The Fokker G.IA has Completely Ruined Low Tier

I’m utterly perplexed by the decision to make this (fantasy) plane 2.3. It should be a minimum of 3.3, if not 3.7. As it is now, the leader boards are all so totally dominated by its overpowered performance that it’s quickly become unplayable at anything within close to its BR. Hope this gets rectified stat.

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It’s slow as a snail and also has poor climb rate.
It has very good firepower and can turn pretty well for a heavy fighter but that’s it.

If you are aware of it’s weaknesses, almost any plane is going to win against it.

If you get killed then because:

  • You went head-on against 213 bullets per second of 7.92mm AP
  • You turned horizontal instead of vertical
  • You didn’t enter the fight with an energy advantage, that you can always have since it has both poor speed and climb

You have to also consider that because it’s a new plane it’ll be getting played a lot, especially by experienced players. Once they spade it or simply get the next plane in the line they’ll move on.

Things are always crazy when a new low tier plane is available. In this case it’s also in a line down to some of the cool high tier planes.


three-point-seven lol

Gaming communities and overreaction, a classic combo.

As mentioned, it’s fine. It’s a very cool and incredibly fun plane, but really isn’t overpowered. It being a shiny new toy in a new line in the tree will naturally attract a lot of people, many of them experienced.

It should probably stay 2.3, could maybe move to 2.7, but absolutely does not belong at 3.0.

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Literally the j21 and j22 situation except they went up in br lol. Though 13.2mm slap, Fokker just has a million 7.62 lol, its definitely not that op for its br with that flight model though.

Doesn’t matter about the smaller round - what matters is the massive amount of lead it spews per second, all 4,000 rounds focused in that nose-mounted death beam. You can spray and pray for 5 second-long bursts, shredding whatever is in sight. And the thing handles like an A6M Zero - way, way too maneuverable for its twin boom striker craft frame - even though it’s got wings as large as clipper sails - which, incidentally, prove remarkably invulnerable given that they posses no fuel storage.

The flight model itself is absolutely broken - it’s ridiculous and completely unrealistic, keeping in mind this is effectively a made up plane in its game incarnation. And yeah, maybe 3.7 would be excessive, but its current 2.3 is even more bonkers. The leader boards don’t lie. It’s been absolutely dominating every match in a way that can’t be explained by veteran players alone.

They got it right the first time with Potez being the proper balance for this BR, while Fokker is tantamount to a recovered UAP.

What is fictional about it in game? I really don’t know.

Todays patch changed the amount you can pull and now it turns just like your average heavy fighter.
I tested it in the morning and was able to pull 7-10 Gs, which isn’t possible anymore.

Which means you have no chance of winning any fight against a fighter anymore, unless in a head-on.


Nooooooo :'(