It could cause too big of a performance impact, I dont know. Still a good idea to test just in case.
And some of us play off a laptop that isnt a gaming laptop. I run this thing on a i3, and ULQ is the only reason I can really run the game.
I’d rather wait longer for a match and have a balanced game. I’m pretty sure a majority group would agree.
'Cept it wont be balanced. It really is fine as-is, and we shouldn’t gatekeep modes because of hardware.
No one is going to split the player base into those who can afford high-end hardware and those who have to play on weaker machines. I don’t know why you’re even discussing such a ridiculous idea.
I hope they can make DLSS viable at all because it looks really bad thats what I want taken care of
War Thunder looks amazing currently. It doesn’t need more.
Fun fact: not everyone has thousands of dollars lying around for a top end gaming PC. War Thunder is designed to be available to as many as possible. That’s why it’s so well optimized.
That too. War Thunder looks amazing. Is it the best-looking game out there? Of course not. But it also doesn’t need to be. War Thunder looks incredible.
They are upgrading the graphic version like every 3 or 4 years, and its more than possible that they are currently working on Dagor Engine 7.0.
Just give it time, wait another year or two and you will get your new major graphics upgrade…
(But its not like the game really needs it tbh)
I can never say that i dont like a good engine upgrade, These are my favorite types of DevBlogs…
Cant wait for the next ones
Yes but draw distance and vehicles popping in and out. i know it’s tied to crew skill levels etc, but to me i feel its an excuse, all vehicles should be rendered even when behind cover (for example) when they just automatically pop in front of you while in gunner sight, its just immersion breaking.
I don’t know what game you’re playing, but War Thunder on cinematic is one of the most beautiful games and I still turn off my UI and take pictures from time to time…
I have everything maxed out, and i’m at a disadvantage, due to people playing on ULQ, i fully understand Gaijins reasons to do this and have the game accessible to all types of players.
I’m also fine with this as i choose to keep my Graphics turned up to max as i like seeing everything as it should be, i also agree that people who have machines that also can run the game as it should be, should have a choice, but running the game at ULQ when you have a top end PC with a 4090 is lame lol
I agree its beautiful, but its a 12 year old Engine, with Spaghetti coding, i hope they continue to upgrade it and optimise it. (It looks Beautiful on my Samsung G9 Odyssey @ 5120 x 1440p, custom Settings Maxed out Sliders etc)
However imagine War Thunder on the NEW Unreal Engine 5.
I’m not dissing the developer at all, but when new technology comes out, its going to have HUGE improvements over technology from sub 2012
Depends on your income and day expenses,…
Again some people can’t afford a new PC when they struggle to even pay their bills every months,… let alones Taxes.
(I have friends with such problems)
And this happens within Europe, so tell how people from poor countries can keep your standard?
Yes, it took me about 4 years to save up, but i did it.
If you want it that much you will find a way
You’re correct Stona, but you’re also screaming into the void. People won’t listen.
do Europeans actually call stores shops?
well said