s a guy above fuming that you can’t fire multiple Vikhrs anymore because of some mains, and did a pretty good demonstration on how this forum tends to punish way more some suboptimal rationalizations —instead of calling them what they really are— of certain nation players over others. If that guy would be a US player, the classic, victimist soviet gang would be already around here mocking on him.

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