The Gripen C and its Loadout for Sweden

Check my previous reply my blind friend.

Gaijin’s official statement is that RB-74(M) is based on Aim-9L/I-1 which is why it does have smokeless engine.

Thats not a source???

Irony on being on a thread about gripen which was changed like 15 times because devs were wrong is not lost on me

All sources you shared doesnt say anything about motor nor it says it doesnt have smokeless engine.

You’re claiming it doesnt have smokeless engine based on your guess.

You’re derailed this thread enough already, as i said before burden of proof is on you.

Could you link to that post?

@Necronomica found it.

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using a source that… doesnt mention anything about L(i-1)

We have good sources for italian and UK service like this


Publish the source and lets see what Italians said about Aim-9L/I-1.

Could you post that source then?

the manuals themselves are still mostly classified so its mostly secondary sources already posted in few threads around here (they are significantly less well documented), i think at some point had scans from a different forum of this specific manual but i would have to dig through

What i mean there is that we have good sources about italy and UK having them and carrying them (i think at some point there was a test reports for german planes) but in general there is no problem, while with sweden atleast i didnt see anything about L/i-1

So basically you cant prove that Sweden didnt have Aim-9L/I-1 nor I-1 model didnt have smokeless engine.

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You claimed that Sweden didnt buy Aim-9L/I-1 and I-1 didnt have smokeless engine without solid evidence.

So burden of proof is on you, whether you go mad or not. If you can find a document that proves your claim then be my guest and make a bug report.

Until then no one is gonna take your words seriously.


and we can’t prove the positive either in this case. you can prove the negative by proving the positive in this case, and we have neither so the dev’s made a decision to make it an Aim-9L/I-1to make it competitive at top BR. so unless proof is found that it is a different version or has different upgrades then this is what we have.

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You two should take your childish bickering to dms. Seriously if you’re gonna start going off topic either leave or go to dms thanks.

Hi, me again they acknowledged the 5th bomb pylon but haven’t done anything and its the last Dev server update before going to live. Maybe when it goes to live they’ll add it but my hopes aren’t up for that, The addition for AGM-65/F/G bug report was denied for “not enough evidence that isn’t 3rd party”.

I do not believe they will add the other AGM-65 versions and I think it’ll be some time before they add a 5th bomb pylon.


As per usual you cant have decent agms on the swedish gripen. Ngl RB75T’S are here a bit too late. Guess were stuck with using gbu’s unlike the rest of the gripens.

This is pretty stupid.

Guess Sweden isn’t allowed competent air to ground.

Of course not, not like the strike viggens have been useless at that since their introduction and even the gripen is mid copared to everyone else(except germany, i have them and yeah CAS with the tornado sucks)

I mean this is just unacceptable.

SAAF Gripen recieved AİM-9M,R-Darter and AGM-65G due to balancing concern even tho it never used those armaments, why would Swedish JAS39C cant get AGM-65D/G?

Its not like we’re asking some broken stuff.