The game is in the worst state ever

Instead of idealizing air rb changes in this forum you could be reading about how to play simulator. I’m sure it would suit you better.

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i agree with being rewarded score for dying, such bs all it does is make it so you need less score for cas


yea i miss old wt


cant forget the kill stealers who barge in when your dogfighting and steal it all

No offense but you should probably get over it. It’s healthier for you.


the only real improvement is its less grindy now and i like the new tanks etc

this is the best part, sucks it happens so rarely

:( its no fair, im here dogfighting then out of nowhere a “friendly” tks me with their missile afterwhich instead of letting the jet that i fought a hard and awsome battle against that is going to crash cause it cant point in any direction but down gets killed by the “teammate”

enemies in blue

I don’t think its as bad as your post claims but I every new update I feel its one step forwards and two back.

1. Gaijin feels the need to fix problems that aren’t there.
Like with volumetric I really don’t have a problem with it but in the short time I played with pixel shells I never had a problem with them and I don’t think I ever would have. Or real shatter, why did they need to add it in the first place I had never heard anyone saying “you know what I want, my guns to do no damage”. or map changes and sound design. No one askes for sound changes every update, how do the map changes consistently make the maps worse?? Like Ardennes where you can now spawn camp from the spawns.

2.Compression and feature creep.
Imo some of the new features are really cool additions to the game but they constantly come out with no BR decompression and its really gotten worse in the recent years. I just want to point out some of the most egregious examples:

The su17m2:

It was a decent cas plane when it was fist added, now its 10.3 with no flares and normal r60’s with terrible load out options compare that to recent additions like the Italian amx a plane the same br with flares a great thermal targeting pod, up to 6 laser guided bombs and aim9L’s.

Leclerc and Ariete:
They both were good when they came out. But with the addition of new rounds and spall liners they lost all the advantages they once had. And are inferior in almost every way to new additions like the leo2a7, t80bvm, strv122’s and even the type10’s. And this would be fine but they are still at or nearly at the top br with vehicles considerably better than them.

Sorry for the long rant (I lost my mind in the last event)


one day i hope gaijin dedicates an entire update not to adding new stuff, but to fixing br compression and cas


if they open up the maps for GRB for 8.0+ br have an all out war to me thats gaijin meeting its potential

when that happens ill buy a 1 year premium account and even some premium tanks for once (and some decals/decor i want)

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True. Some changes are unnecessary at the time when they implement them. The manpower could be redirected elsewhere but I do understand that people excel at one area, so they work in that one specific area.

I do not like the new map changes, I have only worse experience on these changed maps. As you mentioned Ardennes - it is a spawn shooting fest from the start. Carpathians - there is no real way to flank the hill anymore + south team has advantage - they can shoot into north spawn whilst being hull down, the north spawn is a slow uphill climb in slow heavy tanks, so the spawncamping is even worse on this map… and so on.

Also there is a lot of cool features but we do not have the place or time to use them. Example: dozer blades. It is a cool feature but the RB matches are just too short and quick to use it. I see the use of it on bigger and longer lasting maps. Maybe Ground RB EC mode ?

There is too much to cover…
And same here, I have done the obj 292 event and maybe that is why I feel like WT is worse in every way too. I had no enjoyment from the game last 4 stars which would never happen to me in the past with older WT.

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yeah the sp cost for cas is so low and after the changes to missile spaa the strela is somehow the best spass in game so you cant fight back unless you are on russia


Same, if I would enjoy them, I could see myself buying prem. account.

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ive posted this a few times but its to demonstrate what i mean by open maps THIS would be worth spending in the game for its both fun and a experience no other game currently can or does provide

custom battles has the maps right (the big ones) but you cant progress in them rn im just grinding my merkava line up to go back to custom mode for their big maps


True its not like the sound team can just go make new tanks or balance the game. This is a theory I think they fight against rewarding and encouraging longer matches at top tier as it would hurt the prem players that only have one spawn better if they get to either spawn camp in there 1 tank or get killed once then get to leave. As for the events with how grindy and unforgiving they are it doesn’t feel like you are playing for fun and earning and unique tank or plane while your at it, but a full time job that if you cant show up for a day they’ll fire you.

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Brother, the economy, considerable amount of new vehicles, entire new tech trees, gaijin is making roadmaps now, and the severe damage mechanic for air battles is being tested rn. I think there have been strides of improvements since 2015.


There have been strides, but I wouldn’t say there has been a HUGE improvement.
As there have been many NEGATIVE things added, that have not been taken back.

Such as the bonus for win/loss which was a net negative gain. Or the effective removal of points for taking damage (you now get almost nothing) and LOS. There was also a % decrease to RP gain applied 2 years ago at the same time the win/loss bonus was adjusted.

Stagnation itself is also a negative thing - and the ARB and GRB gamemodes are certainly showing their age. Another negative thing that wasn’t so prevalent before is the abundance of copy-paste.

The Finnish sub-tree? Almost entirely copy-pasted, and at the time it was added - the ONLY vehicle Finland ever domestically produced (Patria chassis) wasn’t added with it. Even now, all we’ve gotten is an event vehicle. The Finnish sub-tree still doesn’t have a single domestic Finnish design (the BT-42 doesn’t count).

The Israeli tree is almost entirely copy-paste. The Chinese tree is still missing 90% of its domestic vehicles and its current top tier SPAA is 100% Russian despite China having many domestic top tier SPAA available that could have been added instead of the TOR.

Basically - recent vehicle additions have been very, very lazy. And they also destroy diversity, as more and more trees have copies of the same vehicle. Especially at the higher tiers.

I CANNOT discount the hugely positive economy changes and their roadmap they fulfilled - but even that was prompted by a severe review bombing and backlash from the players that forced Gaijin into action.

So, as I said in the post that you replied to - War Thunder HAS gotten better. And it is continually getting better. But we shouldn’t forget the many negatives, lest they continue to repeat their mistakes ad infinitum.


I started about 3 years ago and at least for a long time BR stayed the same on the major stuff and the maps stayed the same so you could at least learn them. Now every hiding place and bit of cover is removed or strewn with rocks and the maps seem to change monthly so map knowledge is useless.