yeah… Good question… I actually got it before it was in its own tree and did do a chunk of the “grinding” befoere it was even in the game in vehicles like the London, York and Dido. Before eventually buying the Belfast. Which then helped a lot.
The really key thing I found for NRB though, is that the more you focus on the grind itself, the worse the grind feels. I’d advice just having fun with it instead and it will come when you get there. I was hardcore grinding for a battleship, any battleship (and was massively disappointed when I eventually got to the Invincible, though it might be more fun now with the HE changes) when I stopped focusing on getting to the BBs and focused on the cruisers. I had a lot of fun in the cruisers, and the rest of the grind to higher BBs felt a lot quicker. that being said, the Hood is rather fun especially when you one shot something with a well placed salvo
(prehaps I need to apply this to the current GRB grind im undertaking)
(well worth working towards the renown too, its basically the hoods little sister)
The Jervis (£6) and Mohawk (£22) Destroyers are also maybe good options for a premium destroyer to help that early grind, they are certainly both good destroyers. That being said, swapping between ships to keep things fresh and interesting helps a lot when doing a lot of grinding. I’ve started doing it with the event. Just swapping in different cruisers and destroyers.
That being said, some… tips?
- Tobruk can be really fun, with a huge amount of 40mm guns.
- Abdiel is kinda interesting to use, Its basically a giant destroyer rather than a light cruiser and can be fun if you can deploy your mines on a cap point
- London is hilarious when you bring its secondaries to bare.
- Southampton, Liverpool and Belfast are all town class cruisers, they are actually really quite tanky
- Dido is quite an interesting ship, meant more for anti air (IRL) but its 5x 5inch turrets are really good vs destroyers and their unique design means you can bring them round onto targets really quickly, and in angles normally you cant
A key thing to note with the britain tree, Heavy cruisers usually just mean they have 8 inch guns not 6 inch guns. Reality is a lot of later light cruisers like the Belfast and Southampton actually have more armor than the heavy cruisers like London and York and the 8 inchs guns are a little… meh, at times. So if you get to the heavy cruisers, cant understand why you feel more squishy, thats why.
SAP shells are actually really good, especially if you know where to aim. But like with britain in GRB, you cant get away with just slamming shells into a target anywhere, you do have to aim for things like Shells wracks, and turrets. That being said, sometimes swapping in a volley of HE can do a lot of damage, so I’d take some of both.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions